Coffee review

Seagull hand-pressed coffee maker

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, A brief introduction to the seagull hand-pressed coffee maker: the seagull hand-pressed coffee maker is a very young coffee ware. It uses a very simple structure to achieve the goal of humanizing the commercial Italian coffee machine, replacing the boiler and heat exchange with hot water and replacing the water pump with hand pressure. although the final effect is obviously much worse than the coffee maker, it is a very good choice for Italian coffee lovers.

Brief introduction of seagull hand-pressed coffee maker:

The seagull hand-pressed coffee maker is a very young coffee ware, which uses a very simple structure to achieve the goal of humanizing the commercial Italian coffee machine, replacing the boiler and heat exchange with hot water and the water pump with hand pressure. although the final effect is obviously much worse than the coffee maker, it is a very good choice for Italian coffee lovers. In addition, it does not need power and fire source, as long as there is hot water can be used, you can drink a cup of ESPRESSO anytime, anywhere.


Evaluation of seagull hand-pressed coffee maker

Advantages of utensils: ESPRESSO with high concentration can be extracted without power supply and fire source, and the appearance is beautiful.

Disadvantages of utensils: the quality of ESPRESSO is more general, and the water temperature is insufficient.

Brewing speed: very fast, about 1 minute

Price of utensils: higher, about 400 to 500 yuan

Cleaning and maintenance: generally, handles, sealing rings and so on need to be cleaned.

Durability: it doesn't look very strong, maybe it's a characteristic of domestic products.

Suitable for coffee beans: generally use medium-deep roasted coffee beans

Applicable place: home, office