Coffee review

Chengdu online Cafe Cafe recommended-Common Coffee Common Sense Chengdu Photo Ins Cafe

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information Please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) two years ago, he complained that the coffee shop chains in Chengdu were as noisy as the vegetable market, and the emergence of independent cafes in the past two years is really a small surprise. Small facade ranging from 10 to 20 square meters to 70 to 80 square meters, a La Marzocco coffee machine is placed in the bar.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Two years ago, I was complaining that the chain cafes in Chengdu were as noisy as a vegetable market. The emergence of independent cafes in the past two years is really a small surprise. With a small facade ranging from 10 to 20 square meters to 70 to 80 square meters, a La Marzocco coffee machine is placed in the most prominent position on the bar table, and no matter how it tastes, the momentum has suppressed the whole audience. The handsome barista operates skillfully at the bar, with the sound of the machine, white steam spewing out, at this moment, just like enjoying an abstract painting at an art exhibition, feel quietly.

Chengdu Cafe-Common sense Coffee Common Sense

The boss is a post-90s boy with a single eyelid. It is said that he was the first barista and clerk in the new store in February. Of course, the red retro bike in front of the store is also his, and the eye attraction index is high. The owner opened this shop to bring the experience of Melbourne corner coffee shop to Chengdu.

When I walked into the store, the thick Ins wind came and ordered a glass of Dirty. The ice milk in the lower layer collided fiercely with the hot espresso in the upper layer, and a song of ice and fire played in the mouth with endless aftertaste.

Address: 70 Hongxing Road, Jinjiang District. Distance from "Su Shuo sushuo": 10 minutes by bike.

Opening hours: 8:00-21:00