Coffee review

There are several kinds of hand-brewed coffee filter cups. How to choose coffee filter cups?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information Please pay attention to the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) Coffee filter cup types with the invention of coffee filter paper and filter cup at the beginning of the 20th century, after a century of evolution and improvement, the filter cup and filter paper on the market are very diverse, not only in appearance, but also affect the flow rate and extraction time leading to the taste of coffee in every

Professional coffee knowledge exchange More coffee bean information Please pay attention to coffee workshop (Weixin Official Accounts cafe_style)

Types of coffee filter cups

With the invention of coffee filter paper and filter cup in the early 20th century, after a century of evolution and improvement, the filter cup and filter paper on the market are very diverse, not only the shape is different, but also the flow rate and extraction time cause the taste of coffee to be different under each kind of appliance.

Fan filter cup (trapezoidal filter cup, platform filter cup)

Below the fan is usually a hole, two holes, three holes, the flow rate is slow so the extraction time of coffee will be longer, pay attention to the degree of fit between the filter paper and the filter cup, if the filter paper will fit the hole below, it may cause the flow rate to be too slow so that the extraction is excessive, the coffee appears bitter, so it should choose to match rather than fully fit.

This shape was designed in 1908 when Melitta Bentz made coffee filters, initially with single holes, and later with more holes, the number of holes determined the flow rate, and the number of holes needed to be selected according to each person's coffee needs.

conical filter bowl

In addition to the fan shape, the most common one on the market is the conical filter cup. Most of the difference in cone shape lies in the groove design of the cup body. The groove is the passage for the coffee extract to flow into the cup, so the groove design also affects the flow rate. For example, many people recommend KONO famous groove only half or less of the cup body, there is no groove where the filter paper is attached to the cup body, resulting in a slower flow rate, suitable for coffee that likes a stronger taste; and the other most recommended Hario V60 is the groove extends to the whole cup body, the flow rate is faster, the coffee taste is brighter, clean, is a highly recommended coffee filter cup, Taiwan hand brewed coffee finals Ji Shu is also using V60.

Wave filter cup (cake filter cup)

Wave filter cup is a patent of KALITA. The filter paper used in combination is like the creases of cupcake paper. It is also called cake filter cup. However, Wave filter cup is used in English. More people call it wave filter cup. The creases of filter paper replace the grooves of backflow. Because the area of the cup body is small, coffee powder can be extracted evenly. It is recommended by both novices and players. In recent years, wave filter cup is often seen in hand coffee competitions. The reason why the market share is not so high is that the wave filter paper is more expensive, each of which is about twice that of ordinary filter paper, which is also a small disadvantage.

metal bowl

The metal material can retain the fat, layer and Body of coffee more than paper filter paper; the coffee filtered by paper filter paper is cleaner and brighter. The advantage of metal material is that it can continue to be used as long as it is cleaned, and the obvious disadvantage is that the fine powder of coffee is easily washed into the coffee together, causing coffee powder precipitation at the bottom of the cup. If the degree is serious, it will affect the taste of the whole cup of coffee. To solve this problem, a fine powder filter is needed to make the coffee purer.

Material differences in filter cups

The difference in material is specific heat, ceramic, resin, plastic, stainless steel, metal, etc., is the effect of locking temperature, such as ceramic production is thicker, temperature control effect is better than plastic, in the extraction of coffee temperature maintenance effect is better, if you change the material and feel the taste of coffee bitter or less taste, may want to adjust the water temperature, to practice and equipment sweet point.

Material will also affect the price, if you want to rush out a cup of good coffee more need to understand the equipment and more practice, it is not that the more expensive the better to drink, we practice together!