Coffee review

Management and service of cafes cost management and information management of cafes

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, First, do a good job of internal control and management when the economy is not good. It is difficult to make a lot of money to open a store, but at least you can't lose money, or you have to strengthen internal control and management. It can be considered from three aspects: personnel, cost and procurement. (1) the personal leadership style of the personnel boss, the degree of assistance of the partnership shareholders, the staff turnover rate and centripetal force, and the most basic personnel management regulations. It all affects students.

First, do a good job of internal control

When the economy is bad. It is difficult to make a lot of money to open a store, but at least you can't lose money, or you have to strengthen internal control and management. It can be considered from three aspects: personnel, cost and procurement.

(1) personnel

The boss's personal leadership style, the degree of assistance of partnership shareholders, employee turnover and centripetal force, the most basic personnel management rules. It's all factors that affect business. Leaders should understand the following points:

1. Knowing yourself as an operator is the most important person who affects the life of a cafe. Everyone has his or her own personality, and it may not be perfect to deal with different things, and the more people know about themselves, the more they know how to appreciate others. In this way, a team with good communication and division of labor can be formed.

two。 Partnership shareholders are in the current era and environment of rapid change, so it is also a good choice to find shareholders of isomorphism or complementarity to work together. It is not easy to choose a partner. However, it can still be screened according to the order of sincerity, interest and ability, and a partnership agreement should be signed in advance. Restrict each other's rights and obligations so that the partnership business will not succeed and even the feelings of friends will be lost.

3. Full-time and part-time staff can be employed according to the nature of work and business conditions. Generally speaking, technical work should employ full-time staff to reduce the turnover rate of full-time staff. In order to maintain the stability of product quality, while non-technical jobs (such as outfield) can employ part-time staff.

4. The appointment, attendance, leave, training, salary, assessment, promotion, reward and punishment, departure, etc., should be stipulated from the very beginning.

(2) cost control

Generally, the cost is divided into fixed cost and variable cost.

l. The fixed cost includes rent, deposit, management fee, management interest and so on. The most important thing is the rent of the store, followed by the salary of one or two important full-time staff. The second is the salary of one or two important full-time staff, while the proportion of water, electricity and gas in the store is small.

two。 Variable cost: including materials, wages, utilities, transportation expenses, etc.

(1) salary: when the difference in turnover between the off-season, peak season or daily business peak and peak is more than twice, we must pay attention to control the expenditure of salary and try our best to arrange and train the replacement of part-time staff.

(2) Materials: when purchasing, you should often negotiate with Guangzhou merchants about special vr:taJ or reduce the purchase price (especially when the consumption increases), but avoid affecting the quality. Waste should be avoided in the production process. There is also a first-out management in storage to reduce the backlog of inventory. Any shopkeeper should develop the basic control concept and sensitivity of delivery, sales and inventory.

(3) Management and marketing expenses: this is the cost that the weight is easy to cause waste and is the easiest to control. Such as water and electricity, packaging materials, cleaning, marketing, maintenance. The gross margin of the cafe is very high, about 50% to 70%. This is also one of the main reasons why entrepreneurs are attracted to invest one after another with rice, and the reasonable net interest rate is 20%-25%, excluding the proportion of excessive decoration costs. Generally speaking, the cost is recovered in one year to one and a half years. In addition, the operator had better prepare about 3 months' working capital.

The cost expenditure items of cafes are not much different from those of restaurants, and the two main expenses are rent and staff wages. Many examples of mismanagement are due to the inability to properly control these two expenses, so that profits are eaten up. Therefore, learning to control cost expenditure, without affecting the quality of service, or unable to take into account the flow of people, is the financial goal that operators should give priority to.

Let's start with labor costs. The first form that can simplify labor costs is the inexpensive cafe, where guests pay attention to affordable consumption and service, and pay less attention to the quality of coffee. As long as the waiter who knows how to operate the coffee machine is of course much lower than the professional, coupled with the use of self-service, each outfield class can be handled by only one person.

However, cafes that do not take the inexpensive route have to rely on their skills and service quality to win word of mouth, and cannot blindly depress personnel costs. But through planning or strategic use to achieve goals. Usually a small shop opens. Most of the operators act as insiders themselves. If you plan to serve meals in cafes that increase the unit price of customers, you have to connect the kitchen to the bar during the design stage. Or set it in the same area. It is possible to rely on only one person to complete the infield work without keeping guests waiting for a long time. In terms of rental cost, the reasonable proportion will vary because of the attributes of shopping malls, the flow of people, the ability of consumption and the type of operation. In principle, the higher the land price, the higher the rent cost ratio, and we want to reduce the rent expenditure. Can consider the use of time subletting, space subletting, to the second floor or lane to open a shop.

Second, cost control is the key to profit.

If you mainly want to make money, you must control costs. This is an immutable law. However, in order to successfully and effectively control costs, it is necessary not to affect the quality of products and services. It requires the experience and wisdom of operators, as well as the cooperation of right-hand men at the right time, geographical location, and personnel, in order to achieve ideal cost control, not by simply cutting corners, switching to bargains, reducing personnel, and other common practices used by ordinary operators. On the contrary, it is self-defeating, resulting in a vicious circle, resulting in the loss of customers. Be criticized by customers and abandoned. It's bound to be remorseful.

The cost of opening a store also includes fixed, variable and unexpected costs. There are many projects, including rent, manpower, water and electricity, coffee materials, taxes, miscellaneous fees and so on. Fixed costs are the expenses that must be paid every day. To be prepared for money expenditure, it is impossible to change and reduce. The most important expenses in variable costs are employees' salaries and coffee materials, if they can be trained well. Long-term focus on training, to find reliable and capable staff, can be used by two people, fast and accurate. Be skilled and don't make mistakes, or do the important work by yourself. Other chores can be done by temporary staff or aunts to distinguish between peak and trough periods, so that labor costs can be reduced.

The cost of manpower is the heaviest burden on every store, which can neither hire people nor hire too many people. They are also afraid that they will not be able to recruit competent people, if they can do their best to ensure that they can earn their own salary, and if they can increase their turnover, they can hire more staff, and the two complement each other, otherwise the turnover is not high. All profits will be consumed by high labor costs, or business: good times, if you hire too many people, it will leave you idle and have nothing to do. It's worth thinking about.

It can save materials. First-in, first-out, pay attention to control, reduce waste, can create profits.

As for other expenses, including damaged purchase of new products, newspapers and magazines, taxes and fees, water and electricity, etc., it still depends on operators' attention not to spend too much; if they can save, they will save; if they accidentally encounter unexpected situations, they may be about to lose money. It is better to be careful in mixing meals. Things are unpredictable. For many unexpected things, we should always maintain a sense of crisis, take precautions, and keep stocks and reserves.

III. Information management of cafes

Management and service of cafes

Run a traditional cafe. It emphasizes the fixed-point business (as long as a cafe escapes the right location, customers will naturally come to the door), so it is often referred to as the "sales" mode of operation. However, under the current "sales"-oriented trend. The operation of cafes should not be passively waiting for customers to come. But should take the initiative to attract customers, so how to effectively use the various elements of marketing mix has become a topic that can not be ignored in the operation of modern cafes. How to effectively obtain the information in the market in order to establish an overall intelligence system is the basic basis for launching various strategies.

That's for sure. In the establishment of the intelligence system, we must have some understanding of the role of a cafe in today's economy and society. Especially in marketing-oriented economic activities, how to really meet the needs of customers, in the right place and in the right period, to provide the right quantity of coffee and drinks, and at the right price. Let the customer be satisfied. It is the key point that cafes often have to grasp deeply. Therefore, when establishing an intelligence system, we should pay attention to the following three principles:

(I) applicability of information

For the content of love and hatred. In terms of fund-raising, we should be able to meet the current needs. In particular, the consideration of raising cost should be in line with the measurement of the value and demand of information.

(2) Reliability of information

Attention is mainly paid to the reliability of the sources of information content and whether there is any deviation in the investigation methods.

(3) the correctness of information

It should not be ignored to make a correct judgment and presumption of the content of the information and the information attached to it.

In today's competitive market with rapidly changing business conditions, failing to effectively grasp market intelligence is like fighting a war blindfolded, and the risk is too great. What's more, in today's cafes, decisions can never be made on the basis of someone's intuition or impression, but must be based on intelligence sources before they can make judgments. therefore, whether it is the use of the original data raised by first Fu or the existing secondary information. The steps to establish the entire intelligence system are as follows:

1. Classified collection. I just said that. The collection of information should also have a purpose. To be classified, send special personnel to collect, even if the human resources are limited, it can not be mixed, so as not to affect the accuracy and detail of the collection results. At this time, the sequential method can be used to collect, which can also ensure the purity of the message.

two。 Sort and sort out. After the collection is completed, the following process is the signing of the data. The progress of this process also requires clear organization and a clear outline. We must not be perfunctory and confused. It is best to carry out this work at the end of the collection and be done by the collector himself. In this way, we can ensure that the intelligence data will not be distorted and distorted as a result of being placed for too long or changing hands halfway.

3. swallow anything and everything. For the collection of information related to the industry, we should try our best to be extensive and comprehensive. No matter in the continuation of time or space, as long as it is relevant. You should try to explore, and do it anytime, anywhere.

4. Analysis and application. Love is used for application. Whether the application is good or not is another question. Therefore, we should always sum up experiences and lessons in collecting and applying these steps. At the same time, make necessary adjustments and trade-offs, in order to strive to achieve active learning and use, and always maintain the timeliness and flexibility of information.

5. Digest and absorb. This is the last step and the final four of all our other steps. Previously, we established the intelligence system in the hope that this information can bring forward-looking guidance to our work, so that our performance can be improved. Therefore, the rational use, digestion and absorption of information is very critical. Like people's intestines and stomach, the intake of good food, but also a reasonable digestion and absorption, in order to achieve the goal of strengthening the body and continuing life.

To sum up. It is not difficult to see that in this era full of competition, opportunities and challenges. Information and efficiency are extremely important, and so is the competition in cafes. If you want to survive, mainly want to develop, you must have a sound body. Only in this way can you seize the first opportunity in the business war, take steps step by step, and finally win the goal.

IV. Digital management of cafes

In the operation of cafes, we should not only pay attention to the growth of "quantity". And the demand for "quality" is becoming more and more urgent. Of course, in the past, the so-called management based on impression and feeling has been gradually not accepted, replaced by the presentation of data. Therefore, how to establish data, analyze data and even use data has become a major focus of management in the future, so the role of "counting management" in coffee shop management must be increasing day by day.

In general, when carrying out all kinds of business analysis, we often use the relevant financial statement bags such as balance sheet, income statement, expense schedule and so on to analyze various ratios; therefore, the common operating indicators such as stability, profitability, growth, productivity and so on are easily used in management. The determination formulas of these indicators are analyzed in detail in Fang Li's books of financial accounting management. Here, I would like to discuss some data problems from the perspective of coffee shop management. It can be used as a reference for operators or those who are interested in the operation of cafes.

For a cafe, the shop is the whole business space. How much operating area does it have in this space? How many seats have been set, how many waiters have been used, and how much business has been done? How many gross margins and so on. These matters are believed to be the concern of any operator. And these contents are what we usually call "business area", "number of seats", "number of waiters", "turnover", "gross profit" and so on. These data are systematically sorted out. We can find that there is a very close relationship between the tiles, which can reflect the operating performance.

It is not difficult for us to understand the relationship between these management terms and data. Is usually talking about business. How to improve gross margin and how to make rational use of business area. A series of problems such as how to make effective use of manpower. So when it comes to counting management. There should be some understanding of the meaning represented by these numbers and their relevance to each other. So that after holding these data, we can explore the analysis and application more deeply.