Coffee review

What is a coffee bag? How to use the coffee bag? is the coffee easy to eat?

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please pay attention to the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) illy unique taste every day, people around the world enjoy more than 6 million cups of illy coffee. Every day, you can also enjoy illy coffee at home or in the office. At the moment of the entrance, they tasted the rich, mellow taste of illy coffee.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

The unique taste of illy

Every day, people around the world enjoy more than 6 million cups of illy coffee. Every day, you can also enjoy illy coffee at home or in the office. At the moment of the entrance, they tasted the rich and mellow taste of illy coffee, felt its deep and smooth flavor, and enjoyed the unique fun it gave. Illy coffee is difficult to sell in a variety of packaging styles, but its unique flavor made from 100% Elaraby beans never changes. There are 3 kilograms of bottled beans for catering, specially designed coffee bags (E.S.E. Pod) for personal and office use, and 125g and 250g cans for household use. The packaging and usage of illy coffee may be different, but the quality remains the same; it is unique, rare and incomparable.

What is a coffee bag?

Yili first launched the easy-to-use single-cup coffee bag in the 1970s, so that high-quality espresso coffee has spread to thousands of households and has been popular ever since.

Illy Italian Coffee launched the world's first single-cup packaged coffee-E.S.E easy bag in 1974, making a cup of espresso so easy. As a result, Yi Li Bao quickly became popular in the world and became an international standard, causing other coffee companies to follow suit.

How do I use the coffee bag?

The dosage and packaging of each Yi Li bag are exactly the same, and the environmentally friendly filter paper used for sealing helps to preserve the unique flavor and aroma of Italian matching. Put an easy bag into the appropriate coffee machine and brew a cup of Italian signature espresso coffee in 30 seconds: strong, rich, smooth and balanced.
