Coffee review

Which brand of coffee grinder is better? What is the impact of the bean grinder on coffee?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information Please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) in the past two years, I like hand coffee very much. I used to put those American coffee pots and Italian mocha pots away for the time being! The siphon seal pot was destroyed after the 921 earthquake and was not bought any more. I am now obsessed with some organic beans from Central American manors, those

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

In the last two years, I like hand coffee very much. Those American coffee pots and Italian mocha pots used to be put away for the time being. The siphon seal pot was destroyed after the 921 earthquake and was not bought any more.

I am now infatuated with some organic beans from Central American manors. if they are cooked at such a high temperature as a mocha pot, they will certainly lose these aromas, unless they are ground with a scale of 4 or 5 and try to look at the fire. I can barely make a decent cup of coffee. I hear it tastes like siphon.

I think I'd better do it by hand!

The same beans taste different every day. In order to play hand Chong, I went to buy a book to see, but I knew most of the knowledge in it.

It's hard to press the shutter with your left hand. As a result, I accidentally poured too much water. (embarrassed)

This is the beans bought in the store, half a pound only 200 yuan, not lost to the coffee bean store, the tail rhyme and caramel fragrance. The acid level is enough.

I bought this at the coffee store. I went there to buy beans with my little sister at dusk, and the boss happened to bake the beans.

I encouraged my little sister to buy a coffee grinder. This machine sells for 3500 yuan outside, but he sells it here for only 2800 yuan, which is only 300 yuan more expensive than my machine. The knife is much better than my machine, and there is a filter cup for filtering fine powder, which makes me want to change the bean grinder.

On the right is the knife pictured above.

On the left is my Pegasus's knife.

They are all flat-cut knives, but the sharpness is different.

This is sharpened with a ghost tooth knife, and it tastes different, and every side of the coffee bean will come into contact with water.

The middle bag of beans is very small, called small mocha, which was developed by the Hawaiian laboratory. It costs 1,000 yuan for half a pound. I bought 200 yuan to taste fresh at home, and I can only soak it four or five times. That day, the boss was generous enough to buy us a drink.

Here are the raw beans of small mocha.

There are many kinds of hand filter cups there.

There's even this whole group, filter cups plus pots, and spoons.

I couldn't change the bean grinder, and I couldn't bear to buy brass hand pots and filter cups. At least I could spend a few hundred yuan on a pure copper spoon to scoop coffee beans, and I was happy. At that time, I bought myself a New year gift.

You can hold 12 grams at a time. I used to be used to 10 grams at a time.

At the back is the coffee regenerated Kenyan AA beans, which taste so sweet that they are reluctant to add milk foam at all.

The one on the right is the ladle I have used for many years.

The taste of hand-brewed coffee is more smooth and moist, so it is suitable for middle-aged people. And I am no longer accustomed to drinking heavily baked beans, which have been gradually replaced by light or moderate baking. Such beans are still suitable for hand flushing and retain the aroma layer.

The filter cup is divided into cone-shaped and fan-shaped, the film is tapered, while mine is fan-shaped, the two kinds of filter cup water injection is somewhat different.

People who drink coffee for a period of time must be used to the fresh grinding of beans. The freshly ground beans have a pleasant aroma, and the aroma floated when grinding and cooking can relieve people of worry.

First of all, my friend gave me a hand grinder, often grinding half of the screw loose, grinding out of inconsistent thickness, and then bought a Philips electric bean grinder, but can not adjust the scale, feel boring! The year before last, I went back to buy a hand-grinding machine. The effect of hand-grinding is actually good. The fragrance floats far away, but only when I have time on holiday, I can't play like that when I go to work. Every minute counts before you go out. So a few years ago, I bought an electric bean grinder with adjustable scale. It becomes more and more frustrating to play with coffee.

The bean grinder in front has a lid to cover the dust. When you want to grind, the lid is pulled open, and when it is not, the lid is pulled back. (taken in a specialty store)

I bought the bean grinder in front of me a few years ago, which is usually useless, so the lid is pulled up. Like a sliding door. I bought an electric one after that. The two can be used interchangeably to increase the fun of life.

This is my electric bean grinder.

Usually, if you brew coffee by hand, turn to scale 3.5, espresso is 2, so that espresso juice can be extracted quickly and at high temperature. The Italian mocha pot pictured below is ground with a scale of 4.5.

At noon yesterday, I went to the coffee shop near the place of work to have a taste of coffee, drank and talked, and asked some questions about the roasting and origin of the coffee. There is also the problem of grinding scale!

The boss told me that the hand mill is the mode, that kind of coffee is more delicious, this is true, but the electric way, what I see under the magnifying glass is flaky, and the fragrance will run away! At present, there are also electric machines that simulate hand grinding, but the price is seven or eight times higher.

This small shop only sells coffee beans, both wholesale and retail, and does not sell a cup of individual products. Yesterday I only bought half a pound, and the boss asked me to try three kinds of coffee (if I hadn't declined, I'm afraid he would have moved all the coffee out to me to drink. I feel embarrassed myself, even though I only buy half a pound (this is my habit! Because I didn't drink hard), but the boss also gave me two other samples.

Tasting site

These coffee beans are marked with the date of baking. I'm not afraid to buy expired beans. The boss said that he wholesale more than one and a half tons of beans a month. Some beans are scarce, which are immediately robbed by customers after purchase and baking. It can be seen that the baking skills of the young boss are very good.

Such chain bags are easier to use than sealed cans, and the aroma is easy to preserve. Leave it at room temperature for a month and a half, and it won't oxidize the oil.

The shop is not gorgeous, but the beans are real and the price is reasonable. The baking of beans in their family ranges from moderate to heavy. Probably more moderate than a little bit. I'm not used to heavily baked beans. And I really can't get used to the shallow sour taste.

The store asked me to pat the beans.

This kind of beans is full of fruit flavor. This is the so-called "public bean", also known as pearl bean, a round bean with only one fruit, and the picture below is a lentil bean with two fruit, which is a common coffee bean type.

This is my favorite medium-roasted Colombian coffee. In addition to its slightly sour taste, it also has a creamy flavor. It tastes very smooth and smooth.

After drinking the third type of coffee, the shopkeeper poured me a cup of water, then dropped a few drops of coffee and asked me to taste whether it was bitter or sweet, which turned out to be sweet. No wonder I kept returning to my mouth when I finished my coffee.

I drank several cups of coffee yesterday, but it didn't affect my sleep at night. I think it's because there are no bad impurities in good coffee beans and coffee brewed in the right way. Because inferior beans must be heavily roasted to cover up their shortcomings, the bad substances left on the coffee beans are harmful to the human body, and if they are ground too finely or boiled for too long, the bad elements in the coffee will come out. So it used to be the bad elements that affected my sleep in the wrong way.

I don't think I'm afraid of drinking coffee in the afternoon!

Thank you for reading.