Coffee review

Xiamen Cafe recommended: Minnan style-one of the coffee boutique cafes in Xiamen

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information Please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) is known as the art city of Xiamen, naturally the density of coffee shops is also higher. There are also a number of high-quality boutique coffee shops with Nordic style, industrial style, American style and Italian style. Since you are coming to Xiamen, of course you have to have something different! Then I'll take you to experience.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Xiamen, which is known as a literary and art city, naturally has a higher density of coffee shops.

There are also a number of high-quality boutique coffee shops with Nordic style, industrial style, American style and Italian style.

Since you are coming to Xiamen, of course you have to have something different!

Let's take you to experience the unique style coffee shop in Xiamen.

Xiamen Cafe, Coffee one Day

One day it was an ancient house coffee with the characteristics of southern Fujian. It was very hidden in the alley in the Tianyuan courtyard of the early community in Xiamen.

The boss is a super professional barista, recommended to drink individual products, the boss will mainly hand-brew, according to different mood can let the boss brew personal favorite coffee, not many people know, here you can have a quiet chat with the boss.


It retains the appearance of the earliest houses, southern Fujian tiles and old-fashioned chairs. It is not deliberately retro. People are originally left over from the old house.

The decoration in the shop is very artistic, the combination of dried flowers and the old house has a different feeling, and it is good to sit inside and outside for a cup of coffee.

The most important thing is that you can pet the cat while tasting the coffee!

It is worth spending the afternoon to enjoy the slow pace of the island in the coffee shop and the surrounding old community.