Coffee review

Enjoy delicious coffee at home

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, There are N reasons why you like cafes. Because of the quiet music coming out there, because of the comfortable chair waiting for me forever, because of the exquisite porcelain cup, because the barista devoted himself to making coffee, because of the sweet smile of the girl who delivered the coffee, everyone has his own reason to like the coffee shop, and the love of coffee must be the reason for everyone to fall in love with the coffee shop.

There are N reasons why you like cafes.

Because of the quiet music coming out there, because of the comfortable chair waiting for me forever, because of the exquisite porcelain cup, because the barista devoted himself to making coffee, because of the sweet smile of the girl who delivered the coffee. Everyone has their own reasons for liking cafes, and "liking coffee" must be one of the reasons why everyone loves cafes. From the instant aroma of coffee milled to the warmth of a cup of coffee in front of us, the mellow taste of the entrance can always bring countless inspirations, and the lingering aftertaste makes us feel so good on our way home. Whether you are new to coffee or coffee glutton, once you fall in love with a coffee shop, you will fall in love with coffee sooner or later. On the other hand, people who fall in love with coffee can not be satisfied with the one or two cups of coffee in the cafe every day, when coffee is on call, so people who like coffee, outside the coffee shop, the best way to still enjoy the delicious coffee is DIY-- himself, coffee!

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Don't think that making coffee is a "technical job" that only professional baristas can operate-of course, making coffee in a coffee shop is demanding, while making coffee at home, as long as you have the mood to enjoy coffee and enjoy life. The raw materials for the utensils are also quite simple, as long as there are coffee beans, coffee grinding and making tools.


Coffee beans-remember to buy freshly roasted raw beans and pack them tightly. Because the aroma and flavor of coffee is the best in a week or so, after two weeks, the aroma is lost and becomes insipid.

Coffee mill. If you operate at home, you can choose a small hand bean grinder, the price ranges from 100 to a few hundred yuan, impatient friends can choose electric bean grinder, faster.

Coffee making tools. This is more selective. Like simple, self-taught is the pressure pot, which is often used by the family as a tea maker tool, is the easiest to operate. Siphon pot-just like doing an experiment, it's fun! Hand bubble-easy to learn but is a "kung fu work", can most relax the mood, hone the mind, and done can also feel the purest taste of coffee. There are also mocha pots, Belgian pots, ice drip pots, and more intelligent automatic coffee machines are also being improved, which provide a wide range of space for friends who love DIY.


However, after all, everything is difficult at the beginning, and many guests also report to us that they are unable to start after buying utensils, so we will share the methods and techniques of coffee DIY with you in the next section, so that more friends who like coffee can easily DIY at home and enjoy the delicious coffee made by themselves.

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