Coffee review

The importance of cleaning the semi-automatic coffee machine doing a good job of cleaning the coffee machine every day can make you live a few more years.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information Please pay attention to coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) Coffee has become a must-have drink for many young people or people nurtured by Western culture, and coffee machines have become more and more concerned in the kitchen. However, the coffee machine needs to be cleaned and maintained. next, let's take a look at how to clean the coffee machine. Master

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Coffee has become a must-have drink for many young people or people nurtured by Western culture, and coffee machines have become more and more concerned in the kitchen. However, the coffee machine needs to be cleaned and maintained. next, let's take a look at how to clean the coffee machine.

There are six main methods:

1. A special reminder is that the coffee machine must be cleaned regularly, usually in about a month. It can be adjusted according to the frequency used. When determining whether cleaning is needed, you can check the pressure of the steam, and clean it when the pressure of the steam is not ideal.

two。 Try to choose professional detergent for cleaning, so that it will not cause damage to the machine, the decontamination effect is good, and it is relatively safe.

3. If there is no cleaning detergent, try mixing one part of white vinegar with six portions of clear water, which can also replace professional detergent, of course, you can also use citric acid, but the price is higher.

4. The effect of cleaning should be carefully observed, mainly to observe the color of the effluent and the pressure of the steam. If the effluent is clear and the pressure is in place, then it is cleaned.

5. If you encounter a steam outlet blockage, you can use a toothpick to clear it. What needs to be reminded is that be sure to turn off the steam switch before operating. Moreover, the steam outlet should not be directed at the person, so as to avoid accidental injury.

6. After the vinegar cleaning has achieved satisfactory results, rinse again with pure water until the water comes out without any peculiar smell.

How to clean the coffee machine

Although the coffee machine is not a common appliance, it is best to clean it after use, otherwise bacteria will grow and affect your health. How do you clean the coffee machine? Here is how to clean the coffee machine:

Steam rod cleaning

After using the steam rod, wipe it with a clean cotton cloth, then open the steam valve for 2 seconds and use steam to wash the residual dirt to keep the steam rod clean and tidy.

Rinse and cook head cleaning

Every time you finish brewing coffee, remember to remove the coffee handle, pour out the coffee grounds, then turn on the cleaning switch, rinse the boiled head, and clean the coffee handle at the same time. If there are stubborn stains on the coffee handle, it should be rinsed repeatedly.

Drainage trough cleaning

Remove the drainage plate, rinse the sediment with hot water, then soak in hot water for 5 minutes and sterilize. If there is a leak at the bottom of the coffee machine during normal use, check whether the drain is blocked by foreign body, remove the foreign body and do a good job of cleaning.

External cleaning

Wipe the body of the coffee machine with a clean wet cloth. If there is dirt, clean it with a special cleaning agent for the coffee machine. In addition, you should be careful not to let the water seep in, so as to avoid circuit system failure.