Coffee review

How to make Vietnam drip coffee? what coffee beans are suitable for the coffee pot? coffee beans are recommended.

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) Vietnam is the world's second largest coffee producer. But unfortunately, even in the coffee industry, there are many people who never knew that Vietnam still produces coffee beans. In the era when boutique coffee is popular in the world, in the eyes of many baristas, Robesda beans have almost

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Vietnam is the second largest coffee producer in the world.

But unfortunately, even in the coffee industry, there are many people who never knew that Vietnam still produces coffee beans.

In the era when boutique coffee prevailed in the world, in the eyes of many baristas, Robosta beans have almost been defined as being made only for instant coffee.

But in such a country that grows Robosta beans and drinks them, it adheres to a unique coffee sentiment and a coffee culture that is fully integrated into the life of the whole people.

And Vietnam dripping coffee, is such feelings and culture, the most direct and full embodiment.

At the corner of the street, there is a small table and a small bench, a dripping pot and a cup of coffee.

Comfortable, leisurely and leisurely, a style of Chinese tea stalls.

I have described to many people the practice of dripping coffee in Vietnam, which can be classified as a heavier type of coffee in terms of general reaction.

The main reasons are nothing more than three points, Roberta, deep baking and a lot of condensed milk.

But I have always thought that Vietnamese drip coffee is only a small freshness among the heavy flavors compared to the best of heavy flavors such as Turkish coffee, Fuzhou coffee and Ethiopian clay pot coffee.

So today, I will show you the practice of dripping coffee in Vietnam.

First, weigh 20 grams of coffee beans and grind them.

Coffee beans try to use deep-baked beans. I used Mantenin, which was baked on the hand net yesterday, which deliberately deepened the baking degree until the second explosion.

After leaving it all night, it was greasy.

The amount of coffee beans can be controlled by themselves. Vietnamese coffee is not fastidious. Basically, powdered water looks about the same as 1:10.

Add 25 grams of condensed milk.

The amount of condensed milk is also adjusted according to its taste, usually between 20 grams and 35 grams.

Pour the coffee powder into the Vietnamese dripping pot and tighten the round tablet. Then pour in 30 grams of water and stew.

Tablet pressing can control the concentration of coffee.

The tighter the screw, the slower the extraction rate and the higher the coffee concentration.

On the contrary, the extraction speed is accelerated and the concentration is reduced.

But the tablet pressing should not be too loose, in the case of too loose, fine powder will be brought into the cup in the process of dripping.

By the way, the Vietnamese drip pot is the first coffee extraction appliance I have ever used in my life.

At that time, he was a complete outsider to coffee.

Come to think of it now, it is a very unforgettable memory after such a long way of learning.

Stew for 20 seconds, then fill the dripping pot with water.

Close the lid and wait for it to extract slowly.

The extraction process ranges from about five minutes to more than ten minutes.

From this point of view, you can clearly see the coffee liquid dripping from the bottom of the drip pot.

I think this looks a bit like a bottomless Italian handle.

After dripping, remove the dripping pot.

Stir the condensed milk at the bottom of the cup and blend well with the coffee.

Such a cup of Vietnamese dripping coffee is finished.

Vietnamese drip pots can be bought in online coffee shops for about 30 or 40 yuan.

Interested friends can try to make their own.

Personally, I think that making a cup of dripping coffee and two slices of cheese toast for breakfast will certainly be full of energy one day.