Coffee review

The way cappuccino coffee is made the relationship between cappuccino and milk

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean consultation Please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) the way cappuccino is made the relationship between cappuccino and milk I believe espresso is no stranger to coffee lovers. When you come to Qianjie Cafe, you will inadvertently have a cup of espresso. Speaking of espresso, with leading the second wave of coffee

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean consultation please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

I believe that espresso is no stranger to coffee lovers. When you come to Qianjie Cafe, you will inadvertently have a cup of espresso. Speaking of espresso, espresso has swept most of the coffee market with Starbucks Coffee, a Seattle pie cafe leading the second wave of coffee.

Espresso is a series of coffee drinks based on espresso, among which latte and cappuccino are the most representative. Thanks to the invention of steam coffee machine, espresso is popular all over the world with the second wave of coffee.

When it comes to making a delicious cappuccino, milk is indeed one of the elements of cappuccino, but the protagonist is still coffee. Therefore, to make a delicious cappuccino is not to pursue the taste of milk, but to let milk set off the flavor of coffee.

So what kind of milk can set off the flavor of coffee? Qianjie Coffee lists three main points of foaming with milk:

Milk temperature

When the milk is overheated, the liquid and foam of the milk will be separated when drinking. That is because the longer the foaming time, the temperature of the liquid will rise, but the temperature of the foam forming holes will not rise to the same temperature, and this temperature difference will make people feel that the liquid is separated from the foam. In addition, if the temperature of the milk is too high, you will not be able to taste the delicate flavor of the coffee and will only highlight the bitter taste.

Milk foam fineness

When the more detailed the foam, the more you can experience the smooth taste when drinking. One of the reasons why so many people like cappuccino is that not only is it quite supple to drink, the taste of fine milk foam on the tip of the tongue and the bitter and sour taste of coffee are covered with milk foam, but it can also lead to deep sweetness. It takes at least a long time to become a barista who can provide cappuccino for guests to taste in front street coffee, which is a necessary element to achieve beautiful flowers.

Milk foam quantity

If you want to improve the perfection of a cappuccino, quantitative foam is an indispensable key. Although the smooth taste is one of the pleasures of enjoying cappuccino, if the amount of milk foam is not enough, you will not be able to taste that unique texture, and if the amount of milk foam is too small, the amount of milk will be relatively large and will dilute the taste of coffee.

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