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Japanese hario brand introduction what brand is hario hario Chinese official website

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the English pronunciation of coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) hario, that is, the pronunciation of Japanese glass king, so regard yourself as the king of glass, also known as hario GLASS CO.,LTD. Self-spur, progress and progress, R & D and R & D is the biggest driving force. As far as hario is concerned, in

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

The English pronunciation of "hario" is the Japanese pronunciation of "king of glass", so it regards itself as "king of glass-king of glass", which is also hario GLASS CO.,LTD. Self-spur, progress and progress, R & D and R & D is the biggest driving force. As far as hario is concerned, in the era of entering the 21 century, we look forward to bringing more innovation and color to the world with hario products, and sincerely hope that the beautiful life of truth, goodness and beauty can look like you and me, and our dreams can come true. Hirohiro Shibata studio was founded in October 1921 in Sukuda-cho, Kanda, Tokyo, and Japan began to produce and sell glass products for physical and chemical products. Hirohiro Shibata production studio and Shibata production Institute, named Shibata Studio, standard production such as Hiromu brand beakers, flasks, laboratory plates and coolers. As a result of years of research, finally successfully studied the melting of "hario GLASS", and then developed "hario-32 glass," is a first-class hard glass and began mass production and development. With the continuous research and development and expansion of the company, the high quality of hario is also gradually famous overseas. It has been 78 years since hario Group was founded in 1921.

The factory mainly produces heat-resistant glass, and all products are produced nervously to meet the high safety evaluation requirements required in both medicine and science and chemistry.

Therefore, hario not only produces beakers and flasks for science and chemistry, but also produces car rearview mirrors and related tableware to cope with the pulse of society. Since 1972, chimneys have not been seen in hario's large factory, because hario spent a lot of money to set up Japan's first all-electric melting furnace to produce glass products in order to take care of our environment. We hario do not want to let the carbon dioxide produced by traditional equipment in the production process to destroy the unique earth in which we live.

Therefore, under the concept of cherishing the earth, we hario have been injecting life hormone into nature since the summer of 1998 as the theme and central idea of the company's struggle. And in the production of heat-resistant glass process, do not use any disturbing materials to produce, as the beginning of this belief. Sincerely hope that through our concept of hario, using only pure materials and abandoning impurities to produce heat-resistant glass, you and I can see a bright future in this 21st century!

When people begin to look back on their abundant lives and find out what their lives should be, hario has been around for many years. At the same time, people have begun to seriously think about the relationship with the symbols of nature and what the surrounding environment has given, which has attracted more and more attention. In this case, from the beginning of the 20th century, hario presented heat-resistant glass extracted from nature to make a variety of gifts from a unique point of view, rapid development and keeping pace with the times. Looking back at the reliability accumulated over the past 80 years, hario hopes to trace more deeply the meaning of life symbols and the integration of this precious trait with nature. carry forward the cause pioneered by one's predecessors and forge ahead into the future. Hario GLASS continues to believe that this potential has not faded over time.

The traditional technology and unique manufacturing process of skilled glassworkers bring new life to glassware. Nothing can replace human ability, no matter how advanced the technology is, it cannot be better than human ability. The manufacturing process of glass is equipped with the most advanced technology, but some delicate processes still cannot rely on machines. For example, workers use an air blower to blow air into the heated glass and put it into the casting steel mold. Large hario glass is also made by hand. The transience and strength of glass blowing also depend on human feeling and experience.

Hario glass uses traditional Japanese technology handed down from experienced craftsmen. Through these unique technologies, hario remains loyal to this cultural foundation developed from fire, even though it may seem a little old. This is hario's unique persistence.
