Coffee review

How much is a pack of Beaton fancy coffee? is Yunnan small grain pure black coffee powder expensive?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) Beaton Coffee hanging ear Fancy Coffee follicular Coffee Yunnan small grain pure black coffee powder pack 20g ● international first-class Yunnan small grain coffee the plantation of Beaton Coffee comes from Baoshan City, Yunnan Province, occupying one of the best coffee growing areas in the world in Lujiangba producing area. Cymbal

Professional coffee knowledge exchange More coffee bean information Please pay attention to coffee workshop (Weixin Official Accounts cafe_style)

Beaton coffee ear hanging fancy coffee follicular coffee Yunnan small grain pure black coffee powder single pack 20g

● International first-class Yunnan Arabica coffee origin

The plantation of Beaton Coffee comes from Baoshan City, Yunnan Province, occupying Lujiangba producing area, one of the best coffee plantations in the world. Lujiangba producing area is Gaoligong Mountain located in the Tropic of Cancer, with an altitude of about 2000 meters. The mountainous terrain, large undulation, fertile soil, sufficient sunshine, abundant rainfall and large temperature difference between day and night resemble the environment of Colombia coffee producing area. Internationally recognized good coffee from the mountains, China produces the best coffee mountain is Lujiangba Gaoligong Mountain, unique natural conditions formed the particularity of small coffee taste: strong but not bitter, fragrant but not strong, slightly fruity.

● Beaton Hanging Ear Coffee has numerous international reputations.

Gaoligong Mountain in Lujiangba producing area has a history of more than one hundred years of cultivation of Arabica coffee, producing fine coffee with mellow fragrance and balanced taste with Chinese characteristics. As a result, Beaton ear coffee is very popular in the international coffee market and is rated as the top coffee. In 2005, the coffee cultivated in Beaton Coffee Plantation won the gold medal of "Berlin Coffee Festival" in one fell swoop, and in 2012, it won the inspection and praise of Mr. Chen Deming, Minister of Commerce of the State. Especially in the episode of Baoshan Coffee featured in CCTV-4 "All over China" documentary,"Authentic High-quality Yunnan Arabica Coffee" is shot in "Yunnan Baoshan Bitun Coffee Manor".

● Global first-class processing technology to achieve fresh "lock"

Beaton Coffee has international first-class coffee deep processing technology experience. In the origin of Arabica coffee, Beaton Coffee Company strictly controls and scientifically regulates the links from planting, picking, primary processing, roasting and deep processing, and international roasting experts adopt Japanese "ear hanging coffee" packaging technology to put the ground 100% high-quality Arabica coffee products into ear hanging filter bags. Coffee powder in the bag is watered by hot water to complete a cup of coffee brewing by drip filtration. It does not harm the quality and taste of the coffee itself, locking in the fresh quality for you at the first time... 60 seconds to enjoy a cup of freshly ground Yunnan Arabica coffee, very suitable for "coffee quality picky and eager to save time."

● Beaton Taste:

Strong but not bitter, fragrant but not strong, high quality fruit acid, long throat rhyme.

● Beaton quality:

Three times of manual fine selection to eliminate defective raw materials

Germany and Japan first-class deep processing technology

2005 "Berlin Coffee Festival" Gold Award Products

What is Ears Coffee?

"Ear coffee" is also known as "ear bag coffee", is a patented design developed by the Japanese, similar to tea bags, ground coffee powder is packed in the filter bag, paper splints on both sides are hung on the edge of the cup, coffee powder in the ear bag is watered by hot water, and coffee brewing is completed by dripping. The ear-hanging coffee does not harm the quality and taste of the coffee itself. The acid, sweet, bitter, alcohol and fragrance of the coffee are perfectly reflected. It is an instant coffee. Especially suitable for home, office and travel use.

60 seconds to filter out a cup of ground coffee

● Instant coffee VS ear-hanging coffee

● Instant coffee essence

As we all know, although instant coffee tastes like coffee, they are still not coffee, instant coffee is just a coffee-flavored beverage.

Instant coffee in the synthesis process of coffee original nutrition and health components are destroyed and disappear. When drinking, although it also has the taste of coffee, it has lost the rich nutrients and health effects of coffee, and has lost its heavy cultural taste and atmosphere.

Because of the cost, instant coffee usually chooses the worst quality and high yield Robusta coffee, because after processing consumers can not distinguish which raw materials are used, instant coffee acquires broken beans, bad beans, poor development varieties, and directly roasts and grinds without screening. Of course, most of the aromatic essence would be lost anyway, and even the best beans would not have much meaning.

In order to extend the shelf life, in the process of boiling and atomization, workers will add preservatives, resulting in the loss of coffee rich aromatic oil and other quality; because the aroma is almost gone, so it is necessary to add artificial additives such as pigments and sweeteners.

● Ear hanging coffee advantage

- Quick: Drip ready to drink, no waiting, easy to operate

- Health: Pure natural, no artificial chemical additives

- Quality: retains the taste and content of the freshest ground coffee

- High cost performance: no need to buy coffee machine and coffee beans, taste first-class quality coffee at a low price