Coffee review

Summer is coming, what on earth is the iced coffee on the market? If you make iced coffee?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please pay attention to the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) Summer is coming, what on earth is the iced coffee on the market? If you make iced coffee? There are many kinds of coffee pots. There are siphon pots, French presses, mocha pots, filter cup coffee pots and so on, but today I would like to introduce an unusual one, ice.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Summer is coming, what on earth is the iced coffee on the market? If you make iced coffee?

There are many kinds of coffee pots. There are siphon pots, French presses, mocha pots, filter cup coffee pots and so on, but today I would like to introduce an unusual one, ice drop coffee maker.

Ice drop coffee pot introduction:

Ice drop coffee originated in Europe and was first invented by the Dutch, also known as "Dutch coffee" (dutch coffee). Through the natural osmotic water pressure, adjust the speed of water droplets, slowly filter with cold water, extract at a low temperature of 5 degrees for ten hours or more, so that the original flavor of coffee reappears naturally. The advantage of ice drop coffee is that it is not sour and is not extracted by heating, which greatly reduces the content of caffeine in the coffee liquid and makes the coffee more beneficial to the health of drinkers.

Ice drop coffee maker is a minority product, the major online shopping malls are not common, but now it has developed to a variety, the design is more concise and modern than in the past, some of the use of acrylic material, more crystal clear.

Coffee maker series introduction part 1: ice drop coffee maker requires the use of ice drop coffee pot, the production of exquisite glass ice drop coffee pot crystal transparent, home to have such a coffee pot, equivalent to having an eye-catching work of art. I bought this ice drop kettle from Taobao, about the purchase link

You can search for keywords according to the Bingdi coffee pot, with prices ranging from 200 to 1000. This one has no trademark, only a few simple Japanese, suspected of export products. There is no obvious logo in packaging and kettle body, so there is no need to ask about the model, only recommend the product rather than the brand.

Coffee maker series introduction part 1: ice drop coffee pot series introduction part 1: ice drop coffee pot

Usage of ice drop coffee maker:

1: grind the coffee beans to the smallest degree and set aside. What I chose is

Introduction to coffee pot series 1: ice drop coffee pot

2: a filter cloth plug is laid at the bottom of the extraction tank in the middle of the curling kettle. in order to make the coffee liquid more pure, I will put an extra layer of pellet filter paper for the mocha kettle, and spread the ground coffee powder in the extraction tank.

3: pour pure water into the top storage kettle of the ice drop coffee pot and add a certain amount of ice. If an individual drinks one cup, the total amount of ice-water mixture is controlled at about 200 milliliters (according to his own consumption), make sure that the faucet switch at the lower end of the water storage tank is turned off before filling.

4: after adding pure water and ice, turn on the switch of the glass regulating valve and adjust the speed of dripping. First, let the water drop into the lower extraction tank at a rate of about two drops per second, and fully wet the coffee powder and filter paper.

5: after the coffee powder and filter paper in the extraction tank are infiltrated by water, adjust the switch under the water storage tank to the speed of dripping about 7 drops every 10 seconds, and begin uniform dripping extraction.

6: then you will see the coffee liquid dripping out gradually from the serpentine guide tube under the extraction tank, dripping into the bottom coffee pot, and a long process of making ice drop coffee will continue until the ice water mixture in the storage kettle drips through the extraction tank. and then dripping into the coffee pot.


The production process of ice drop coffee takes a long time, need to maintain a certain degree of endurance, must not pull out seedlings to encourage, speed up the dripping speed, resulting in inadequate extraction, the best way is to start extraction the night before, wake up the next morning, you can enjoy a cup of ready-made coffee.

You can choose to add ice in summer, spring and autumn and other seasons when the temperature is already very low, you can also choose to filter simply with cold water. In the case of high temperature, ice must be added to the water storage tank to avoid coffee rancidity caused by high temperature in the extraction process.

If you have a large family, you need to make more iced coffee at one time, you can put the coffee in an airtight container, put it in the fresh-keeping layer of the refrigerator and drink it in stages.

Make your own cup of coffee and enjoy doing it.