Coffee review

Which is more caffeinated, white coffee or black coffee? How about three-in-one white coffee in the old street?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information Please pay attention to coffee workshops (Wechat official account cafe_style) nowadays office workers generally have a tendency to become addicted to coffee. After a day without coffee, they feel that something is wrong and lack of motivation at work, but too much caffeine can also produce side effects such as palpitations, insomnia and headaches, making many people love and hate coffee. Can't give up the coffee.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Nowadays, office workers generally have a tendency to be addicted to coffee. after a day without coffee, they feel that something is wrong and lack of motivation at work, but excessive caffeine intake can also produce side effects such as palpitations, insomnia and headaches, making many people love and hate coffee. When they can't give up the smell of coffee, some people give up black coffee and drink "white coffee" with less caffeine in order to heal their hearts. But is white coffee really better? The dietitian has something to say!

Who has low caffeine? Depends on bean seed and baking time.

Some people say that light-flavored white coffee contains less caffeine and is less likely to hurt you than black coffee, but this is not necessarily true! Cheng Mingwei, a nutritionist, said that there are a wide variety of coffee beans in the world. At present, Arabica and Robusta are widely planted and have commercial value. When making white coffee, farmers mainly choose Arabica coffee beans, which account for only 0.9% to 1.4% of raw beans, while non-caffeine accounts for 2% to 3% of raw beans. Therefore, the argument that white coffee contains less caffeine can be established.

However, some people hold the opposite view, advocating that "deeply roasted coffee beans contain less caffeine." Cheng Mingwei dietitian explained that as far as the production process is concerned, the boiling point of caffeine is 178℃ and the melting point is 235m. the temperature range when baking coffee covers the boiling point of 178℃, but it is not easy to reach the melting point, so the longer the coffee is roasted, the less caffeine will volatilize, but at this time the weight of coffee beans will also become lighter with the reduction of caffeine. if you take the same weight of deep roasted beans and shallow roasted beans to make coffee. There won't be much difference in the amount of caffeine you drink.

In short, which is more caffeinated, black coffee or white coffee? It mainly depends on what kind of coffee beans are used and whether the two cups of coffee are equal in quantity. If you all use the same variety, there should be no significant difference in caffeine content between black and white coffee.

There are many health ingredients in coffee! Still stick to the drinking limit.

Black coffee, white coffee, as long as it is healthy is good coffee!? According to a review of the literature on coffee published in the journal Food & Function in 2014, the ingredients in coffee, such as chlorogenic acid, melanoid, trigonelline, caffeine and caffeinol, have been proved to have beneficial effects such as antioxidation, antioxidant stress, hypoglycemia, anti-glycosylation and prevention of tooth decay in vitro.

However, nutritionist Cheng Mingwei believes that people do not have to blindly follow the research results and infinitely magnify the advantages of coffee, because the results of in vitro trials do not mean that the same effect exists in the human body. it is recommended to refer to the recommendations of the "EU Food Science expert Committee" and the current dietary guidelines of the Ministry of Health and Welfare to limit daily caffeine intake to less than 300 milligrams, so as not to affect health by drinking too much.

In addition, no matter how attractive the aroma of coffee is, it is not suitable for everyone to drink coffee. If you suffer from gastrointestinal diseases, ulcers, intestinal mania or esophageal reflux, it is not recommended to drink caffeine-rich drinks such as coffee and tea to reduce the stimulation of digestive organs.