Coffee review

The characteristics of Merita melitta filter cup how to flush melitta filter cup are introduced and compared with other filter cups.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) recall the beginner of hand-brewed coffee, do you often question why there are so many kinds of filter cups, what is the difference between them? In 1908, Mrs. Merita invented the world's first hand filter cup and filter paper, which changed the way coffee was drunk after the 20th century. Since its invention, the hand

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Looking back on the beginner who made coffee by hand, do you often question why there are so many filter cups? What is the difference between them? "

In 1908, Mrs. Merita invented the world's first hand filter cup and filter paper, which changed the way coffee was drunk after the 20th century. Since its invention, the history of hand filter cup has been more than a century, and the variety is increasing day by day. This time, goat coffee contains different hand filter cups. Which one is your favorite filter cup?

1. Fan filter cup

Fan-shaped filter cup, also known as "trapezoidal filter cup" or "platform-shaped filter cup", the hole at the bottom is smaller. From single hole to multi-hole (six-hole or eight-hole), the most common are single-hole and three-hole fan-shaped filter cups.

When it comes to the fan-shaped single-hole filter cup, what can not be ignored is the hand punch-Melita melitta filter cup. The filter cup invented by Mrs. Merita is to dig a hole under the copper cup, and the filter cup introduced by Melitta is now the common single-hole fan-shaped filter cup. Because of its small caliber and slow flow rate, it is more suitable for German deep-roasted coffee. Also because melitta filter cups and filter paper are not easy to obtain in Asia, they are of collectable value. After the popularity of Italian coffee machines in Europe, hand brewing gradually disappeared there, and it was not until the third wave of coffee revived in Japan. In 1959, Kalita imitated the fan-shaped filter cup of melitta filter cup, changing single hole to three holes to reduce clogging, and brewers can adjust the concentration of coffee by controlling the speed of water flow. Kalita's three-hole fan-shaped filter cup has always been a classic in the filter cup.

. Conical filter cup

Apart from the fan-shaped filter cup, nothing is more common than the tapered filter cup. However, the tapered filter cup varies according to its design. One of them is the KONO door filter cup, which is designed by Jiajiazhuang Co., Ltd., the first generation was launched in 1973, and then the second and third generations.

The most important feature of the KONO door filter cup is that its groove is only half or 1/3 of that of the filter cup. Because there are no grooves on the top of the KONO door filter cup, the filter cup and filter paper can be completely affixed. The water flows through the grooves at the lower end, and this design gives the coffee brewed from the KONO filter cup a flannel texture.

When it comes to tapered filter cups, another most representative one is HARIO V60.

Since its launch in 2005, the V60 series has almost become the most widely used filter cup. The utility model is characterized in that the dripping pore diameter is large, and the groove on the inside of the cup edge goes directly to the top of the cup, so that the flow rate is faster. When other factors are the same, the Body of coffee brewed with a V60 filter cup is usually weaker than that of a fan-shaped filter cup, and the acidity is much brighter. For many beginners, V60 series can solve the problem of easy clogging of coffee powder and can be more handy in the process of learning!

3. Metal filter cup

The most important feature of metal filter cup is that there is no need to use filter paper or flannel filter. The filter cup itself is not only a filter medium, but also has the advantages of environmental protection. With the complete retention of oil, the coffee has a sweeter flavor and thicker thickness, but the fine holes of the metal filter can not completely block the coffee powder, which is easy to remain fine powder, resulting in a more muddy taste.

Among them, KINTO CARAT is a metal filter full of design sense.

It is composed of a base, a glass funnel, a metal filter cup and a non-slip rubber ring. The flow rate of metal filter is faster than that of filter paper and filter cloth. The difference between KINTO CARAT and ordinary metal filter is that there is an outer glass funnel. When coffee liquid flows out of the metal filter, it must also drip through the glass funnel, so it can slow down the coffee flow. When the fine powder is blocked, the metal filter can be picked up to reduce the chance of coffee over-extraction.

4. Wavy filter cup

Wave filter cup, because its special filter paper is like a cupcake, also known as "cake filter cup".

The wavy filter cup is a patented product of Kalita. The wavy filter paper replaces the diversion groove of the filter cup to reduce the contact area between hot water and the filter cup, so that the coffee powder is concentrated in the center, so that the coffee can be extracted evenly and reduce the threshold of brewing technology.

The coffee brewed from the wavy filter cup has a balanced taste, which is between the conical filter cup and the fan filter cup. It is not only suitable for beginners, but also favored by baristas. Erin McCarthy, the winner of the 2013 World Coffee hand Competition, uses the Kalita wave filter cup. If you want to say the disadvantage of wave filter cup, it is that the price of filter paper is not cheap, almost twice as much as ordinary licensed filter paper.

5. Action filter cup

When you travel, you want to drink hand-made coffee, but the utensils are heavy and many, and the mobile filter cup is one of the lightest choices. Many people have a cup of coffee when camping or climbing, so there are more and more mobile filter cups on the market. The advantage of the mobile filter cup is that it is easy to carry and does not take up space, while the disadvantage is easy to lose temperature and no grooves. There is no denying that the action filter cup is definitely the best coffee companion away from home.

Silly dad's coffee filter frame is a patented spring cup holder developed by Taiwanese. The retractable stainless steel cup holder weighs about 50 grams and is suitable for fan-shaped filter paper of different brands. It is a very high CP mobile filter frame.

The filter cup is the same as the hand pot, the price varies widely, so it is not necessary to use the more expensive filter cup to make the better coffee. Even if the utensils have a certain effect on the flavor of coffee, brewing coffee must return to the "person" itself.

Think about what kind of coffee flavor and taste you like, usually practice hand brewing skills, simple utensils can also make satisfactory coffee.