Coffee review

Open a coffee shop (3)

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Open a coffee shop (3) OK, now that we have a good cup of coffee, what are we going to do next? We think we should confirm our sexuality! Don't talk about it, it's not sexual orientation. We need to make sure that we can make coffee for others, especially strangers! We understand that we are not willing to "serve" others! This

Open a coffee shop (3)

Well, now that we have a good cup of coffee, what are we going to do next? We think we should confirm our sexuality! Don't talk about it, it's not sexual orientation. We need to make sure that we can make coffee for others, especially strangers! We understand that we are not willing to "serve" others! That's an awkward sentence, isn't it? But that's the real problem. Many people who run coffee shops and those who work in coffee shops do not understand that they are engaged in service, or that they do not expect or think that they are in the service industry, so that they are easy to be locked up and unwilling to work, and it is easy to write about their happiness and anger, so that it is easy to regard the boss and customers as the right party! This kind of state of mind can easily be seen in the young people of modern times.

I do not agree with the saying that "customers are always right". When we open a shop to do business, we still have to have our customers. If we are not our customers, we will not welcome them. But if I always follow my own preferences, think about what your work environment will be like. Your parents may tolerate you, your classmates may know that your sex will avoid you, and your colleagues will make you feel better. But what will it think of your food and clothing parents, those who want you to provide services? If it were me, I would choose not to go to the door again in the future. Is that the same with you? You meet a person who can't provide proper service. Do you wish you wouldn't meet him again?

Unfortunately, most of the time we want others to provide perfect service, but when we provide service, we often think that our guests ask too much! Isn't that right? What I said should be blamed.

Why did this happen? Because we don't know what we provide is service! We don't know that we need to serve others! We make coffee for our own interests and preferences, not for others; we can make a good cup of coffee for our friends, but it's friendship, not service.

I have never thought of serving "others"!

So we can only get a meagre salary, and more often we don't get a basic salary!

A friend of mine was looking for a job a few weeks ago. he saw the application of a coffee equipment company and came to see if my company was all right. Could he apply for it? I said: why do you want to buy that company? Why don't you have coffee? can you make it? Do you work for the customer or for the company? Do you provide services for customers or the company? If you serve the company, then your boss will adjust your salary according to your performance, the company's profit and his mood. The salary you get from the company is your salary. If you serve a customer, then you get a return from a customer, who may always follow you, because if a customer is willing to pursue you, you will have the opportunity to pursue a career, and you will have the opportunity to establish a business. If you serve customers, come to think of it, your boss provides you with a ready-made guest list, gives you a ready-made area, pays you constantly, and finally has to pay you a salary. Where can you find such a good job at the end of the day?

We often think that our company is so desperate, why can't the company take care of us and treat us in every way? If you have this idea, I will tell you again: "do you work for customers or for the company?", do you "provide services for customers or for the company?" if you think that you are working for the company and providing services for the company, I think there is no hope in your future! Why? Since there is only one person who pays your salary, you can only get a reward from one person, and how much can a person pay you? If you work for customer service, even if your boss leaves you, your customer will still pay you! If you have 10,000 customers, you will have 10,000 customers to pay you!

Do you want your boss to pay you? Or do customers pay you?

Let's think about it: why do Dan and Wu have such a high income? Why are so many companies willing to spend a lot of money on them? Is it because they have a lot of customers? Will you tell me that Dan's 14-generation sneakers are wearing Dan's shoes? If Tang Dan is not the god of the ball, what are you doing with his sneakers? Let's take a look at those movie stars again. When it's time to visit, we are willing to do everything. Once the holiday is over, what is the difference between this restriction and that requirement?. It's just that there is no customer support, isn't it? Let's take a look at the high-income relatives I got. Isn't it because they are willing to pay high salaries? Are there a lot of customers in his big guest? I thank you, if your current income is very high, where does your high income come from? In the final analysis, if there are not so many customers supporting your income, how can you get a high income?

Today, we are out of the society and start to work. We must find out about this matter. Do you serve the old lady or the customer? If you still think that you are serving the boss, I can only silently wish your boss no problems, lest he can not pay your salary, and reassure that your future will be very limited, very limited, not only limited but also often have to bend for five buckets of rice!

Read your thoughts; there is only one boss and there are no number of customers. Think of countless customers as your boss. Let every boss be willing to pay your salary. We think that our salaries are unlimited because of the unlimited service of our customers.

Finally, I would like to return to the main topic: what do you want to serve an unlimited number of bosses? Can you bring out the poop?

If you screw up, your countless customers will run away!

So we are trembling, like walking on thin ice.