Coffee review

Standard diagram of grinding degree of coffee powder difference of grinding thickness and extraction ratio time between mocha pot and Italian espresso bean

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more information about coffee beans Please pay attention to the thickness of coffee powder in coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style), which is related to the amount and speed of coffee ingredient release when brewing coffee. Generally speaking, the thickness of coffee powder can be divided into: coarse powder, medium powder, medium and fine powder, fine powder and extreme powder.

There are many factors that affect the taste of coffee. In the process of brewing, the factors affecting coffee include the ratio of powder to water, grinding degree, water temperature and so on, among which the grinding degree can be said to be very important. There is a saying in the industry that "coffee machine can buy handicap, but bean grinder must be the best". Grinding really has a very important impact on the taste of coffee.

Coffee powder grinding degree is too thick, coffee powder surface area is small, coffee is difficult to extract enough flavor substances to appear dull and tasteless; grinding degree is too fine, coffee powder surface area is too large, extract too much bitter taste, so it is very important to choose an appropriate grinding degree.

Standard for the thickness of hand-made coffee powder

How to distinguish the thickness standard of hand-made coffee powder? Qianjie coffee takes freshly roasted coffee beans as an example. Experienced hand-brewing enthusiasts all know that hand-made coffee beans can be divided into medium-light roasting and medium-deep roasting.


Among them, the medium-light roasted coffee beans will have sour taste, and the caramelized substances are not easy to be extracted from the cup, so Qianjie will recommend medium grinding (80% of 0.85mm 's No. 20 sieve pass rate, that is, the size of fine sugar), which can slow down the time of water passing through the powder layer and better extract the sour and sweet substances in the coffee. And caramelized substances balance the flavor of coffee.

Medium and fine ground coffee powder is recommended to brew at 90-91 °C. too high water temperature will extract caramelized substances too high, resulting in bitterness, while too low water temperature will lead to insufficient extraction, and only some sour and sweet substances will be extracted, making the coffee flavor insipid and boring.


In general, the flavor of medium-and deep-roasted coffee beans tends to be low-sour and mellow, which means that the caramelized substances will be more abundant. Because the street association previously recommended the use of coarse grinding (the pass rate of 0.85mm 's No. 20 screen is 70%, that is, the size of coarse sugar), medium coarse grinding can speed up the time for water to pass through the powder layer, so that the caramelized substance will not be excessively extracted, and the flavor and taste of coffee will be sweet and mellow without producing unpleasant bitterness.

Medium and coarse ground coffee powder is recommended to brew at 88-89 °C. if the water temperature is too high, the flavor of the coffee will be bitter and difficult to swallow, while the coffee with too low water temperature will be boring and insipid.


The above is the grindability standard of hand-brewed coffee, and this is also the standard that Qianjie coffee has been practiced for many times, so how to sift the powder? I'll tell you about the front street coffee.

How to use 0.85mm 's No. 20 screen?

With regard to the degree of grinding, Qianjie coffee is determined by screening. According to the grinding advice provided by the American Fine Coffee Association SCA for hand-brewed coffee, Qianjie coffee is verified by practice. If you don't have a sieve at home, Qianjie Coffee suggests observing the speed of the water to judge that if the flow is too fast, it is coarse, and if the flow is too slow, it is fine.


First of all, prepare 10g coffee beans for grinding, initially determine a grinding degree according to the size of fine sugar and coarse sugar, then pour into the sieve, cover the lid, shake left and right, so that the coffee powder falls into the powder plate below through the sieve. No coffee powder is sifted until it passes through the sieve. Then prepare an electronic scale and container to zero, pour the screened coffee powder into the container and weigh it. If the screened coffee powder reaches 8g ±01, it is medium-fine grinding, and if the screened coffee powder reaches 7g ±01, it is medium-coarse grinding. If the pass rate is too much, adjust the grinding degree; if the pass rate is too low, the grinding degree will be fine.

Black coffee brewing method and Qianjie coffee grindability standard sieve pass rate:

Ice drop > hand wind 80% > American trickle 75-80% > cup test 70-75% > normal pressure 65-70%.


How fine should the espresso be ground?

The base of espresso is espresso, which is often called espresso. The extraction of espresso is carried out quickly under the 9bar high pressure of the coffee machine. The extraction time is usually no more than half a minute, so this requires that espresso will be much finer ground than hand-brewed coffee, so that enough flavor substances can be extracted to support espresso.

The standard of each grinder is also different. Taking the Pegasus 900N grinder in Qianjie Coffee as an example, the average grinding degree of Qianjie Coffee is in the range of 1.8 to 2.0, which is certainly not absolute. Every day, the barista will adjust the extraction parameters according to the cultivation status of Italian coffee beans, the weather of the day, and the taste of the final coffee entrance, including the degree of grinding.


For example, the extraction scheme of Qianjie coffee today is 20 grams of coffee powder, the degree of grinding is 1.8, and 40 grams of coffee liquid is extracted for between 27 and 28 seconds. The 1:2 ratio was chosen to retain a more complete flavor of the coffee, while the flow rate was chosen to highlight the dark chocolate and aroma of warm sun and coffee beans used in the store.


Grindability of mocha kettle

Mocha pot is also a kind of espresso, which is a family-oriented coffee utensil. Mocha pot produces 1.5-3bar pressure when brewing coffee, and oil can be pressed out when used properly.

Many friends are concerned about the degree of grinding of the mocha pot, which is slightly thicker than the Italian coffee machine, with a powder diameter of about 0.3-0.55mm. You can survey it in two ways. The first is to buy a powder ruler or Mocha special powder to refer to it. The second kind is through non-stop debugging, generally not many times, the test 3-5 times can basically find out, the powder is thick, the coffee liquid will gush quickly, and it may also be like the fountain, the powder is fine, and you hear the purr of boiling water. If the coffee liquid hasn't come up yet, it's fine. I suggest you turn off the fire as soon as possible. Remember to take safety measures when doing this kind of debugging.


What kind of coffee beans should I use in the mocha pot?

Coffee beans suitable for mocha pots are generally roasted in medium depth. Qianjie recommends that you first try to use Italian coffee beans, such as Qianjie boutique blending, using Brazilian and Colombian coffee beans to make a clean and balanced nut chocolate flavor, suitable for Italian coffee machines and mocha pots. If you want to have a more special flavor, you can choose the warm sun blend, which is suitable for the combination of Yega Shirley and Shirley coffee beans, highlighting the flavor of caramel, vanilla chocolate and sherry.


Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

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