Coffee review

How many kinds of filter paper coffee are there? How to use coffee filter paper fan and v-shaped coffee filter paper

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Please pay attention to the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) filter paper is the filter medium for hand-brewed coffee, and it is often the most easily overlooked detail. the filter paper of different grades, poor quality filter paper will dissolve the taste of the pulp into the coffee. At present, there are many kinds of filter paper on the market, including hemp, bamboo fiber, cotton, high-grade Japanese and paper, etc.

For information, please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Filter paper is the filter medium for hand-brewed coffee, and it is often the most neglected detail.

Filter paper is divided into different grades, and poor quality filter paper will dissolve the taste of pulp into coffee. At present, there are many kinds of filter paper on the market, including hemp, bamboo fiber, cotton, and high-grade Japanese and paper; the fiber length of filter paper can also affect the taste, and some thicker filter paper can also correct the taste of coffee. For example, American Chemex filter paper is thick enough to filter out most impurities and may taste better than other filter paper.

Bleached filter paper vs unbleached filter paper

Coffee filter paper is mostly made of wood, and the pulp color after wood cooking is mostly brown, and it takes several stages of bleaching process to turn white.

The difference between coffee filter paper bleaching and non-bleaching is as follows:

1. Bleaching: the coffee filter paper looks whiter when it is bleached.

2, no bleaching: refers to coffee filter paper without bleaching, filter paper looks close to light brown.

Compared with the white filter paper, the raw wood color filter paper has less bleaching process, but the flavor of the filter paper itself is aggravated. It is necessary to fully soak the filter paper with boiling water when brewing coffee, and some wet it at least 3 times to reduce the taste of the paper into the coffee.

Bleaching filter paper, in the selection of materials, technology and quality control have strict requirements, mainly bleaching enzymes are now used, this enzyme bleaching is a bioactive enzyme, widely used in the field of medicine, the degree of harm can be ignored.

The choice of appropriate filter paper can be made by considering the following four factors.

Hardness: filter paper will get wet during filtration. Some experimental steps of long-time filtration should consider using stronger filter paper after wet water.

Filtration efficiency: the density and size of the seepage holes in the filter paper affect its filtration efficiency. The filter paper with high efficiency has the advantages of fast filtration speed and high resolution.

Capacity: the solid particles accumulated during filtration may block the pores on the filter paper, so the denser the pores, the higher the capacity, the more filtration is allowed.

Applicability: some filter paper is completed by special production steps, such as nitrogen-free filter paper must be used in testing medicine to determine the content of nitrogen in the blood.

Note that the filter paper can not filter zinc chloride, otherwise the filter paper will be corroded and damaged by zinc chloride.