Coffee review

Description of Coffee Flavor of Fazenda Passeio Manor in Brazil

Published: 2024-10-18 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/18, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) Fazenda Passeio Fazenda Passeio is located in the southern state of Minas Gerais, which is rich in specialty coffee. The estate, led by Adolfo Henrique Vieira Ferreira, focuses not only on the production of quality coffee, but also on the protection of the surrounding environment.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange More coffee bean information Please pay attention to coffee workshop (Weixin Official Accounts cafe_style)

Fazenda Passeio

Fazenda Passeio is located in the southern part of Minas Gerais, where specialty coffee is produced. Headed by Adolfo Henrique Vieira Ferreira, the estate focuses not only on the production of quality coffee, but also on the protection of the surrounding environment. At present, 130 hectares of land are used for coffee production. Coffee is hand-picked. This is rare in Brazil.

The production method adopted is semi-dry processing. Widely used in Brazil, this process means that the ripe cherries are ground into pulp, most of the mucus remaining near the parchment, forming a clean, mild cup with pleasant acidity, free of immature coffee beans and typical sweetness. Coffee is brewed on the same day to avoid the possibility of fermentation. Then dry it on the patio for a few days and put it in the dryer to finish. Coffee is allowed to sit for 45-60 days, then sorted to eliminate blemishes before it is ready for export.

The Ferreira family has been producing coffee in the region for more than three generations. Their goal is to improve and increase productivity in relation to the environment and local workforce, which is a large part of the business. The Government also attaches great importance to social improvement. All local workers receive social support such as schooling for their children, workforce training and environmental education.

technical information

Area Fazenda Passeio

Varieties Yellow Catuai, Mundo Novo, Acaia

Certification Non-Certified

Height 1200 - 1200 masl.

semi-dry process

Flavor description


