Coffee review

Hartman Flavor description: does Hartman taste good? Hartman hand punching step parameters

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

The small farms in the Boquete Pokai butterfly producing area do produce distinctive coffee cherries. During the harvest season, the farm employs the local natives of Nobebugre Indians, and is employed at the most reasonable salary in accordance with the labor laws of Central America. Hartman Manor, a coffee farm jointly run by the Hartmann family, was founded by Alois Strasil Hartmann, who came to the Boquete district of Panama around 1918 to start his planting business. Hartman Manor now has two coffee farms, Ojo de Agua and Palo Verde, about two miles apart.

Ojo de Agua's coffee is grown under shade trees, and many areas of the estate are virgin forests and one of the buffers of the famous La Amistad Forest Reserve across Costa Rica and Panama, with an average elevation of between 1220 and 1828 meters, and the mud road leads to various native habitats of animals and plants, making it ideal for bird watching, hiking and exploration. Dry aromas of strawberries, blueberries, grapes and mangoes.

The palate can feel rich fruit flavors such as blackberries, grapes, berries, mangoes, passion fruits and carambola, accompanied by charming wine aromas, thick and full, complex and profound.

Sun-dried beans have always been the strength of Panamanian coffee, stable technology and systematic analysis ability to create extraordinary beans, Hartman Manor is a coffee estate run by the Hartmann family, founded by Alois Strasil Hartmann, Hartman Manor has many areas for virgin forest, and is also one of the buffer zones of the famous La Amistad Forest Reserve across Costa Rica and Panama. The coffee grown here grows under the shade trees of the rainforest.

Because the ribs of the V60 filter cup are distributed in a curved shape from top to bottom, and the length is different, the exhaust is more smooth and the flow rate is faster when brewing, and it is precisely because of this that the flavor level of the extracted coffee will be more obvious. In the brewing technique, the editor will use the method of segmented extraction to increase the extraction rate of beans. Extraction parameters & manipulation: water temperature 91 ℃; moderate grinding (BG 5R: Chinese standard 20 sieve pass rate 58%); ratio of powder to water 1: 15; powder weight 15 g; steaming with 34 g water for 30 seconds, small flow water injection to 133g, water injection to 227 g when the water level is about to be exposed to the powder bed, remove the filter cup when the water level is about to expose the powder bed, and the extraction time is 1: 49 ".