Coffee review

The coffee shop prepares the business circle survey and site selection of the coffee shop.

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, First, carefully prepare before opening a store (1) self-assessment-whether opening a store is an interest or a career that you are willing to work hard for when you start to want to open a store. I want to be on my own. When you show your personal leadership and achieve self-forgiveness, you should score yourself and make yourself feel at home, that is, from Yuan to you. Dress it up to a clean, warm ring.

First, prepare carefully before opening the shop.

(1) self-assessment-whether opening a store is an interest or a career that you are willing to work hard for

When you start to want to open a store. I want to be on my own. When you show your personal leadership and achieve self-forgiveness, you should score yourself and make yourself feel at home, that is, from Yuan to you. Dress it up and enrich it to a complete and warm environment, a place where the mortar is really willing to pay. So how much strength does the individual have to complete the palace? this is really a realistic test. Please make an assessment for yourself.

1. Tariff: first of all, to open a shop is to have money, there is no need to talk about everything without money, whether it is to redecorate or open a store. All appliances and materials, machinery and equipment, advertising, decoration, etc., whether brand-new or second-hand, need to be solved with money. As long as you move, change and increase, you will spend money, and you should estimate the required fees according to the area and grade of your police industry. The expenditure items include: rent, mortgage fee, all kinds of machinery and equipment, Dili buried in repair, business design (including shop name, trademark design and business cards, advertising signboards, recipes, leaflets, etc.), raw materials, groceries, etc.

two。 Physical strength: the second is the physical condition of the individual. This is the work of standing, walking and moving your hands frequently, so you must have sufficient physical strength. Able to work for more than ten hours of endurance. In order to meet a large number of rapid business needs, including procurement, finishing, creation, serving drinks, twisting, washing, returning, cleaning, etc., all need to have enough energy to do a good job.

3. Timing: it is the working time of Bibi Fu, from preparation, planning, personnel arrangement, work flow, opening to rest. Be prepared to work at least 10-12 hours a day. You may only have 2-4 days / month, or even no vacation all year round.

4. Personality: finally, you can have firm confidence, must have the determination to succeed, endure to overcome all difficult problems, improve and correct one by one, and have better perseverance, no matter how hard and tired you are. As long as you go through a few months of training, you can naturally establish your own workflow, easy and regular way of doing business, look for new opportunities and challenges, and firmly believe that anything is possible. If you are far-sighted and pioneering, you will certainly succeed.

(2) one step closer to success in understanding competitor A

There is competition in any industry. Survival of the fittest, the strong is the king, if you want to succeed, you may not necessarily have money to open a successful shop, nor do you have a good location to make money. If you want to open a profitable and successful store, there are many factors. There are also many conditions. When facing competition, the fundamental way lies in whether one's own system is sound or not. Whether quality, service and efficiency are good or not. If you hold back or lose heart because you are afraid of competition. Then lack the courage to accept the challenge, their own ability to resist pressure is not enough.

Usually, in the face of external competition, the more cafes, the more cafes of the same type or similar, it will cause magnetic effect in a short period of time, and our turnover will decrease. If we encounter competition from large cafes again, frankly speaking, it is very difficult for small shops to compete, no matter in terms of style, style, space, spaciousness, comfort, face, feeling, atmosphere, convenient transportation, location, brand awareness, and so on, indeed, they have all the advantages and may cause everyone to compare area, financial resources and decoration, which is very unfair to those who do not have fees.

However, do not worry so much, only you adhere to quality, pay attention to the surrounding cleanliness, warmth, time can prove your strength, small soldiers can also make great achievements, small shops can also make a lot of money, making money so that others can not see. I have excellent professional skills, which is by no means easy to learn with money. Have confidence in yourself, face challenges bravely, and walk out of a broad road of your own.

(3) choose to join or be self-employed

This is when many people come up with the idea of opening a store. The most common question to consider, and then go everywhere to listen to the briefing, look for information, look at the storefront, try to eat (drink) each family's products, and then ask the price to observe each family's advantages and disadvantages, business is good or bad, in fact, these may be the original inverted practice. because everyone is looking at opening a store from a marketing point of view, and the author thinks that we should start from the basic technical level. If as a store operator can not distinguish between the taste and quality of various products, how can we create a long-term successful store.

The advantage of joining is to copy other people's successful entrepreneurial experience blindly, save time in learning, quality, raw materials, technology, signboards, services, formulations and procedures are all the same, without thinking, simplification, standardization, specialization and institutionalization. It feels really convenient, you can get the service of the company only by paying, as long as you obediently do what you are told, and don't have too many opinions. Can not violate the company's policies and regulations, the most suitable for people with simple personality, simple ideas, more importantly, to be rich, not afraid of restraint, but can successfully make money? There is no guarantee. It still depends on individual efforts and innovation and change, according to statistics, there is still a fairly high failure rate.

The advantage of being self-employed is that you can complete it according to your own plan. You can decide the color, form, pulp sheet, raw material, formula, etc., and you don't have to pay such fees as franchise fee, authorization fee, design fee, education and training fee, service fee for apparatus and materials, etc. If you want to change it, you don't have to report to the headquarters whether you agree or not. Suitable for personalized, original people, can create their own brands, original technologies and practices, the disadvantage is low awareness, all rely on their own decisions and choices, good or bad is entirely borne by themselves, lack of other people's help and advice. However, you can save a lot of extra expenses. Whether you succeed in making money or not, you have to settle down on your own. Are you ready?

After a lot of comparative analysis, it depends on your wise decision to choose which one to start with. Please ask yourself which one is more suitable. In fact, each has its own advantages and disadvantages. In the end, if you want to make money successfully, you still have to rely on your own professional skills, easy-going personality, pressure resistance, good management, location, quality, service, efficiency and so on.

Second, understand the business circle clearly

In the evolution of the city, some different consumption business circles will be formed naturally. Zhili shopping area, leisure and entertainment area, cultural and educational business circle, night market, residential area and transportation hub area, etc. Obviously, different businesses have different consumer composition. There is also a great difference between consumption time and consumption habits. To know whether this business area is suitable for opening a store, you must first study how much the target customer spends in the business area of your choice, that is, how much money you spend each month.

(1) which products are most favorable for collocation: the collocation and selection of products (such as dim sum, scented tea, cold drinks or light meals) must be based entirely on the needs of customers and consider the strength of competitors nearby. If your product design is waiting for color, of course you can lead the coquettish, another matter.

(2) Price acceptance: the price of a cup of coffee can be determined according to the consumer pattern of the consumer business circle. Coffee with taste and high unit price is a kind of purposeful consumption and may also be leisure consumption; low prices can be adopted for the convenience of consumers, such as the 35-yuan coffee chain with fast rotation in the business district.

Business hours: there are peaks and troughs every day. To adjust the business hours in the off-peak season. Some business districts, such as office districts, have very different business volumes from Monday to Friday and holidays, so Sundays can be designated as public holidays. if they are school districts, the consumption of winter and summer holidays will plummet, which requires other ways to deal with it. for example, find ways to increase consumption during the start of the school year.

(4) time to stay in the store: how long you want guests to stay in your store can be achieved through the material of tables and chairs, comfort and the nature of playing music, such as noon time, improve the rotation rate, can play lighter and slightly noisy music, tea time belongs to the stage of leisure chat, you can play light music.

If there are several meat type stores in the same business circle, the operating status, advantages and disadvantages, characteristics and how much consumption the officials want to carve up are the information basis for market segmentation, and with the concept of market segmentation, you can judge what kind of equipment your store should use, what kind of service it uses, and what kind of products it provides. For example, McDonald's will not use cups made of imported porcelain and will not provide table-side service. Sell 100 yuan a cup of coffee, because customers who go to McDonald's to drink coffee will not spend it for the sake of "tasting coffee". It may be for consideration and convenience.

Third, the business district can also be managed.

The most important way for cafes to operate is to operate on a fixed basis, so they often form "sales". Moreover, because the turnover is gradually accumulated through the drinking of each customer, it is like a tree fixed in a site to take root and sprout, so some people call it a "botanical" enterprise. However, in today's marketing-oriented era, consumers' needs and desires are constantly changing, and consumer consciousness is diversified and personalized, coupled with fierce market competition, so we must not guard the shop and wait for customers to come in the operation of the cafe. We must actively develop potential customers.

However, for general small and medium-sized cafes, neither the function of the facilities nor the type of coffee can compete with large cafes. Therefore, in the fight for customers and the grasp of the business circle, we must fully grasp the characteristics of the location, because the coffee shop is also a local industry, so the selection and application of location conditions has become the primary task of management. Therefore, it has been said that more than 70% of the success of a coffee shop depends on the location of the coffee shop, and it can be seen that an effective location strategy is really important to the operation of the coffee shop. Several basic principles must be recognized:

1. The concept of "what is the right place for a cafe" should be established.

two。 How to choose the ideal suitable location.

3. The setting of the shop must be in line with the purpose of setting up the shop

4. Effective measures should be taken in the light of changes in the position.

So when choosing the location of the store. Consideration must be given to whether it is a place where consumers are easy to concentrate and have certain functions, such as the center of economic, political, cultural, commercial and other functions or the main roads of transportation. Generally speaking, most of them take the cafe as the center and draw a radius of-km or one and a half kilometers as the business circle of the cafe, but when setting the store circle, the relevant characteristics, such as the general beverage area is smaller, the grinding coffee area is larger, the traffic conditions, the facilities in the area, and so on, may affect the distribution of the business circle, for example, the cafes near the railway. The division of its business circle may be bounded by railways. If it is a cafe on both sides of the river, it may also be bounded by the river. Because of these artificial or natural differences, it will often cause differences in the consumer psychology of customers.

Of course, a coffee shop operator must know exactly how many customers come to the store and investigate the population, income, occupation profile and consumption characteristics of the area. In order to carry out a series of sales activities according to its needs, this is the so-called "business circle management".

In the course of the operation of a coffee shop, we can often use the response survey of customers' opinions or through special activities, direct letters or leaflets to give some special concessions or gifts, etc. let customers leave basic information (name, customs, gender, occupation, address, etc.). Periodically establish this data and analyze it in depth. Remove a small number of customers from some of the obvious shipping areas. It is only based on the recent research and judgment in the areas with more human history. You can roughly grasp the distribution of the quotient circle. If we can further implement the promotion activities effectively, the systematic arrangement and classification of store customer data in the future will cultivate and maintain a stable foundation. Will provide a lot of help. Especially for the so-called community cafe, the effective mastery of the business area and the analysis of the customer level will be the important task for the success of the coffee shop operation, so the management of the business area is a very important ring in expanding the performance of the coffee shop.

Fourth, choose a good position

A coffee shop chooses a good location, which is very educated. The main choice is to choose densely populated areas or commercial prosperity areas. At the same time, we should also pay attention to the concentration of peers.

The selection of location is the key to coffee tube operation. Someone once said that if a store can choose the right place. The success rate of the business is about 70%. If the target customer does not often go to the place, no matter how elegant the decoration of the store. What an attractive coffee has been adjusted. It is also difficult for cafes to succeed. The principle of cafe location. Is to build stores in places that can fully attract customers, especially small-scale cafes. Because it doesn't have other comprehensive functions like large coffee. Therefore, we should pay more attention to the choice of location, which will be the starting point for the success of the cafe.

(1) Pure site selection criteria

The establishment of a set of location criteria is an indispensable link for successful location. You're not happy about what kind of place you're looking for. I'm afraid you'll never find it.

If you have a solid business plan. The most basic things have been established. get up. The location is based on the plan, and the following is the focus of the site selection consideration.

1. Consumer groups. All espresso cafes, regardless of their form of operation. All need to have a stable consumer group. This group may include students, people who shop at the grocery store, people who eat, and so on. No matter what kind of customer. This group must be stable. And can accept the concept of espresso.

two。 Convenience is an important factor in the location and operation of cafes. When was your cafe first visited by a biker? Is it on the right side of the road? In general, it is ancient. People don't like obstacles, so don't expect anyone to cross the road and steal to the left to patronize your cafe.

3. Environment and weather. The basic style of the coffee bar should make you and your customers feel comfortable. If you don't like walking around here. The same is true of others. Especially when you're going to run an active coffee shop, try to make it more comfortable, not just "bearable." Do you want to be indoor or open-air? Is this place strong enough to withstand the wind, rain and cold? Some people, maybe you, have to be there for 12 hours a day. Prepare heating equipment, rain protection equipment and so on.

It takes a plan to arrange the outdoor coffee table on a hot day.

4. Competition. A certain degree of competition is a good thing. If there are no other espresso cafes nearby, it probably shows that consumers in this area don't understand coffee. On the other hand, when people make a hype about something, you have to judge whether their words are reasonable or not according to your own experience, information and instincts.

(2) selection of location

Make a simple market positioning map with the average unit price and stay time of guests, and the principle of opening address can be determined by the shape of consumers.

1. Low-price stay time for the elderly: for the purpose of reading and chatting, the opening place can be chosen above the second floor of the alley for quiet.

two。 Those who stay for a short time at low prices. Consumers' consumption habits are convenient, to achieve the purpose of consumption in the fastest way, can not take into account the atmosphere and scene in the store, the location of the store can be selected in places with a large flow of people, transportation hubs, night markets, school districts.

3. High price stay for the long time. Most of these customers spend on business or business negotiations. It is not for individuals to pay fees (which can be reported to the public account). The purpose is to conclude business without interference in a good environment, so it is necessary to have higher privacy and security, and you can choose the second floor on the side of the road as the place of business.

4. People with high price and short stay time to open this type of store mostly belong to people with special relationship, have special consumer groups, and have private clubs, golf clubs, airports, rest stations, usually bidding, which are not suitable for ordinary people to open stores.

The first and the third are more suitable for individuals to open stores, because they are more in line with the needs of personal style and characteristics. The second location is more suitable for joining chain stores. Because add. & # 39th ml. The most important feature of the chain store is the stylized products, services and prices. The consumer demand of this location is convenient, quality}, the price is low, and the creation of a special atmosphere is not very important to the customers of this location.

5. How to open a shop by means of transfer

For a person who has no experience of opening a store, it may be risky to open a complete new store at the very beginning. Some people think that the challenge from scratch is too great, so they choose a store that someone else has already started and played a bottom. but for some reason to give up business and transfer. Reduce some tedious things.

As the top store involves a lot of legal issues, so every step of the top store can not be ignored, the following points I help you avoid falling into a trap.

1. Gather information from newspapers,

The first step in the top store is to collect information from the newspaper. And talk over the phone with the shopkeeper about the relevant details, including where the location is, whether it is still open, and why the shopkeeper gave up the storefront. At this time, the most taboo is to make an appointment with the shopkeeper to see the storefront, so as to avoid the shopkeeper from creating the illusion that business is good. In addition, if the store has been closed, it is not suitable to turn down, because it is difficult to judge whether the equipment is working properly and whether there are disputes in the store that is not open. At the same time, it is also difficult to undertake the original source of customers.

.2. Conduct external observation and gather intelligence

There are many ways to gather intelligence. For example, ask nearby businesses to transfer the store has been open for how long, business is good, how much rent nearby. Why transfer storefronts, etc., can also choose different time to observe the source of customers and people. By collecting external information, unexpected intelligence and reference data can be obtained.

3. Observe internally and consume personally

Internal observation means going to the store and spending money in person. Understand the content and price of the product, and even observe which brand of equipment is used. Also. Also look at the age of the customer base. Evaluate whether employees are trained. If you feel that it meets your needs through observation of the store, proceed to the following steps.

4. Know the sincerity of the owner

When satisfied with the product and business circle, then make an appointment with the shopkeeper, ask the shopkeeper to talk about the experience of the operation and the reasons for the transfer of the store, etc., to further understand the sincerity of the shopkeeper, and understand whether there is debt or shareholder dispute behind the operation.

5. Invite the owner to renew

First of all, it is necessary to prove that the owner does have the ownership of the house, so as not to be cheated, and then negotiate with the owner whether to renew the lease and re-sign the contract.

VI. How does a single store compete with chain stores

When you have the idea of opening a store, the first choice you usually face is: Is it good to participate in the chain? It's better to fight alone. Chain system can provide many benefits, including strong brand, can save marketing budget; headquarters transfer the whole set of store technology, do not have to explore from scratch; joint purchase, can reduce the cost of raw materials and so on.

(1) Lowering rental costs helps long-term resistance

However, participating in the chain also has to pay a price, joining fees, licensing fees will increase investment costs. If you think your professional skills are up to standard, and your personal orientation is not suitable for chain systems that require highly coordinated teams, joining chain systems will bring trouble to your operations. However, single-store operators in the chain store want to neighbor the situation, want to stabilize the performance, or even stand out, obviously have to pay more effort.

The two trump cards for shops to improve competitiveness: one is to reduce costs, and the other is to highlight characteristics. First of all, look at cost reduction. Although chain stores can reduce raw material costs through joint bulk purchases, in order to build brand momentum and popularity. Most of them have to enter high-quality stores in the business district with high rents, and single stores do not have to join in the struggle for storefronts. Instead, try to keep rent costs down. Since rent and personnel are the two main costs of coffee shops, if single store operators can effectively reduce rent, they can increase their long-term strength against chain Jixin bitter.

(ii) Various options can significantly reduce rents

Save rental costs by:

(1)Select the location in the business district alley. To decorate and business style to shape brand impression, even if it is located in the alley, the same can become the object of purpose split consumption.

(2)Give up the first floor and choose the cheaper second floor. A room with two or three beautiful view windows on the second floor is definitely not inferior to the first floor, and the first floor is crowded, but the second floor helps to create a quiet effect; the most important thing is that the rent on the second floor is usually less than half of the first floor.

(3)compound operation. If the single store operator only reduces the rental cost, he can only maintain the defensive position passively. He must rely on another trump card to launch the offensive and increase the performance. That is to highlight the characteristics of the single store. Although the chain store has strong momentum and large signboards, the style of each store is consistent, which is both an advantage and a disadvantage. If coffee tasting has become an artistic enjoyment, the style and characteristics of the single store can make coffee fans linger.

VII. Estimation and allocation of investment in cafes

How much does it cost to open your own cafe? It is still necessary to start from the three steps of entrepreneurship. The first stage is dominated by creativity and design costs, and the amount of cost has no absolute relationship with good or bad, so it is difficult to judge with numbers; the second stage is the easiest to calculate, mainly for hardware equipment, and the quality of control determines how much it costs. Such as improper construction, design errors, buy the wrong equipment are common things; the third stage is mostly marketing publicity costs, if the sales strategy and promotion methods are correct, the profit will be greater than the cost.

(i) Estimated turnover based on rent

Many people who want to open a cafe have the same problem: how much does it cost to open a cafe? It can usually be calculated in the following-way. Rent 50000 yuan/month, rent can not be higher than 20% of turnover, preferably about 10%. Assuming that the store rent is 50000 yuan/month, the turnover should be greater than 50000/20%=250000 yuan.

In the cost structure, depreciation allowance cannot exceed 10% of turnover. 5% is preferred, and the monthly depreciation amount cannot be higher than

250000×10%=25000 yuan/month

This calculation method is only for reference, different circumstances should be used to calculate the number of excavation. If the lease period is 3 years (36 months) or 5 years (60 months), the investment amount is 25,000 yuan ×36= 900,000 yuan or 25,000 yuan ×60= 1.5 million yuan respectively.

(ii) Judging whether the turnover is reasonable

Is the turnover of 250,000 yuan and 500,000 yuan reasonable? It can be calculated according to the following formula: turnover = average consumption per person × number of seats × full coefficient × number of turntables × days

If the average consumption per person is 150 yuan, then the business income =150×42×0.7×2×28=246960 yuan


1. In the above calculation, the number of seats is 42, the occupancy factor is 0.7, the number of turns is 2, and the number of business days per month is 28. The calculated turnover is 246960 yuan, nearly 250,000 yuan. This goal must be achieved when operating.

2.2 Turntables refer to the business hours of 11:00~21:00, one round at noon, lunch tea and supper-round.

3 full coefficient refers to the general table with 2 chairs or 4 chairs, there is 1 customer occupied 2 seats table, or 2 people occupied 4 seats table, when the restaurant chair occupancy rate reaches 70%, can be said to have been full, so the full coefficient is o.7.

When turnover fails to reach the target, depreciation allowance time will be prolonged and other costs (such as materials and management expenses) will be squeezed. At this point, the competitiveness of the store will be weakened.

(iii) The key to how much it costs

Based on the above two projections, the impact? The key factors contributing to cafe costs are:

Percentage of rental turnover

. lease term

Percentage depreciation amortized

. Average consumption per person, number of seats, number of turntables, number of jobs

. After the lease expires. Determination of residual value (transfer, auction or zeroing)

(iv) Allocation of investment budget

l. Rent. Preferably below 20% of turnover. Otherwise, if the rent is too high and the turnover cannot be enlarged, the rent will inevitably be a heavy negative block, which may cause losses. But the rent must be high for a good location. As long as the assessment is correct, it is still necessary to invest boldly, because people flow is money flow, more successful.

2. Employee salaries. Generally this is the biggest investment and burden of each store. It is also often the most uneconomical expense, usually accounting for 30% to 50% of turnover, unless most of the work is done by yourself or relatives, reduce the number of employees or the turnover is large enough, it is possible to reduce it, otherwise it is: the most important expense.

3. Purchase cost. The proportion of meals and beverages in each store varies, of course, the cost of meals is relatively low, accounting for about 20% to 30%, while the cost of beverages is low, accounting for about 5% to 10%. This part depends on the operator's intentions, how to escape the purchase of good quality, low price of good products.

4. Taxes. About 5%.

5. Miscellaneous. Underwriting new furniture materials, damage updates, newspapers and magazines, music tapes, catering materials, etc., daily expenses are more or less. It's about 5 to 10 percent.

6. Utilities. There will be differences between summer and autumn and winter. In particular, air conditioning electricity is a big expense, and it depends on the use of science and energy methods. Choose high efficiency machines and pay attention to temperature adjustment to save. About 5 - 10%.

If you want to open an ideal coffee shop. without financial constraints. Then you can spend money without being careful.

Most of the stores that open are rented, and the lease is signed correctly and Taiwan is related to the success or failure of future business, so remind those who want to open a store to pay attention to the lease content.

Bosses should come from handling and understanding finances. If you don't even know if the store is short of money or making money, it's very dangerous. Usually a business problems, mostly due to poor financial management, and some problems, the boss from the financial statements as soon as possible to find and solve in time.

VIII. Looking for tariff support

The first problem with running a cafe is funding. Either you have enough money of your own. Either you have to go to the fundraiser first.

Whether you pay for it yourself or someone else. The funds must be carefully planned beforehand.

(i) Calculation of expenditure

The most important thing to do before financing is to make a rough budget for how much it will cost to open a store.

All foreseeable expenses are included. Include inventory, equipment, company logos and marketing materials, uniforms and training for employees in your budget. An expense that is often overlooked and not insignificant is operating expenses before a company can start making money. We always want to open with a crowd. But be prepared.

(ii) Search for funds

Once you figure out how much money you need to start and run the cafe, you have to think about where to get it. The following are common financing channels:

1. Banks and other financial institutions. Banks are happy to lend money to those who can make money with it. There are many books on how to write a loan application report. Look for them.

In addition to banks, you can also go to investment companies or venture start-ups.

2. Private investment. For example. You can have one or more partners. Ask relatives at home. Or borrow money from friends on a contractual basis. In all these cases. Your creditors want a return on their investment. After lending you the money. He expects you to pay him back in full within a certain time. There is a certain amount of "interest" attached; otherwise, there is a greater risk. After waiting for your coffee shop success, and you discuss long-term profit dividends.

The more money you make from your business. The greater the return he gets, and if your investor's return on his investment in your business far exceeds what he would have earned in the past in a safer way, that investment is attractive.

If the investor was found outside. Then you'd better turn to a professional lawyer to draft the loan terms for you. The mode of operation may be limited liability cooperation or unlimited liability cooperation limited liability company. It depends on the needs and circumstances of investors.