Coffee review

The difference between the seven kinds of hand filter cups that must be played by hand players introduces how to flush the kono filter cup classic?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information Please pay attention to the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) the following seven types of filter cups are in line with the editor's mind: easy to use, playable, distinctive, three filter cups require 1.HARIO V60: fast-flow aroma king cone filter cup classic, high market share among hand players all over the world because of its density

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

The following seven types of filter cups are in line with the editor's mind:

Easy to use, playable, distinctive, three filter cup requirements

1.HARIO V60: the king of aroma with fast flow rate

The classic cone filter cup has a high market share among hand players all over the world.

Because of its dense long groove design, the air in the coffee powder can be discharged in large quantities.

Speed up the flow rate of the filter cup and extract the distinct fragrant and sour flavor.

And the spiral groove distribution increases the contact path between coffee powder and water.

It can still ensure a sufficient amount of flavor at ultra-fast flow rate.

People who love obvious aroma & sour fruit must play.

The editor suggests:

But the editor suggests that beginners do not have to start playing with V60 because of its super fast flow rate.

The requirement for water injection is relatively high, otherwise it is easy to lack flavor or produce too much bitterness.

Among the seven types, it is recommended to be used as the second filter cup, which can be played more confidently with the foundation.

two。 Sanyo trapezoid / kalita Sauce: a new well-designed trapezoidal filter cup

Compared with the trapezoidal filter cup with relatively slow flow rate

The groove design of Sanyo trapezoid & kalita wave saw firing is completely different.

On the one hand, the texture of the groove becomes obvious.

On the other hand, the grooves on the bottom drainage line are added to support the filter paper.

The overall flow rate of the filter cup is much faster and more aroma can be made.

And because of the drainage line design of trapezoidal filter cup

Moderate water blocking makes coffee powder easier to come into contact with water and makes the extraction more complete.

It can be said that it completely develops the good design of the trapezoidal filter cup and corrects the defect that the taste of slow flow rate is too thick.

The editor suggests:

Sanyo trapezoid & kalita Bo Zuojie is the first filter cup that the editor thinks is most suitable for beginners.

The drainage condition is positively related to the size of your water supply, which can directly strengthen your relationship between water injection and flavor.

Therefore, it is very suitable for people who want to learn how to do it well. The original flavor presentation can be so scientific.

Even proficient hands are very suitable to use these two filter cups to test their hand flushing concepts and skills.

3. Sanyo petal filter cup / KINTO OCT octagonal filter cup: a small variable speed filter cup to enhance sweetness

These two filter cups are very new products, except that they both have very eye-catching designs.

Its special groove structure leads to the phenomenon that the flow velocity slows down when the water level is full at 6-7 minutes.

And as long as the water level is kept at 6-7 minutes full, the appropriate flow rate is just a good position for sweet extraction.

It is easy to make sweet coffee with concentrated sweetness, support and characteristics.

Of course, the proportion of sour and sweet can also be adjusted simply by using the size of the water supply, which is easy to play but never dull.

The editor suggests:

For those who are busy and have no time to study, the variable speed filter cup is actually the first choice to drink casually.

But for those who want to learn to make coffee step by step, changing speed takes time to understand.

Therefore, it is suggested that it can be used as the third or fourth filter cup.

The foundation is stable and used to pursue characteristics & to create more sweet effect with beans.

4.kono filter cup guest courteous six-rib filter cup: large variable speed filter cup with enhanced hierarchy

The kono filter cup is the representative of the half-rib filter cup, and the polite six-ribbed filter cup can be said to be similar to the structure of polite learning.

The design in which the groove completely disappears in the upper half, allowing the flow rate to slow down immediately at high water levels.

The flavor of the water supply before and after will be very different, forming a strong hierarchical contrast.

For players who want to practice the level, the structure of the kono filter cup is very attractive.

Can make V60, trapezoid... Wait for the taste shock amplitude that other filter cups can't make.

If used with the unique drip method and Kanazawa method of kono filter cup

You can make a very strong flavor, which is naturally more interesting than the refreshing comfort of a general filter cup.

The editor suggests:

Like the petal filter cup, if you are busy and simply want to drink, you don't want to study.

In fact, the kono filter cup and the polite six-ribbed variable speed structure can make you rush around and taste good.

On the contrary, for those who have played with V60 or other filter cups, but the concept and water control are not at home yet.

Half-rib filter cup is often a nightmare design that is flooded to bitterness.

Not to mention Didi and Kanazawa, it takes more practice and repeated thinking in order to master it well.

It is suggested that the kono filter cup can be ranked in the fourth or fifth filter cup.

Play with more mastery, won't hit the wall and get dizzy.

5. Guest guest cutter filter cup / diamond filter cup: more suitable for entry & conical filter cup of experimental technique

The design of diamond or diamond-shaped concave-convex filter cup wall is the interesting thing about cut filter cup or diamond filter cup.

Unlike the linear grooves of the above four filter cups, the exhaust direction of cutters or diamonds is not so strong.

Therefore, the flow rate is naturally a little slower, and the taste is moving forward in a sweet and thick direction.

However, the overall drainage is smooth and the flow rate is uniform, which can be imagined as a slow-down V60, and the sour taste is obviously reduced.

You can play with the technique to adjust the flow velocity before and after the change, and the effect is remarkable and easy to control.

Compared with the high flow rate of V60, it is more difficult to be skillful or it is easy to fail.

The editor suggests:

If you have been playing V60 for a while, you can use the cut diamond as the second filter cup.

The punching method can be used, and it can be used with a little change, and the taste will change obviously.

If you haven't played any filter cups, cutters & diamonds can be arranged after trapezoidal filter cups & before V60.

A moderate flow rate allows you to get used to the construction of a tapered filter cup, and then you can get used to playing V60 faster.

It can be said that the diamond is an excellent second filter cup.

6.Kalita wave filter cup: uniformity is the basic, fine-tuning is the skill

Among all kinds of filter cups in Kalita, the two recommended by the editor are Pozo burning and wavy filter cups (also known as cake filter cups).

The wavy filter cup is a quite novel design, which uses the wavy shape of the filter paper to replace the ribs of the general filter cup to make a high flow rate.

But the platform at the bottom is designed to block water so that the overall flow rate is not too fast, so it tastes uniform.

It can be said that it is a very talented design, even if it is not very good at cooking, it is very difficult to fail.

People who are accustomed to using V60, KONO and other strong styles may find it a bit boring to be too uniform.

But in fact, fine-tuning in the uniformity, let the incense. Sour. Sweet. The real skill is to reach the best proportion of taste.

It is also the most playable part of the wave filter cup: the amazing taste that most people can't see but drink.

The editor suggests:

The editor used to like the distinctive flavor, but it is rare to understand the exquisite proportion after drinking for a long time.

What's more, it is the only way for hand lovers to practice to meet the master, and the wave filter cup is the perfect training carrier.

If you already like the suggestion of even taste, use the wave as your number one filter cup, you will have a good time.

If you like the characteristics, it is strongly recommended to use the wave filter cup as your No. 4 or No. 5 filter cup and pursue fineness.

7. Smart filter cup: use the water stop valve as your weapon to increase the possibility.

The biggest difference between smart filter cup and ordinary filter cup is the water stop valve (the form of each brand is different but the logic is the same)

You can turn off and return your flow rate to zero at any time, or you can turn it on at any time to maximize the flow rate, and there are designs that can adjust the flow rate.

In short, it can be said that there is no need to relocate the drainage limit of the filter cup groove, and the uncertainty of water injection can be eliminated greatly.

Adjust the contact time between powder and water more freely, but of course you have the freedom.

The combination of variables has also become immeasurable, so it actually tests the user's imagination of extraction.

However, once you find out your favorite cooking method, it can almost be said to be the artifact with the first degree of stability.

The editor suggests:

Smart filter cup is another form of filter cup, which pays more attention to the switching time of water stop valve and the calculation of water supply in each section.

Therefore, the editor does not make a special sort, and can be regarded as an enlightening device that can be played with at any time.

Why enlighten? Because when you worry about the stability of water injection and the flow rate of the groove,

With a smart filter cup, you will feel a bit of a pain in the neck, and then think more about the core key of extraction and time.

The above is what the editor suggested: seven kinds of filter cups that players must play by hand.

If you want to make a summary sort, then I will give you two routes!

1. Steady and steady route

[Sanyo trapezoid / kalita Bozo] → [guest cutter filter cup / diamond filter cup] → [HARIO V60] → [Sanyo petal filter cup / KINTO OCT octagonal filter cup] → [KONO filter cup / guest guest six-ribbed filter cup] → [Kalita wave filter cup]

[smart filter cup] randomly enter at any time

two。 Strong style and route

[HARIO V60] → [guest cutter filter cup / diamond filter cup] → [Sanyo petal filter cup / KINTO OCT octagonal filter cup] → [KONO filter cup / guest six rib filter cup] → [Sanyo trapezoid / kalita wave burning] → [Kalita wave filter cup]

[smart filter cup] randomly enter at any time

That's all for today's seven kinds of filter cups that players must play.

If you have any other filter cups you like, you are welcome to discuss with the editor.