Coffee review

There are three common mistakes in making coffee in French pressure pot! French pressure pot coffee grinding fineness should be how to brew good?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information Please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) I believe everyone has the experience or idea of making coffee at home. There are many ways to make coffee, such as ear hanging, hand brewing, cold extraction, siphon pot, mocha pot and so on. One of them is


The French press pot can be said to be the world's most famous and widely used coffee brewing appliance. Whether it is a coffee drinker or a coffee eater's home, you can easily find the figure of the French pressure pot from a corner where the appliance is placed.

There was coffee white, not enough confidence in his own water injection skills, but in order to taste the coffee more complete, refined flavor, resort to the front street. In such a case, in addition to encouraging more practice, Front Street also pulled out the dusty French press pot in the shop.


Different people have different ways of using the French press pot, some like to use it to brew tea, and some like to use it to brew coffee. No matter what kind of beverage is brewed, the French press pot reflects its most basic function is to separate the residue. All kinds of coffee utensils have their origins story, and the French press is no exception.

The first known written record of a French press pot is a patent filed in 1852 by two Frenchmen, Henri-Otto Mayer and Jacques-Victor Delforge. Due to design flaws, the container could not be sealed, prompting other designers to develop and publish their own versions of the design.


In 1929, Italian Attilio Calimani and Giulio Moneta obtained the patent of the French press pot in the United States, and the prototype of the modern French press pot was obtained. Nowadays, in the catalogue of many household goods companies, you can see the figure of the French press pot, the pot body made of borosilicate glass, durable, reliable and reasonable price, plus simple and easy to use operation, for many first-time boutique coffee friends, is a mother-like choice.

The working principle of the French press pot

When making coffee, the coffee powder will be poured into the pot and soaked in hot water completely, and then the coffee liquid and coffee grounds will be separated by a pressure rod with a metal filter. The coffee obtained by this brewing method has a very good mellow feeling, which adds points to the texture and grease of the coffee.

Points for attention in the operation of the French press pot

The operation steps of the method press pot are simple, so that many friends who first know fine coffee feel the care of the coffee world. However, there are still a few caveats in brewing. After all, the method of making coffee is mainly brewing, so there are certain restrictions on the grinding degree of coffee beans, water temperature, and the proportion of powder and water.

[Degree of Grinding]

The French press itself is a steeping type of appliance, so the choice of grinding degree is generally coarser than that of hand brewed coffee. However, coffee fine powder is also one of the important sources of coffee flavor, coffee powder is too coarse, but it is difficult to extract the flavor of coffee, resulting in weak flavor. If the degree of grinding is too fine, or too much powder is absorbed, it may cause the metal filter to fail to filter the coffee grounds, which will make the coffee taste unpleasant and affect the taste.


The method press pot and cup test are the same as the infusion type of coffee extraction method. Qianjie recommends using the Chinese standard No.20 sieve with a pass rate of 70%--75% grinding degree. Due to different grinding equipment, its specifications, cutter type, maintenance status are different, the ground coffee powder may also be different. Therefore, when introducing the degree of grinding, Qianjie generally uses the standard sieving rate as the standard, and you will correct it according to this data.

[Water Temperature]

Many small partners who often read the coffee articles on the front street should be able to find that the water temperature used in the front street will also be different for coffee beans of different roasting degrees.

This is because as the roasting degree of coffee beans deepens, the water absorption efficiency of coffee powder particles increases, the flavor dissolves faster, and the increase in water temperature accelerates the reaction rate between the two, thus easily producing bitter and burnt taste. Therefore, Qianjie recommends using a water temperature of 86 ° C to 88 ° C for coffee beans with medium to deep roasting.


For lighter roasted coffee beans, Qianjie recommends using a water temperature of 90 ° C to 93 ° C to extract the aromatic substances and high-quality acids from the lighter roasted coffee beans at a higher temperature.

[Ratio of powder to water]

For coffee brewing, the concept of "gold cup extraction" has been talked about in the coffee circle. The so-called gold cup extraction refers to: coffee concentration between 1.15% and 1.35%, extraction rate between 18% and 22%. Qianjie Coffee uses the same type of coffee beans, the same water temperature, the same grinding degree, and compares between different powder and water ratios of 1: 13,1: 14,1: 15,1:16. When the powder and water ratio is 1:15, it can meet the concentration and extraction value mentioned in the Golden Cup extraction.


Even though there is broad agreement on an extraction rate of 18 to 22 percent, different people have different dietary cultures, and people have different preferences for coffee strength, some prefer strong coffee and some prefer light coffee. Qianjie suggested that, on the basis of 1:15, you can try 1: 13,1:14 if you like rich ones; and you can try 1: 16,1:17 if you like light ones, or even try 1:18, the commonly used ratio of powder and water.

Next, Qianjie gave a demonstration on the menu of more than 50 coffee beans, taking Huakui coffee beans as an example, so as to get a cup of Huakui coffee with more solid juice feeling. First of all, the front street needs to start with the introduction of the taste of coffee.


Huakui Coffee This bean is produced in the Hambera sub-producing area of Ethiopia's Sidama region. Since winning the TOH Ethiopia Sunlight Group championship in 2017, Huakui Coffee has captured a large number of coffee lovers in China with its rich berry tone and lasting creamy aftertaste.

Front Street When making a roast curve for coffee beans from Africa, in order to highlight the bright fruit acidity of African coffee, a medium light roast is generally used. Therefore, when brewing with a French press, Qianjie recommends using a grinding degree of 75% for the passage rate of the Chinese standard No. 20 sieve and a higher water temperature.

Appliance: French press kettle

Water temperature: 90 degrees Celsius

Powder: 15g

Powder water ratio: 1:15

Time: 4 minutes


Preheat the pot body first, pour the ground coffee powder into the French press pot, and pour hot water at 90 degrees Celsius according to the ratio of 1:15 powder to water, lift the lid rod to the highest point and close the lid. After four minutes of soaking, gently press down to a quarter of the pressure, pour out the coffee and enjoy.


Front Street Through the above brewing parameters and steps, the entrance of the coffee has obvious comprehensive berry aroma, compound juice feeling, slightly orange blossom aroma, creamy silky taste obvious, overall taste full and mellow.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange More coffee bean information Please pay attention to coffee workshop (Weixin Official Accounts cafe_style)

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