Coffee review

Honduran wine barrel treatment of coffee bean sherry coffee bean hand brewed coffee flavor description

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) whisky and coffee are unexpectedly so Match many drinkers have always thought that it is a business gimmick, did not expect to taste better than expected! If you like coffee, you will fall in love with whisky at the same time, because the charming flavor of whisky is as attractive as coffee

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

The highland coffee produced in Honduras is of very good quality, with a rich taste, slightly sweet acidity, rich and unique aroma and a long finish, but the Honduran coffee beans preferred by coffee lovers are barrel-processed sherry coffee beans and lychee orchid coffee beans. what's so special about these two beans? In front of the street coffee and learn about the characteristics of Honduran wine barrels in handling coffee beans.

The formation of any type of coffee beans is inseparable from topography, climate and treatment. Honduras is located in the north of Central America, facing the Caribbean Sea to the north, the Gulf of Fonseca in the Pacific Ocean to the south, Nicaragua and El Salvador to the east and south, and Guatemala to the west, mostly mountains and plateaus. The terrain of Honduras is complex and the climate is diversified. Located in the coastal plain of Central America, it has a tropical rain forest climate, with an average annual temperature of 31 ℃. The mountain belongs to subtropical forest climate, the annual average temperature is 23 ℃, the rainy season is from June to November, the temperature is mild and the rainfall is abundant, so it is an ideal place for coffee growth.

In addition, the coffee producing areas of Honduras are widely distributed, which can be divided into five boutique coffee producing areas, which are located in the western and southern regions of Copan, Opalaca, Montecillos, Comayagua and Agalta Tropical. Locally grown coffee is Arabica, mainly iron pickup, bourbon, Kaddura, Verasac and other varieties. Honduras has high coffee production and has become one of the top ten coffee exporters in the world.

There are two kinds of coffee beans in Honduras, one is Highland Coffee, which produces high altitude, between 1000 meters and 1500 meters, and the other is specially selected Highland Coffee, which is the highest grade coffee in Honduras, between 1500 meters and 2000 meters above sea level. Qianjie Coffee also tests beans from more than 50 coffee producing areas, among which the flavor of Central American coffee beans tends to be floral and fruity and soft fruit juice. However, the characteristics of Honduran coffee are more spicy, with a full-bodied feel of nut chocolate in the back, with a balanced and layered overall performance.

The two coffee beans obtained from Qianjie Coffee are mainly Kaddura, Kaduai and Pacas varieties. The local currant pours the harvested all-red coffee fruit into the sink, removes all the defects by flotation, and then uses a pulp screening machine to remove the exocarp and pulp of the coffee fruit, which is still attached to a slippery layer of pectin. Put the coffee beans with pectin in the fermentation tank for 16 hours and 36 hours, during which the microbes will decompose the pectin. After the fermentation is completed, a large amount of water is used to remove the pectin residue from the coffee beans. Finally, the washed coffee beans are dried in the sun.

This is the first step in the treatment of the front street coffee Honduran barrel, and the second step is the most important, putting the finely washed sherry beans and lychee beans into the sherry barrel / rum barrel, fermenting at a low temperature for 30-40 days, and then drying in the shade. This barrel treatment method comes from the wine fermentation process, in the coffee fermentation process, the barrel can let a very small amount of air through the barrel wall, infiltrate into the bucket to make coffee beans have a moderate oxidation, the right amount of oxygen entry also accelerates the fermentation of coffee, so that coffee has a sense of hierarchy and coffee has a strong aroma.

This step of barrel treatment is very important for the formation of coffee bean flavor, and the reason why coffee beans fermented in Honduran wine barrels will have obvious aroma is because of this step.

When the current street coffee is brewing these two types of coffee beans, they smell a strong aroma of wine as soon as they open the package, which is also one of the major features of these two Honduran coffee beans.

Qianjie Coffee is suitable for these two types at the same time.

After a cup test, Shirley coffee beans have strong whisky aroma, wet fragrance is vanilla aroma, entrance is whisky aroma, smooth feel of vanilla cream, acidity of berries, dark chocolate, honey finish. The dry aroma of litchi orchid coffee beans is vanilla cream, the wet fragrance is litchi, and the entrance is the aroma of brandy, sweet and sour lychee meat, dark chocolate and honey.

Of course, when you buy these two types of coffee beans, you don't need to take a cup test when you get home, but you can do it by hand, of course, if you are interested in the cup test, or if you want to give it a try. How to cook these two kinds of coffee beans?

Qianjie coffee is recommended that you can use hand-brewing technique, hand-brewing can be very simple to brew out the flavor of the original area of coffee, but also easy to learn, very suitable for novice coffee.

The following are the parameters commonly used for brewing these two types of coffee beans in Qianjie Coffee, filter cup: Hario V60 # 01, water temperature: 90-91 ℃, powder quantity: 15 grams, powder-to-water ratio: 1:15, degree of grinding: medium grinding / fine sugar size (pass rate of sieve 20).

The hand flushing technique adopts the simplest three-stage style in Qianjie. In the first stage, the powder layer is fully moistened in the shape of "hamburger" for 30s, then the second stage is boiled, and the second stage is injected into 125g at 54s. Then stop and wait for the water level to drop to 2 / 3 of the powder layer and inject into the third stage (this stage is to extract the sweet and sour flavor substances from the coffee powder) In the third stage, the water is injected to 225g at the timer 1: 39: 40, and the total extraction time is 2: 39: 10. Shake the coffee gently after the extraction, and then taste it after the coffee liquid is fully uniform.

Shirley coffee smells of vanilla and cream, with whisky, berries, almonds and dark chocolate in the mouth, with maple sugar in the finish. Litchi orchid coffee entrance litchi, brandy, cream, with the change of temperature, wine and dark chocolate obvious, thick taste, finish honey sweetness is obvious. Qianjie Coffee suggests that when you choose these two types of coffee beans, if you want to drink, you can choose Shirley, and if you want sweet and sour litchi meat, you can choose litchi orchid.

For more boutique coffee beans, please add private Qianjie coffee on Wechat. WeChat account: kaixinguoguo0925