Coffee review

Description of red cherry plan characteristics and flavor description of red cherry plan characteristics description of regional characteristics of planting areas

Published: 2024-10-18 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/18, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) April 2012 direct coffee re-introduction of red cherry program Sidamo Cambedo (Kebado) sun-dried beans, which is Trabocca's exclusive selection of September and October harvest and processing of the freshest red cherry program Sidamo G3 sun-dried beans, produced by nearly 300 soybean farmers.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

In April 2012, Direct Coffee reintroduced "Red Cherry Project" Sidamo Cambedo (Kebado) sun-dried beans, which is Trabocca's exclusive selection of the freshest red cherry harvested and processed in September and October. Sidamo G3 sun-dried beans are produced by nearly 300 soybean farmers. Cambedo has been selected by Red Cherry Program judges for five years in a row, saying that Cambedo is the best in Sidamo. The small farm they operate covers an area of not about 0.75-1 hectare, and the soil is fertile red soil at an altitude of 1700-2200 meters, with an average annual rainfall of 1100-1200 ha mm.

Property Characteristics: farm characteristics

Farm name: Operation Cherrie Red Red Cherry Project

Farmer Farm owner: Various small producers different kinds of small farmers

City City: Dara Dara Kebado Cambedo

Region producing area: Sidamo Sidamo producing area

Country country: Ethiopia

Altitude altitude: 1700 Murray 2200 meters

Farm Size farm size: 300 soybean farmers

Coffee growing area Coffee planting area: 0.75--1Hectares ha

Annual Precipitation annual rainfall: 1100 Muhami 1200 haomi mm

Soil soil: Volcanic clay volcanic clay