Coffee review

How long does it take to flush by hand? can I use a kettle? is it a hand flush pot? What kind of hand flushing pot works?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information Please pay attention to the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) the hand-made utensils are relatively simple, and the ones you use at home do not need to be too expensive, including: hand mill; fine mouth pot; sharing pot; filter bowl; filter paper. The variety of each coffee is different, the grinding thickness is different, the water temperature is different, and the steaming time is different.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

The utensils used by hand are relatively simple, and the ones you use at home do not need to be too expensive, including: hand mill; thin mouth pot; sharing pot; filter bowl; filter paper.

Each coffee variety is different, the grinding thickness is different, the water temperature is different, the steaming time is different, the result may be very different.

But you can suggest a range: for sour coffee, the powder-to-water ratio is between 15: 180 and 15: 15, which is better. You need a comparison cup test! The steaming time is about 5 seconds to 15 seconds, and some do not have to steam, especially lightly roasted coffee, because the longer the time, the more bitterness will be released!

Kettle can not be used as a hand flushing pot, unless the flow can be well controlled, it is generally not recommended. The spout of the kettle is so large and short that it is difficult to control the flow.

The spout of the hand-flushing pot is specially designed to enable users to better control the flow of water.

Teach you to choose a good-looking hand to flush the pot.

Ability to control the flow of water:

When brewing, the water flow should be large and small, in order to deal with different coffee beans, and control the brewing time-the water is fine, the brewing time is long; the water is thick, the time is short.

Provide hot water at a specific temperature:

The water temperature of hand-brewed coffee is usually 90-93 degrees.


A thin-pointed spout is very important. The sharper the spout is, the more it can give a trickle of water.

Outlet pipe

I do not like the outlet pipe that is too thin, if it is too thin, there is no way to give a larger flow, but not too thick, otherwise the control of the fine flow will become a little tricky.


Most hand pots need to add more than 80% of the water, which will be easier to fill, so basically do not use a hand pot with a capacity of more than one liter, because it is too heavy-it will be too tired when holding it, and the watering will be difficult to control. But if the capacity of the kettle is too small, the water temperature will fall too fast, and after brewing, the water temperature will be too low.

Kettle body temperature

The temperature must be controllable, so a combination of heat source and thermometer is needed.

You can choose induction cooker or open fire to heat (personally, it is not recommended to use fire, because most household gas stoves have a large core, and most hand pots on the market cannot be safely mounted on gas stoves, which increases some danger. in addition, heating with fire will heat the handle at the same time, making it easier to burn.

The shape of the kettle body had better be thin at the top and fat at the bottom, so that when we are circling, the inertia of the water in the kettle will not have a great impact on the stability of water injection.

And if you use a thermometer, please use an electronic thermometer (pointer thermometers are not allowed! ). At present, some appliance manufacturers have developed a heating electric kettle with its own temperature measurement function, which has solved a lot of problems at once!

To sum up the above, here are some of the coffee handmade pots I recommend:

Bonavita constant temperature hand punch pot, Kalita wave 1.0L hand punch pot, Takahiro 1.0L hand punch pot

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