Coffee review

Where did the coffee grounds come from? What are the ingredients in coffee grounds? the use of coffee grounds

Published: 2024-05-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/05/20, Professional Coffee knowledge Exchange more information on coffee beans Please pay attention to the Coffee Workshop (official Wechat account cafe_style) any juice from fruit or legumes usually leaves residue because we take its juice, not its fiber or pulp. Coffee, like soy milk, is made of beans that are ground (ground) and then boiled to drain the bean juice. So it must be

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Extracting the juice of any fruit or legume usually leaves residue because we take its juice, not its fiber or pulp.

Coffee, like soy milk, is made of beans that are ground (ground) and then cooked to drain the bean juice. So there is bound to be residue, residue in the process of making soy milk, as well as when brewing coffee. After the roasted coffee beans are bought, they are ground into fine particles, put in a filter and washed by hot water, and the coffee juice can be obtained. There are many ways to brew coffee, but it will certainly produce coffee grounds, because you don't want to drink those dregs, so is making tea, and the tea that has been brewed has also become tea dregs.

Of course, it is not the kind of three-in-one powdered coffee, which usually mixes the extracted juice with other substances, dries and processes it into powder, brews it and drinks it with water, so there is no residue (like milk powder).

10-15% biodiesel can be extracted from coffee grounds, which is similar to the yield of biodiesel from other sources, but the cost is much lower. And the biodiesel is more stable (because coffee grounds contain more natural antioxidants), and its quenched solid residue can also be used as composites, fertilizers, fermented alcohol materials, fuel particles, and so on. And coffee grounds deodorization in addition to the original residual part of the flavor substance, the adsorption capacity is its porous (porous), so activated carbon or zeolite or SiO2 and so on. Activated carbon is black powder or block, granular and honeycomb amorphous carbon, as well as well-arranged crystal carbon. 80% of activated carbon is composed of more than 90% carbon, which is why activated carbon is a hydrophobic adsorbent.

Coffee grounds as a natural decontamination agent

Pour coffee grounds into the sink and wash them away with water to remove the stench and greasy from the drainage pipes; coffee grounds contain activated carbon that can absorb a lot of tiny dirt, so coffee grounds can be mixed with detergents to remove stubborn stains from tableware; coffee grounds mixed with hand sanitizer is more effective.

Coffee grounds as natural deodorant

Coffee grounds have the ability to absorb odors, so they are good helpers for deodorization. Coffee grounds can be put in a small plate and put in the toilet to remove the smell; it can also be sewn in a cloth bag and stuffed into the shoe cabinet, which can not only serve as an aromatic agent, but also play a role in dehumidification, if put in the shoes, the deodorization effect is more obvious.

Coffee grounds as natural frosting powder

Caffeine can speed up fat metabolism and reduce excess fat under the skin. Mix coffee grounds and essential oils on the skin to reduce fat and smooth the skin. Massage coffee grounds in the thighs, abdomen, arms and buttocks that are easy to hoard fat; mix coffee grounds in soap or body wash instead of scrub cream to massage the skin, which can clean pores and exfoliate and make the skin smoother.

Coffee grounds as a natural insect repellent

Sprinkle coffee grounds in the house or yard to drive away insects and ants. If you have pets at home, sprinkle some wet coffee grounds on them and use a brush to drive away fleas, which not only does not cause chemical damage, but also makes them full of fragrance. In addition, mixing coffee grounds in the soil of potted plants can effectively prevent plant pests and is very environmentally friendly.

Coffee grounds as natural fertilizer

Because coffee grounds contain nutrients needed for plant growth, pouring it into the flowerpot can not only play the role of fertilizer, but also has no peculiar smell.