Coffee review

Is the common mocha coffee made from a mocha pot? what kind of coffee pot is a mocha pot?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information Please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) the mocha pot is divided into three parts: the upper pot body, the powder trough, and the lower pot holder. 01 the outlet of the mocha liquid flow is the extraction port: the extracted coffee flows out. There is a pressure valve at the extraction port of some products. This kind of kettle has higher extraction pressure than other mocha pots and can extract.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

The mocha pot is divided into three parts: the upper body, the powder trough, and the lower seat.


The outlet of the mocha liquid flow is the extraction port: the extracted coffee flows out of it. The extraction port of some products is equipped with a pressure valve, this kind of pot has higher extraction pressure than other mocha pots and can extract more abundant coffee oil. For a mocha kettle with a pressure valve, when the upper body and lower seat are separated, the pressure valve needs to be lifted gently to drain the internal pressure.


The function of the rubber ring: the rubber ring around the filter disc helps to maintain the high air pressure inside the mocha pot. If it is often used, the rubber band will gradually deform as a result of continuous thermal expansion and cold contraction. In addition, if the rubber ring is taken off every time it is cleaned, it will cause the rubber ring to stretch faster. So if the extraction is not going well or the steam and coffee are leaking, first check whether the rubber ring is normal. The mocha pot needs to be cleaned after use, but the rubber ring does not need to be taken off every time. Rubber rings are consumables and need to be renewed.


Pressure valve: a safety device to prevent the internal air pressure of the mocha kettle from exceeding a certain range.

How to use the mocha pot


Pour hot water into the mocha pot, pay attention to the water can not exceed the horizontal height of the lower pot seat safety valve, otherwise the air pressure can not be effectively adjusted, there will be steam ejected after heating.


Ground coffee beans (recommended grinding degree-2) it is recommended to use coffee beans with a higher degree of roasting.


Put the coffee powder into the funnel. When in full bloom, do not press the coffee powder, and make the coffee powder slightly higher than the edge of the funnel, and then flatten the high part (same as the semi-automatic coffee machine, but no need to press the powder)


If the amount of coffee powder is more than the quantity, then the extraction will not proceed smoothly, and a lot of fine powder will be produced in the coffee.


Put the funnel into the lower pot holder


Then tighten the kettle.


Put the mocha pot on the gas stove and boil it over medium heat. Until the coffee boils up. Keep the lid open all the time. The diameter of the lower seat of the mocha pot needs a tripod on the furnace if the Vivas furnace is small.


When the pot hisses, the coffee oil begins to be extracted.


Close the lid immediately, turn off the heat, and wait until the extraction is over.


Pour the mocha into the coffee cup and be careful to burn your hands.


About the degree of grinding

If the particles of the coffee powder are too fine, the coffee extracted after starting the mocha pot will not rise to the extraction mouth, but will leak directly from the upper pot body and the lower pot seat. The powder used in the mocha pot should be finer ground than hand-brewed coffee, but thicker than espresso.

It can be used for all kinds of fancy coffee.

The coffee liquid extracted from the mocha pot can be used to make fancy coffee such as latte and mocha coffee.

Today, Italian coffee is popular all over the world, we are no stranger to Italian coffee maker, but have you ever tried to make mocha pot coffee as rich as Espresso at home? Mocha pot coffee is different from the clean and bright hand-made series, nor as full and mellow as siphon pot coffee, it has its own unique features, conditional star fans, hurry up in the store to buy a bag of concentrated coffee beans to go home with a mocha pot to try!

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