Coffee review

How much does it cost to invest in a coffee shop to join a coffee shop and how to run a coffee shop to start a business?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) first of all, whether or not the coffee shop joining mentality must be correct many people to open a coffee shop as a business ideal goal, but if you just rent a store want to join, want to sit in the store passively waiting for customers to come to spend, it is not that I want to pour cold water on you, after the opening of business you will

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

First of all, whether the cafe joins the club or not, the mentality must be correct.

Many people regard opening a coffee shop as an ideal goal of starting a business, but if you just rent a store and want to join, you want to sit in the store and passively wait for customers to come and spend money. I don't want to throw cold water on you. After the opening, you will find that your manager is tied up in the store every day, making coffee and baking beans, as well as being a cleaner and plumber, working at least 12 hours a day. If you are not doing a job that you are very interested in, it will be very difficult for you to survive for a long time, and soon you will close or give up the shop. The coffee machine originally bought at a high price of more than 200,000 yuan can only be sold at a second-hand price of tens of thousands of yuan.

My girlfriend is a case of a failed business. My girlfriend likes to drink coffee. Before opening a shop, she studied the types of coffee but did not know anything about the operation of the shop. When she wanted to start a business to make money, she quit her job and excitedly joined a coffee shop. But then she closed the shop in less than five months.

Coffee shop joining has advantages and disadvantages.


1 joining can give shopkeepers a ride on the brand because the franchisee itself is well-known.

2 joining can make a novice get started quickly.

3 joining does not need to spend too much time to prepare money-making equipment on a large scale


1 to join, but there is a higher cost.

2 if you inadvertently choose a franchisee (due to contractual restrictions), the problem will be more troublesome in the future

3 if there is no freedom after joining, it must not be like that. For example, I want to use other higher-end coffee beans and want to increase the operating price, but as a result, they all say no.

In addition, I realize that the technology of making coffee is not very difficult, but if you want to be a store manager, in this competitive era of selling coffee shops everywhere, you must really invest in order to create the style and characteristics of your own store. Although it is to join and copy and start a business, but it will still create different storefront style features because of your attitude, management and the way you interact with customers.

The basic knowledge of opening a coffee shop (shop)

It is not difficult to open a coffee shop as long as you have the money, but how to make money to support it is a great knowledge. generally speaking, if you do not have the management experience of a coffee shop, you are advised to join and start a business, the success rate of opening a coffee shop will be relatively high. don't easily try to give way or open a new coffee shop, because investing in a coffee shop is not simply looking for coffee shop equipment and suppliers. Only coffee shops with real strength and characteristics can attract popularity and create popularity.

So whether you are joining Tinglang or opening a new coffee shop, you must ask yourself if you are ready to open a coffee shop before you open it.

First: the location of the store is the most important, so do you have the experience of choosing a location, or the ability to evaluate whether the store is suitable?

Second: if there is no characteristics and differentiation, it will soon be overwhelmed by the market, so you have decided the characteristics or positioning of your own coffee shop?

Third: you need professional skills to make word of mouth, so do you have the ability of a bar player (cooked coffee machine, individual coffee, tea, light food)?

Fourth: how to attract customers to the store, how to retain customers? Do you have the ability to draw up a marketing plan? What are the promotional programs? How do you promote and implement it?

Fifth: the amount of funds is related to the size and decoration of your store. Are your start-up funds and working capital ready?

The following coffee shops should know the practical knowledge and key points of operation.

Dream of opening a coffee shop! The coffee master tells you the process of the success of the exhibition store.

Opening a coffee shop seems to be the dream of many people to open a coffee shop, but the reality is that it is not easy to start a coffee business. If you join coffee, the cost will go up (depending on brand awareness). You don't have to be a coffee expert like me to open a coffee shop or join a coffee shop, but if you're not interested in coffee. So far, I have not met anyone in this industry who has heard of successful exhibition stores for more than three years, so they think that people who are not interested in coffee cannot create a high-quality or distinctive consumption experience, and the chances of success are very low. I advise you to give up the idea of opening your own coffee shop, maybe it will be more hopeful to join the coffee business.

If you are really interested in coffee, you have to do a good job in coffee business direction (positioning), exhibition store market research and evaluation, shop location evaluation (business circle evaluation) and financial analysis before opening. Only then can you move forward on the road to the success of the exhibition store in a more pragmatic way.

When doing financial analysis, do not think that opening a coffee shop is cash income, do not prepare adequate (personnel costs, rent, utilities, goods raw materials account for more than 1% of turnover) emergency provision of working capital (cash flow should be at least 6 months of fixed expenditure expenses), if you find that cash cannot make ends meet after opening a shop, use loans to make up for it. This approach will often only put more and more financial pressure on you, making you powerless and unable to concentrate on operation and management.

Coffee business direction (positioning), such as low-priced take-out coffee-based business model, low-priced coffee market because of convenience stores, fast food restaurants and breakfast restaurants to eat, to take low-priced take-out coffee as the main commodity to promote, there is not much room for profit, on the contrary, if it is mainly for domestic use and supplemented by take-out, and then combined with coffee shops combined with tea, snacks or light food services In this way, the business direction (positioning) of the market is more able to win over a specific group of customers who pay attention to the characteristics and service quality of coffee, although competitors such as Dante, Yick, Starbucks and 85C are all experts in the industry. and relatively also need to invest more capital and technical capabilities, but if you can create a quality or unique consumer experience, you may have a better chance of success.

If you can simulate and calculate the income and expenditure after opening a store before opening a store, through market research and evaluation, observing the number of customers and product prices of similar positioning coffee shops nearby, you can initially estimate how much business you can do and how much revenue you can do each month.

As for the most important coffee shop location evaluation (business circle evaluation), the coffee shop opened in the downtown area of the metropolis can choose the type of coffee store that does not serve meals because of its consumption habits, and the store business should be adjusted appropriately with the peak consumption period to reduce operating costs.

If the coffee shop is opened in the metropolitan office area, because of the consumption habits, the shop owner should provide double-selling meals or light food services, and the store's business schedule can be adjusted according to office workers, so as to reduce business costs. If the coffee shop is opened in the suburbs, the shop owner should provide more diversified consumption services because of the consumption habit, and because there are few customers on weekdays, the consumption is concentrated on holidays, so the shop can be closed on Monday. The above three different business circles, their business patterns and business models will be different, and join the chain to emphasize the consistency of its management, so it is easy to copy the successful experience. Therefore, it is recommended to join the location to choose similar to the main store or business to join the branch store of the business area environment and geographical conditions, the future operation will have a replication effect.

To open a coffee shop, you should know the practical knowledge and key points of operation:

Current situation, trend and operation tips of coffee shops

At present, in all industries, the shop with low technology and good atmosphere should be a coffee shop, but its disadvantage is that the amount of investment is quite high because of the high decoration cost and the long payback period, which ranks among the top several in all industries. Take a chain coffee shop as an example, personnel expenses account for about 25% of turnover, utilities account for about 5%, and rent accounts for 20-25% of turnover. If the monthly turnover is about 800000 yuan, after deducting all costs and expenses, there is still a profit of more than 200000 yuan, but the payback period is more than two years. The payback period of each store still depends on its original investment cost, turnover, store rent and personnel management expenses.

Coffee shops have sparkled in Taiwan's chain market in recent years. Some established personality cafes such as Oulei and Old Tree, local chain brands such as Yick, Dante, Brown, and IS Coffee have appeared on the street one after another, and major international brands such as Starbucks, CoffeeBean, Java, and so on have also appeared on the stage one after another. There are more and more compound cafes, and even mobile coffee bars that are popular abroad are beginning to appear.

Forrest Gump Entrepreneurship Network believes that under the promotion and promotion of many well-known brands, the coffee market will continue to expand, but as more and more investors will become a highly competitive situation, investment risk will increase, and professional operation will be relatively more important. as a result, the chain system will be Evergrande, personalized coffee shops or coffee stores should adopt a unique style of management and think about how to create goods to maximize the added value. In order to compete with joining chain stores.

To open a coffee shop, you should know the practical knowledge and key points of operation:

Coffee market is in an invincible position

In a chain coffee shop (restaurant), for example, personnel costs account for about 25% of turnover, utilities account for about 5%, and rent accounts for 20-25% of turnover. If the monthly turnover is about 800000 yuan, after deducting all costs and expenses, there is still a profit of more than 200000 yuan, but the payback period is more than two years. The payback period of each store still depends on its original investment cost, turnover, store rent and personnel management expenses. As the main customers are 20-40-year-old female customers of office workers, of which more than 60% are female customers, coffee operators should maintain a relaxed and elegant atmosphere in the store at any time in order to improve the retention rate.

Nowadays, coffee shops (shops) operate a wide range of products, including all kinds of hot and cold drinks, Chinese and western dim sum, coffee noodles and coffee products. And other products have reached more than 100 kinds. It is not easy to pay for a restaurant by selling coffee alone. The combination of dim sum and simple meals should be strengthened to increase customer consumption.

Internal seating arrangements apply heart-to-heart observation and understanding of customer needs, in order to increase the use of turf efficiency, more than 30 ping storefront seats can increase performance. At present, in all industries, the shop that many people want to open most because of low technology and good atmosphere should be coffee shops (cafes), but its disadvantage is that the amount of investment is quite high because of the high decoration costs and long payback period. are among the top in all industries. Take a chain coffee shop (restaurant) as an example, personnel expenses account for about 25% of turnover, utilities account for about 5%, and rent accounts for 20-25% of turnover. If the monthly turnover is about 800000 yuan, after deducting all costs and expenses, there is still a profit of more than 200000 yuan, but the payback period is more than two years. The payback period of each store still depends on its original investment cost, turnover, store rent and personnel management expenses.

Coffee operators should pay attention to the problem of inventory and purchase raw materials or surrounding products on the principle of running out in a short period of time.

When selling coffee beans to customers, you should ask the customer about the possible use date and do not sell poor quality coffee beans to customers, so as to enhance customers' confidence in the products and trust in your store.

Coffee shops (shops) should make a proper distinction between smoking areas and no-smoking areas, and coffee shops (shops) pay great attention to cleanliness and hygiene management, so the appearance and appearance of the service staff must be clean and clean, and any dirt in the shop should be dealt with immediately. Timely holding of various activities will help to stabilize customers and attract new customers to come to the store to spend.

Coffee operators should have a professional understanding of coffee. The content of staff education and training should include the basic knowledge of coffee and related products and brewing skills, the operation process of store management, the implementation of practical practice, the filling of employee reports and basic etiquette, etc.

Forrest Gump Entrepreneurship Network suggests that coffee shop operators should always think about developing different coffee formulations, cooking techniques, and improving service quality and developing new peripheral products to add performance. what is more important is how to create goods to maximize the added value and transform into a coffee shop with a special and unique style in order to remain invincible in the coffee market in the future.

In the case of franchisees, they should fully cooperate with the measures of the headquarters in order to achieve consistency and standardization of all chain stores.

To open a coffee shop, you should know the practical knowledge and key points of operation:

To open a coffee shop, measures should be taken according to local conditions.

To open a coffee shop, entrepreneurs must not only have professional coffee knowledge, services and characteristics, but also understand the differences between local consumers' favorite coffee shops, so that the situation of not being popular will not happen, and only in this way can they grasp the consumption trend and formulate the correct business policy--

At present, coffee shops are well opened, and there are different popular modes of operation in the north, central and south of Taiwan:

The good coffee shops opened in the Greater Taipei area have a common feature, almost all of them are operated by joining chain stores.

Coffee shops open well in the central region, with a common feature, tea and coffee with characteristics and wide and comfortable coffee shop space.

In the south, complex and diversified coffee shops are more popular with consumers.

Evaluation and analysis of coffee shop location

In the exhibition area, people in Taipei and Taichung have a high level of consumption and high acceptance of coffee shops, but Kaohsiung has a low cost of rent and personnel management, which also has great potential for market development.

On the location of the coffee shop, the higher the degree of urbanization, the higher the rate of crowd flow, and the place where people gather is the best condition, so the office circle or near the MRT station is a good place, in addition, the newly formed shopping mall is also a good place. Forrest Gump suggested that when signing a contract, we should pay attention to the various possibilities during the contract period and when renewing the contract, because the coffee shop must be prepared for long-term operation.

Small-sized coffee bars with two to five ping spaces should be located in crowded places such as department stores, recreation areas, office areas, stations, shopping streets, food streets, and so on.

In addition, the non-franchise coffee shop chain is mainly based on its unique style, so when choosing a location, it is necessary to choose a place where people of similar ethnic groups often gather.

To open a coffee shop, you should know the practical knowledge and key points of operation:

Talking about the entrepreneurial experience of Dinglang Coffee Shop

Top let coffee shop entrepreneurship is a shortcut, because top let shop entrepreneurs have been completed for you from scratch, but also can save shop expenses and greatly reduce the preparation period before opening shop, as long as the investment at most a little decoration decoration, can be a ready-made coffee shop owner, so attract many people to open a shop entrepreneurs compete to invest, but wait to take over the formal operation of coffee shop only to find that there is a significant gap between profits and expectations, losses and even debt.

In practice, the store owner can only see that there are many customers coming in and out every day, and the financial statements submitted by the store owner are not enough to fully explain the revenue status of the store, especially the coffee shop that takes the cheap route. There are many customers coming in and out every day. The business seems to be quite hot, and the location of the store is also good. In fact, the rent is too high. The money earned is given to the landlord. If you want to make a profit, you may have to work hard to raise customers and wait for a period of time. Before signing the contract, we should observe the consumption survey for many times at different times to evaluate the operation effect of this coffee shop. Besides, we must confirm with the landlord whether the store rent, lease term and lease conditions continue, and whether the landlord will increase or even stop the tenant's business when the lease expires. These must be understood in advance. After understanding the lease conditions, compare the nearby lease market, and grasp the future rent and rent adjustment situation. Otherwise, even if you accept the price at an ultra-low price, After a year or two, the rent will rise sharply or the store will no longer be rented for business. At that time, you may have to close the store or leave before you return to your original position. In order to stop losses and reduce losses, you have to reluctantly give up the top of the store to others. It is also very uneconomical. There are now many shopping centers, mass stores, bookstores, department stores or government, industrial and commercial enterprises office buildings will seek coffee operators near, there are many coffee operators optimistic about these places with their own crowd flow business opportunities, so actively hope to seize these places to set up business.

Coffee shop coffee shop should know practical knowledge and business priorities:

Coffee shop business example

Before I opened a coffee shop, I felt that opening a coffee shop was a very simple matter. After I started my business, I found that opening a coffee shop was so difficult and complicated, such as business strategy positioning, coffee shop cost analysis, store location evaluation and analysis, coffee shop business circle evaluation and analysis, coffee shop management skills, etc., which all require time and manpower to carefully select and think, but this is just opening a coffee shop from scratch. from equipment placement to proper preparation by hand before the opening ceremony.

If you think that the coffee sold in a coffee shop, just throw coffee beans into the coffee machine, a cup of coffee that can sell dozens of dollars can be completed, then you are wrong, definitely no one is willing to go to consumption, basically to boil a cup of coffee on the surface, to be familiar with the coffee machine performance, operation and control skills, but also to do a good job in selecting coffee beans, mixing technology, water quality and temperature control, only to have the ability to boil a cup of coffee on the surface.

Coffee shops that can survive profitably on the market, each coffee shop has its own advantages in decoration taste and management style, so it can compete with chain coffee shops for a long time without losing color. Therefore, we must first think of unique creative points and market positioning, and then find out the style and characteristics of the store according to the preferences of coffee consumers that creative points and market positioning may attract. Basically, the coffee shop decoration taste and style you open must not be inferior to 85 degrees C. If it is below 85 degrees C, then you (brand, location, coffee, store decoration, marketing) are not as good as 85 degrees C, so you will be competitive enough to compete with your peers in the market.

Coffee shop coffee shop should know practical knowledge and business priorities:

Coffee shop coffee shop should know practical knowledge and business priorities:

Open a coffee shop should know business knowledge and practical experience: it is not difficult to open a coffee shop, but to make a profit, you must have some real kung fu

In recent years, according to official and association statistics, Taiwan's raw beans, cooked beans and coffee powder, the overall coffee market continues to grow in terms of import volume, coffee consumption population and coffee consumption are also growing year after year. The coffee market has a promising prospect. The capital and technical threshold for opening a coffee shop are not high. It is absolutely not difficult to open a coffee shop. A few million yuan of capital can open a chain coffee shop, and a few hundred thousand yuan of capital can also open a coffee shop. But it takes some real skill to keep going profitably.

However, after opening a shop, faced with the reality that money is required to open the door, many shopkeepers, especially female operators, who originally only wanted to run a romantic coffee specialty shop, usually had to consider changing from romantic coffee specialty shops to cake cabinets or simple meals in order to increase revenue and avoid losses. After operating for a while, they found that the acceptance of simple meals was not high and the profit increase was limited. Then they changed into instant coffee shops. Originally wanted to be very romantic very casual to open a coffee shop, to the end of the soup cup messy also romantic. Once interest becomes a burden, if you lose your enthusiasm and perseverance, without extraordinary endurance and physical strength, this coffee shop will not continue to operate. This is an important reason why less than 20% and 80% of coffee shops that have been operating for more than five years cannot be transferred or closed without changing the operator.