Coffee review

Coffee Brewing Guide What are the ways to make coffee? Single item coffee Italian coffee

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange More coffee bean information Please pay attention to coffee workshop (Weixin Official Accounts cafe_style) END Coffee brewing guides Learn to make coffee Brewing Guides In Japan, the word kodawari roughly means a sincere, firm focus on what he does, although he knows that perfection is impossible, but still tries his best to make it perfect. Often used to describe

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

END Coffee brewing Guide

Learn to make coffee

Brewing Guides

In Japan, the word "kodawari" probably means "a person who is sincere and committed to what he is doing, although he knows that perfection is impossible, but still tries his best to make it perfect." . It is often used to praise people who devote their lives to their careers. We need a little of this mindset when we make coffee at home.

The coffee we usually drink is made in different ways, which can be divided into Italian coffee, French coffee and American coffee. Italian coffee is characterized by pure and full-bodied taste, French coffee is characterized by a wide variety of patterns, beautiful shape, American coffee is characterized by simple and quick, the general coffee shop will not sell this kind of coffee. Usually there are only two categories we see in coffee shops, that is, individual coffee and fancy coffee.

Drip filter cup

The simplest and most effective way to brew, but can extract high-quality coffee.

French pressure kettle

Because of its unique extraction method, pressure can truly reflect the characteristics of beans.


Espresso, the biggest feature is "fast", the flavor is relatively mellow, bitter flavor is very strong.

Pull flowers

The art of flower drawing is a unique way of expression of Italian coffee.

Mocha pot

Can make Espresso espresso, small size, elegant appearance, easy to operate, suitable for family use.

New Orleans iced coffee

Very sweet, and the smell of cream, may be very important, is always so delicious.


Invented in 1941, it is exquisite and elegant and has been praised by many famous collectors in the world.

Flannel strainer

It takes the hands of a surgeon and the ability of a musician to make coffee.

Siphon kettle

This is the coolest way to brew, and it doesn't cost much.