Coffee review

The goal and definition of running a coffee shop! You need to manage if you have a dream and enthusiasm.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information Please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) it is the dream of many people to open a coffee shop of their own. However, despite the enthusiasm of entrepreneurs, most of them end up failing. Why on earth is this? In fact, the cafe of your dreams may not necessarily be open to anyone; it will be opened in a crowded place.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

It is many people's dream to open a cafe of their own. However, despite the enthusiasm of entrepreneurs, most of them end up failing. Why on earth is this?

In fact, the cafe of your dreams, not necessarily anyone will want to come to the door; open in a crowded place, it does not mean that it will be successful. If you do not first understand the gap between "market demand" and "ideal in mind", and do not know how to operate, it is easy to stumble or even end up depressed on the way to opening a store.

Instead of following your inner impulse and spending a lot of money to open a dream shop, a better suggestion is to understand the goal and definition of running a cafe first, and then implement it, so as to reduce the possibility of failure.

The goal and definition of running a coffee shop

1. Create a good environment: if the external environment is too bad and the feelings are too thin, the good environment becomes more and more important. When it's snowy, stormy, traffic jam, discouraged and looking for a place to hide, it would be nice to have such a good cafe.

Customer is very important: customer satisfaction is everything. The customer is happy, the customer is happy, the customer is satisfied, the customer's love is everything, to find a way to meet the needs of customers and consumers is very important, or the only important.

3. A coffee shop is a public place: the opposite of "a coffee shop is a public place" is the home of the boss, the home of the boss's relatives, and the home of the boss's friends. In fact, this is not the case. Cafes are like parks, theatres, cinemas, rivers, forests. He is owned by everyone, not by the boss himself. So don't occupy a corner and make yourself at home.

4, like the team: after the intention of the cafe in the public place, the management of the team is very important, not a person or a couple but a team, the team has the store manager, assistant, receptionist, barista, cook, waiter, etc., people in the team come and go, some leave, some are promoted. In any case, they are part of the cafe, and those who leave can come back.

5, like children like family: cafes should not only exist for people who write screenplays or take photos, but should leave some space for dolls and grandparents, and do not make cafes become a stronghold for literary and artistic youth or online celebrities. that would hinder multiple and multi-level sharing.

6. Creation: creating in a cafe, encouraging creation and enjoying creation should be the essence of a cafe. If the waiter is always bothering the guest who likes to push new products to the guest, it will interfere with the guest's meditation. Don't bother the guests too much, don't make the cafe too stingy, it's wrong to save electricity, don't give sockets, don't give Internet access, don't give permanent seats. We encourage all forms of creation.

7, delicious food: good-looking, delicious and healthy are the most basic conditions, mainly light and dry food, not too much greasy content. Coffee is the main axis in the cafe, the coffee must be fresh and delicious, and the cake must be sweet and lovely.

8, do not disturb the guest's music: the music in the cafe is a discipline, classical music, film soundtrack, jazz and national style music, light music, etc., but do not unduly interfere with the customer's music is good music.

9, pay attention to profit: every cafe takes countless people's painstaking efforts from location selection to design, training to inspection and opening, so we should not take profit creation too lightly (on the contrary, we should not take it too seriously). Interestingly, as long as the initial capital flow is well mastered, there will certainly be a good return in the later stage.

10. Love this job: if you don't love it, it's hard to do a thing well. If it is done for a while, it will only be temporary. You must continue to love it and improve it in order to be profitable. Love and persevere, love and self-cultivation.

11. Like the cafe lifestyle: what is the cafe lifestyle? Reading and communication such as sunshine, air, flowers and water, books, music and movies is the cafe-style way of life. All kinds of people come and go in the cafe, laughing or silent, black, yellow or white, all make coffee have a lovely flavor like the United Nations. Openness and communication are the basic rules in cafes.