Coffee review

How to brew a cup of coffee in accordance with the standard of the golden cup _ which tastes better, the coffee kettle or the hand press?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information Please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) many people think that the French kettle is very easy to operate, only suitable for novice coffee use, can not produce a satisfactory flavor. In fact, the French kettle has a history of more than 100 years since it came out. The reason why it has spread so far is that it is not only easy to use and simple to use.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Many people think that the French kettle is very simple to operate, only suitable for novice coffee use, can not flush out a satisfactory flavor.

In fact, the French pressure pot has a history of more than 100 years since its advent. The reason why it has spread so far is that it is not only easy to use, simple and fast, but also can brew a cup of French pressure pot coffee in line with the gold cup standard, with a unique mellow and rich feeling.


The Origin and Development of French pressure Kettle

French filter kettle, which can be traced back to the 1850s, originated in France as a simple brewing apparatus composed of a heat-resistant glass bottle and a metal filter with a pressure bar.

At first, the French kettle was little known, and at that time it was mostly used to brew black tea, so it was also called a tea maker.

The French kettle was not known until around 1930 when Attilio Calimani, a designer from Milan, France, applied for a patent for filter coffee.

In 1970, the French filter kettle made by Bolton of Denmark was very popular in Europe and America. Its structure also tends to mature and has become the basic prototype of the French kettle we see today. it does not require special technology or consumables and is extremely easy to use.

60% of the friends who come into contact with editors start from the French kettle and come into contact with fine coffee.

The kettle uses steaming extraction method to release the mellow substance of coffee through the comprehensive contact of water and coffee powder and steaming of soaking coffee powder, which is loved by many friends.

In fact, cup testers often use this immersion extraction method to show the original flavor of fresh coffee beans during the cup test process.

Teaching of coffee operation in French pressure pot

The French kettle has always been known for its simple operation. Put in powder, pour water, wait 3 minutes, press down the pressure bar. A cup of coffee will be ready. But the simpler things you want to do well, you need to pay attention to the details.

The grinding degree of coffee powder is rough, which is thicker than hand-made coffee powder, because water and powder will be in full contact and steamed at high temperature. Coffee powder is too fine, it is easy to extract too much, affecting the taste. Therefore, it is recommended that the grinding degree of powder is a little thicker.

The ratio of coffee powder to water is 1:12, and the water temperature is recommended to 92 degrees.

The first step is to add 20g coffee powder

The second step is to evenly inject water and add 92 degrees hot water 240ml.

Step three, close the lid and wait for 3 minutes.

The fourth step is to press down the pull rod slowly and uniformly.

Step five, pour the brewed coffee into a warm coffee cup.

How to clean the pressure kettle

After the coffee is brewed in the pressure pot, it can be washed directly with water, and it should be noted that foreign bodies may remain where each part connects, which will affect the extraction effect in the future.

Wash all parts carefully and dry them. The strainer can be cleaned with a soft brush to prevent coffee grease from forming dirt.