Coffee review

What are the common terms for coffee? Common communication terms?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more information about coffee beans Please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) A wealth of coffee terminology does not make coffee tastier, but it makes it easier for you to communicate with other coffee lovers. (it is recommended to share or collect this article and have time to understand it.) Coffee extraction has several important concepts that must be understood: extraction

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Knowing a lot of coffee terms doesn't make coffee tastier, but it makes it easier for you to communicate with other coffee lovers. (it is recommended to share or collect this article and have time to understand it.)

Several important concepts that must be understood in coffee extraction: the word extraction comes from Latin, which means to squeeze something out or to obtain an extract. In chemistry, extraction refers to the acquisition of valuable substances (flavors) from raw materials (coffee beans). There are many methods of extraction, the most common of which is to use hot water to extract flavor from coffee powder. Cooking is also often used to replace the word extract.

Excessive extraction: refers to the contact time between coffee powder and hot water is too long, or the ratio of coffee powder to water is too low. When using a drip filter coffee machine and brewing espresso, excessive extraction is due to fine grinding. When cooking by hand, the extraction time may be too long. Excessive water temperature can also lead to over-extraction. Excessive extraction will extract too many unwanted chemicals, such as caffeine, and make the coffee taste bitter and uneven.

Insufficient extraction: it means that the contact time between the coffee powder and hot water is too short to extract all the flavors from the coffee powder, which makes the coffee taste thin, bitter and uneven. Insufficient extraction may also be caused by coarse grinding or low water temperature. if the ratio of coffee powder to water is too high, you will get underextracted espresso, which not only lacks the characteristics of coffee, but also has a bitter taste.

Extraction time: refers to the time that coffee powder comes into contact with water, which is a very important variable for good coffee. Other nouns, such as brewing time or soaking time, also refer to extraction time.

Powder-to-water ratio: refers to the ratio of coffee powder to water. In order to achieve the best flavor balance, every gram of coffee powder and every milliliter of water are essential.

About coffee beans: * Coffee cherry: the fruit of a coffee tree, named because its rind is bright red and its shape is very similar to cherries.

* round beans: when the coffee fruit is growing, one of the two seeds develops very well, and the other seed is eaten so that the coffee bean that should be oval becomes round.

* Elephant beans: bigger than ordinary coffee beans and usually insipid in taste.

* Coffee belt (Coffee Zone): usually refers to the area between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Cancer, because this area is the most suitable for growing coffee.

* drying: the use of sunlight to separate the pulp of coffee from the seeds to obtain raw beans.

* washing: the use of water to separate the pulp of coffee from the seeds to obtain raw beans.

* semi-washing: the first half is sunburned and the second half is washed with water to separate the coffee pulp from the seeds to obtain raw beans.

* aged beans: preserve raw beans in good condition for several years to develop a deeper flavor.

* Fine Coffee: coffee, which is extremely carefully grown and collected, is one of the top products in the coffee industry, which is different from the coffee produced in large quantities. At present, there are boutique coffee associations (SCAA and SCAE) in the United States and Europe, which specialize in the promotion of boutique coffee.

* Arabica (Arabica): coffee variety, the only coffee variety with 44 chromosomes, is of good quality but not easy to take care of, and is currently the most important variety in the coffee market.

* Robusta: a variety of coffee with large output, easy to take care of but poor quality. It is mainly used to make instant coffee. Robusta is the main variety second only to Arabica on the market.

* Silver skin: a thin film on the surface of raw beans that usually falls off when baked.

* the first explosion: the bursting reaction of coffee beans during roasting when the temperature is 190? F / C / 200?

* the second explosion: during the roasting process of coffee beans, when the temperature is about 230 degrees Celsius, the burst sound is smaller and denser than the first explosion.

* exhaust reaction: the reaction in which coffee beans continue to emit carbon dioxide after baking.

* raise beans: do not drink coffee beans immediately after drying, store for a few days to complete the exhaust reaction, so that the flavor of coffee beans is fully ripe.

* defective beans: raw beans that have a broken, abnormal or moth-eaten appearance.

About coffee utensils: * Propeller bean grinder: a bean grinder whose knife shape is similar to that of a propeller.

* disk type bean grinder: a bean grinder whose knife is of flat plate type.

* Cone bean grinder: a bean grinder with a tapered knife.

* Bean storage tank: the space above the bean grinder to store coffee beans.

* Bean trough: the place at the bottom of the bean grinder to receive the ground coffee powder, and the bean trough for business use is usually the dispenser.

* dispenser: a tool for quantifying coffee powder, usually combined with the bean trough of a bean grinder.

* weight reduction board: the small parts attached to some mocha pots are mainly designed to allow users to put less coffee powder.

* pressure relief valve: the valve used to remove the pressure in the cartridge, which will be opened when the pressure reaches the set pressure.

* pressure valve: the valve designed for the accumulation pressure in the cartridge is constructed the same as the pressure relief valve, but with different functions.

* flannel: a material of flannel, which refers to the way flannel is used to filter coffee powder in Zichong coffee.

* Metal filter: in the filter type, the brewing method of coffee powder is filtered by using metal with very fine holes.

* Upper pot: the upper half of the plug kettle.

* Pot: the lower half of the stopper.

The term "Espresso" refers to brewing a cup of Espresso from a single portion of coffee beans (about 7g-9g).

The special term "Espresso" refers to the brewing of Espresso from coffee beans of double portions (about 14g-18g).

The term "Espresso" refers to brewing a cup of Espresso out of three times the amount of coffee beans (about 21g-27g).

* filter: the parts of the Espresso machine containing coffee powder will have different capacities according to different types.

* boil the head: where the Espresso machine comes out of the water.

* filter handle: in an Espresso machine, the handle of the filter is locked on the head of the filter when cooking.

* non-porous filter: filter handle with no outlet, used to clean the brewing head and internal pipe of Espresso coffee machine.

* pump: a device in an Espresso machine that pressurizes water.

* Filler (powder hammer): a tool for compacting coffee powder, preferably made of metal.

* Drum bean roaster: another name is drum bean dryer, whose baking chamber is barrel-shaped and can be rotated to stir coffee beans when roasting.

* Direct-fired bean roaster: a roaster that has no complete barrier between pyrogen and coffee beans and can directly heat and roast coffee beans.

* Air flow bean roaster: a bean roaster that uses hot air to bake coffee beans.

* semi-direct-fire bean dryer: a roaster with both air-flow and direct-fire heating.

Other * Cupping: a way to test the quality of coffee by basically placing ground fresh coffee beans in a cup, pouring them into hot water, soaking them, and then scooping them out with a small spoon without filtering.

* extraction: the necessary substance is dissolved through a liquid and precipitated.

* caffeine: chemical formula C8H10N402, the only nitrogen-containing plant base, refreshing, diuretic, relieving fatigue. Wait, wait, wait.

* Oxidation: substances react chemically with oxygen to form new compounds.

* Caramelization: the chemical reaction during coffee roasting. Mena reaction, also known as the chemical change produced at a high temperature, although there is the word "coke", but has nothing to do with the combustion phenomenon.

A way of using high-pressure hot water to make coffee.

* steaming: when using filter brewing coffee, first pour water into the coffee powder, and then suspend the water injection, so as to extract more coffee flavor by prolonging the contact time between the coffee powder and the water.

* Mocha: mocha may represent three meanings, namely, 1 coffee name, 2 some kind of coffee pot, 3 coffee seasoned with chocolate.

* Atmospheric pressure: the pressure exerted by air on an object on the ground plane. The atmospheric pressure of one square centimeter on the earth is one kilogram, also known as 1Bar.

A layer of milky substance floating on the surface of Espresso coffee is the essence of Espresso.

* pull flowers: when pouring foam in Espresso, lean on the wrist to shake to form a beautiful leaf pattern on the coffee.

Italian respect for professional coffee brewers.

The term "coffee flavor wheel" is a professional tool used to compare and evaluate the aroma, taste and taste of individual coffee. This article gives a detailed explanation of the terms mentioned in this flavor wheel, which is of great reference value.

(flavor): it is the overall impression of aroma, acidity and mellowness, which can be used to describe the overall feeling of a certain coffee. For example, this coffee has a unique flavor, or it has the flavor of white chocolate.

(acidity): it is the acidity common to all coffee that grows high. Strong taste. Unlike bitterness or sour, it has nothing to do with pH.

Body: the taste of brewed coffee after drinking. The change of mellowness can be divided into light, medium, high, fat, and even some Indonesian coffee is as thick as syrup. Other reference adjectives include bland-coffee grown in lowlands, which is usually light in taste; coffee with insufficient powder and too much water will have the same light effect.

(smell): the smell and aroma of brewed coffee. The adjectives used to describe smell () include caramel, carbon roasted, chocolate, fruit, grass, malt, rich, rich, spicy and so on. (see the picture above for details)

Soft: often used to describe the mild taste of low-acidity coffee.

(spice): a flavor or smell reminiscent of a particular spice. For example, Indonesian plateau coffee (especially old coffee) has a cardamom smell, while Guatemala Antigua coffee has a pepper-like spice, which can be described by this word.

Wild: describe coffee as having an extreme taste that reminds you of the vast grasslands of Africa.

(sweet): it is a commonly used adjective to describe coffee without sharp flavor.

(strong): in terms of popular usage, strong describes the strong flavor of deep-roasted coffee.

(Xin lie): similar to the sour taste of fermentation, it is almost like fruit in nature, and it has something to do with the taste of wine. Coffee grown in Costa Rica usually has a pungent flavor.

Winy (wine taste): describes a charming taste reminiscent of wine, while colleagues contain fruit-like acidity and lubricating mellowness. Kenyan coffee is the best example of wine flavor.

Sour (sour): this taste can only be produced on both sides of the tongue, which is characteristic of light roasted coffee.

(salty): after brewing, if the coffee is overheated, it will produce a salty taste.

(bitter): bitterness is a basic sense of taste, and it is also the usual taste of coffee. The bitterness of deep-roasted coffee is deliberately created, but if the coffee is particularly bitter, it may be caused by the excessive use of coffee powder.

(uniqueness): describes coffee with a unique aroma and special flavor, such as flowers, fruits and spices.

Mild (mild): indicates that some kind of coffee has a harmonious and delicate flavor. Latin American premium coffee, which grows on the plateau, is usually described as mild in texture. In addition, it is also a coffee term used to refer to all plateau coffee except those produced in Brazil.

(earthy aroma): it is often used to describe spicy coffee with an earthy smell. Sometimes people say it is a kind of earthy smell. But this adjective is not derogatory, dried coffee beans usually have this flavor, and it is precisely the special taste that many people pursue.

Aromatic alcohol: an adjective for coffee with low to medium acidity and good balance.

The term used in coffee cup testing (cup taste) when testing coffee, we need to distinguish whether the flavor, alcohol thickness, acidity and wet aroma are pleasant. Most tasters use the following criteria to judge coffee.

Acidity Acidity: acidity is an essential feature of coffee, which is the dry feeling of coffee at the edge of the tongue and the back of the palate. The effect of coffee acidity is similar to that of red wine, with a strong and exciting texture. Without enough acidity, coffee tends to be flat. Acidity is different from sour taste, which is an unpleasant and bad taste feature.

The wet aroma is difficult to separate from the flavor. If there is no sense of smell, our basic sense of taste is only sweet, sour, salty and bitter. The wet aroma enriches the flavor discrimination of soft spice. Some subtle and delicate differences, such as the characteristics of "floral" or "wine", come from the wet aroma of brewed coffee.

Alcohol thickness is the feeling of coffee in the mouth, that is, the stickiness, thickness and richness of coffee acting on the tongue. The difference between drinking whole milk and drinking water is a good example. Our perception of the alcohol thickness of coffee is related to the oil and solids extracted by coffee. The alcohol thickness of Indonesian coffee is significantly higher than that of South and Central American coffee. If you are not sure about the alcohol thickness difference of several types of coffee, try adding the same amount of milk to the coffee. Coffee with high alcohol thickness will retain more flavor when diluted with milk.

Flavor is the overall feeling of coffee in the mouth. Acidity, wet aroma and alcohol thickness are all components of flavor, and it is their balance and homogenization that produce our overall sense of flavor.

Here are some typical flavor features: richness-- thickness and richness; complexity-- feelings of multiple flavors; and balance-- all basic taste features are satisfactory, and no one taste masks the other.

Fresh, bright, dry, light or lively-(common in Central American coffee): caramel-like sugar or syrup; chocolate-similar to unsweetened chocolate or vanilla aftertaste; delicious-delicate flavor felt on the tip of the tongue (washed New Guinea Arabica beans); earthy-earthy aroma (typical Sumatran coffee) Fragrant-a fragrant trait, ranging from floral to spicy; fruity-an aromatic trait reminiscent of berries or oranges; sweet and mellow-round, smooth, lack of acidity; nutty-similar to the aftertaste of fried nuts; spicy-reminiscent of the flavor and aroma of various spices; sweet-unastringent Wild-a wild flavor that is generally not considered pleasant; common in Ethiopian coffee; alcoholic flavor-an aftertaste reminiscent of fully ripe wine (common in Kenyan and Yemeni coffee).

Undesirable flavor features: bitter-taste from the root of the tongue, mostly caused by overbaking; dull, non-irritating-neutral; charcoal-with charred carbon; inanimate-with "Flat"; miscellaneous-moldy, reminiscent of eating earth; earthy-with "miscellaneous"; insipid-sour, lack of dampness and aftertaste Grassy-reminiscent of freshly cut grass; rough-a caustic, scratched, rough quality; muddy-sticky but not strong; stiff-starch similar to texture, similar to boiled pasta water; rough-the feeling on the tongue, similar to eating salt Rubber taste-similar to the smell of burnt rubber (commonly found in dry processed robusta beans); soft-"boring, non-irritating"; sour-similar to the acidity of unripe fruit; thin-acidity, usually caused by inadequate extraction; turpentine-tastes like turpentine; water-lack of alcohol thickness and no stickiness in the mouth Rough-wild quality.