Coffee review

The most famous coffee shop in Xiamen recommends Xiamen Industrial style Coffee Shop-Boiler Coffee with unique style

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information Please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) is known as the art city of Xiamen, naturally the density of coffee shops is also higher. There are also a number of high-quality boutique coffee shops with Nordic style, industrial style, American style and Italian style. Since you are coming to Xiamen, of course you have to have something different! Then I'll take you to experience.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Xiamen, which is known as a literary and art city, naturally has a higher density of coffee shops.

There are also a number of high-quality boutique coffee shops with Nordic style, industrial style, American style and Italian style.

Since you are coming to Xiamen, of course you have to have something different!

Let's take you to experience the unique style coffee shop in Xiamen.

Xiamen Industrial style Cafe, Boiler Coffee

Camel cigarettes must be familiar to everyone, and the predecessor of this factory to build a coffee shop is a cigarette factory in camel tobacco producing areas in China!

Three green boilers are kept here. One is used to fetch beer, and the other two are converted into food heaters. That is the origin of the name of boiler coffee.

Both sides of the cafe lead to the terrace, the construction style is simple and natural, but also with a modern sense.

The style of coffee here is fresh and strange, and everyone feels it for themselves.


The taste of coffee is not bad, such a beautiful design is also worth a visit!