Coffee review

What happens when you drink hot coffee with ice? An interesting idea what are the benefits of drinking hot coffee?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information Please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) to wake you up. Many people drink coffee. Some Japanese experts believe that drinking hot coffee is faster than iced coffee. Domestic dietitians believe that it is mainly because hot drinks promote blood circulation, but they also emphasize that the same amount of caffeine does not matter whether it is cold or hot.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

To refresh yourself, many people drink coffee, and some Japanese experts believe that drinking hot coffee is faster than iced coffee. Domestic nutritionists believe that it is mainly because hot drinks promote blood circulation, but they also emphasize that the same amount of caffeine has the same effect, regardless of whether it is cold or hot.

▲ wants a quick pick-me-up, iced coffee or hot coffee?

Have a cup of iced coffee to get rid of fatigue, sleepiness, or a smoky, hot latte in the supermarket. Drink coffee refreshing, cold, hot in the end who is better? People: "Hot coffee, I drink will have a more calm feeling." People: "I think people who drink ice have a feeling that people will wake up."

Some Japanese experts believe that the effect of hot coffee is faster to boost the spirit, pointing out that the low temperature of iced coffee will affect the constriction of capillaries and delay caffeine absorption, and that the concentration of caffeine in iced coffee rises a little slower than hot coffee.

Drinking too much ▲ coffee may cause stomach ulcers.

Xia Ziwen, a dietitian at Xinguang Hospital: "under the same caffeine, in fact, its effect should be the same, but because of hot coffee, it may make some people think that the degree of blood circulation is better." so you may feel that the effect will be achieved faster. "

Hot drinks promote blood circulation, but in fact, the same amount of caffeine has the same awakening effect. However, doctors also remind that if you drink too much coffee, you will be afraid of diuresis and stomach ulcers, and if you rely too much on caffeine, you may be paralyzed, and the refreshing effect may be discounted.

It is recommended that each person's daily caffeine intake be controlled below 300 mg, that is, about 2 cups of super coffee, as for the cold or hot, in fact, the effect is the same.