Coffee review

Brew Guatemala polsa with cake cup and V60, retro coffee bean hand mill time to go

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, I believe that many friends have seen it in many coffee shops, and even many young ladies in the art department have fallen in love with coffee since they saw the retro coffee mill. No matter at home or in the store, a photo will have a retro literary atmosphere, feel how to shoot how beautiful. Although the retro hand mill is a good helper for taking pictures, Xiaobian still lets it play its best today.

I believe that many friends have seen it in many coffee shops, and even many young ladies in the art department have fallen in love with coffee since they saw the retro coffee mill. No matter at home or in the store, a photo will have a retro literary atmosphere, feel how to shoot how beautiful. Although the retro hand mill is a good helper for taking pictures, Xiaobian still lets it play its most fundamental role today!

Xiao Bian first disassembled the parts of the retro hand mill. You can look at the picture below to understand the name of each part. The gear on the upper part and the curved adjusting sheet form a device for adjusting the grinding degree, so that the cutter heads of the retro-type hand grinder are all conical and consist of a movable cutter head and a fixed cutter head, and the movable cutter head is connected with the shaft center, and the height distance between the two cutter heads is fixed by the adjusting device so as to adjust the grinding degree.

Because there is no scale to adjust the grinding degree of retro hand grinding, so Xiaobian first put a label on the gear, first turned a circle and found that it is relatively fine, so then turned half a circle to test its sieving rate 10 grams of powder through 5.7 grams, the pass rate is 57%, and the usual BG 5R pass rate is similar.

This time,[Guatemala·Polsa] was used for testing. The flavor of this bean is mainly rich in nutty flavor, chocolate, cream and caramel. The overall flavor is mellow and balanced.

Try cooking with V60 first.

Method: 89℃ water temperature, 1:15 powder-water ratio, 15 grams of powder. Steaming for 35 seconds with 31 grams of water, then filling to 131 grams, continuing to fill to 225 grams after seeing the powder bed, removing the filter cup after seeing the powder bed, the total brewing time is 2 '25 "(probably because there is more fine powder, so the water is a little slow)

Flavor: Plum, passion fruit, cream, brown sugar, caramel, chocolate, slightly astringent taste after the entrance but there is a woody taste.

This may be caused by the uneven grinding degree of hand grinding, so Xiaobian decided to remove the fine powder and do it again. After sifting out the fine powder, he weighed it. The fine powder is 1.6 grams.

Method: 89℃ water temperature, 1:15 powder-water ratio, 15 grams of powder. Steaming with 31g water for 30 seconds, then filling water to 130g, continuing to fill water to 225g after seeing the powder bed, removing the filter cup after seeing the powder bed, the total brewing time is 2 '05 "

Flavor: Smoky, caramel, cream, chocolate, overall cleaner, soft sour, short finish, less astringent, but woody taste still exists.

Then we don't change the grinding degree, we also sift the fine powder and try changing it to a cake cup ~

Method: 89℃ water temperature, 1:15 powder-water ratio, 15 grams of powder. Steaming with 40g water for 30 seconds, then adding water to 125g, continuing to add water to 229g after seeing the powder bed, removing the filter cup after seeing the powder bed, the total brewing time is 2 '18 "

Flavor: Chocolate, passion fruit, cream, caramel, grape, berry acidity, overall clean and no astringency and woody taste.

Through the experiment of V60 and cake cup [Guatemala·Polsa], the overall flavor of this bean can basically be expressed, but the flavor performance of [cake cup] in retro hand mill is better. Xiaobian may be related to the uneven ground coffee powder of hand mill. After all, there are many coarse particles besides fine powder.

[V60] Because it is a drip filter, although we have used segmentation to make coffee extraction more balanced, it is difficult to avoid over-extraction and under-extraction of coffee powder with uneven thickness at the edge of the filter cup and concentrated at the bottom;

Because the cake cup is flat and has only three small holes, most of the time is in the process of soaking and extracting. In addition, the filter paper of the cake cup is wavy, which can better prevent the water from rushing to the edge and causing uneven extraction of coffee powder.

Therefore, Xiaobian thinks that retro hand grinding and cake cup are more suitable!