Coffee review

Production characteristics and stories of espresso beans mixed with Shirley in Honduras

Published: 2024-10-18 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/18, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) still remember the last issue of Honduras Shirley mixed beans ~ Dang, the beans are ready, today the editor came to share its performance in making espresso? Before sharing, the editor wants to send benefits to everyone. ① Italian grinding.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Remember the last issue of Honduras Shirley with beans ~ Dang, beans are ready, today Xiaobian came to share its performance when making espresso? Before sharing, the editor wants to send benefits to everyone.

Grinding of ① Italian style

Grinding degree, I believe this should be a very distressing problem for everyone. The editor first gives you an analysis of a situation in the extraction:

Too rough grinding: if the flow rate is too fast, more than 60 milliliters of coffee liquid may be extracted in less than 20 seconds; the concentrated color is light yellow, the texture is thin, and the maintenance time of oil is very short; the taste is high acidity, simple taste and heavy water feeling.

. Over-fine grinding: the flow rate is very slow, more than 30 seconds of extraction time, can not extract more than 50 ml of coffee liquid; the color is dark brown, thick; taste bitter, irritating. After the extraction, "a depression of water" is likely to appear on pressed powder, because the water can not pass smoothly through the powder layer and is silted on the surface of pressed powder. (you can adjust your own extraction grinding degree according to this situation.)

② powder bowl

For the choice of powder bowl, the editor suggests using a double powder bowl. The success rate of double extraction is higher than that of single powder bowl, and the product will be more stable.

First know the carrying capacity of your own Italian powder bowl. For example, the carrying capacity is 18 grams, and the amount of powder between 18g ±2 (1620) is more reasonable.

③ Coffee liquid weight

Generally speaking, the weight of coffee concentrate is extracted at 25g to 50g.

Some people concentrate to observe milliliters, others to observe gram weight, I personally prefer to gram weight. Although coffee is liquid, milliliters are taken for granted as a unit for measuring the volume of coffee liquid. However, concentrated oil is a major factor that can not be ignored. The oil of coffee beans will gradually decrease with the passage of time, so the milliliter measurement is not accurate enough.

Performance of insufficient and over-extraction of ④

Insufficient extraction means that the coffee powder brought out by the water is not enough, and there will be sour taste, lack of sweetness, strange salty taste, short aftertaste and so on.

Over-extraction refers to the extraction of too many soluble substances from the coffee, which will be bitter, dry and hollow in the taste, with the smell of wood, traditional Chinese medicine and even rubber.

Okay ~ the welfare is over, and it's time for the topic.

Honduran Shirley Coffee & Italian beans of Yega Sheffield Red Cherry, 6:4 in proportion.


Parameters: 14.5g per head, grindness # 1.8, extraction 20g, time 29 seconds

Flavor: smooth on the palate, with obvious acidity on the palate with a hint of berries, wine and strong chocolate flavor.

Cafe Latte

Parameters: 14.5g powder per head, grindness # 1.8, extraction 20g, time 28 seconds, injection 200g milk

Flavor: it has obvious cream chocolate flavor while it is hot, accompanied by wine rhyme, sweetness, smooth taste and obvious cocoa tail.

Cafe Americano

Parameters: 14.5g powder per head, grindness # 1.8g, extraction 20g, time 28s, ratio at 1:5.

Flavor: drink while hot has an obvious wine flavor accompanied by dark chocolate flavor, the taste is very clean.

This Shirley coffee is mixed with Italian beans to make Italian coffee. Espresso tastes sour with wine and chocolate flavor, and the aftertaste is obvious. Latte has obvious cream chocolate flavor, sweetness and smooth taste. American coffee has a clean taste accompanied by wine charm and cocoa aroma ~ ha ~ anyway, the editor likes it very much.

Shirley Coffee

Shirley Coffee