Coffee review

South Korea Seoul cafe recommended coffee and coriander can eat together? Coffee with coriander is what stem

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Hot oyster noodles, with fresh coriander on top, stir and eat, the aroma of coriander immediately spread in the mouth, let people can't help but bite after bite, coriander has also become a snack essential ingredient in many people's minds, but some people like the taste of coriander, some people don't like it, often causing disputes between the two parties. There is a coffee shop in Korea that blends cilantro into desserts.

Steaming oyster noodles with fresh cilantro on top, after stirring, the aroma of parsley immediately dispersed in the mouth, and people could not help but take one mouthful after another. Coriander has also become a necessary ingredient for snacks in the minds of many people, but the taste of parsley is liked by some people and disliked by some people, which often leads to disputes between the two factions.

There is a coffee shop in South Korea that combines coriander into desserts and drinks to make people who like parsley eat enough at a time.

The simple decoration style of the coffee shop in Seoul, South Korea, has become a new generation of online beauty sign-in attractions, but this shop has more than that. As you can see from the name of the store, this shop is good at serving dishes with "food prototypes" or making all kinds of creative desserts, the most famous of which is the "cilantro series", which makes many parsley fans want to have a taste.

The cafe's signature dessert, pink dill parsley cream cake, is wrapped in light pink cream, topped with fragrant cilantro and dill flavor, and the blend of the two neutralizes the sweetness of the cake. the sweet but not greasy taste makes people bite after mouthful. In addition, there is a "coriander drink" in the coffee shop, which uses refreshing sparkling water to add slices of lemon and broken parsley leaves, which taste rich and layered with a unique smell of parsley.

The special cuisine of this coffee shop has attracted many netizens to clock in for the challenge. Some people say that the flavor of the parsley cake is better than he expected. Parsley, coupled with fresh grapefruit cream, tastes quite harmonious, and you can also feel the aroma of parsley. However, there are still many netizens said that "too terrible", "fundamental nightmares", "do not want to eat", "brave people dare to go in".