Coffee review

How to distinguish the insufficient extraction of hand-brewed coffee? What happens to coffee over-extraction and perfect extraction?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, When it comes to coffee extraction, do you know what the flavor of coffee will be different at different extraction stages? Qianjie coffee is often mentioned about the taste of coffee extracted successively. When extracting coffee, the first flavor extracted is acidity, the second is sweet nutty taste, and finally it brings out the strong taste of bitter chocolate. Excessive extraction is bitter.

When it comes to coffee extraction, do you know what the flavor of coffee will be different at different extraction stages? Qianjie Coffee is often mentioned about the taste of coffee extracted successively. When extracting coffee, the first flavor to be extracted is acidity, followed by the sweet nutty taste, and finally it will bring out the strong taste of bitter chocolate. Excessive extraction is bitter.

The original flavor characteristic of a complete cup of coffee is good coffee, but sometimes there will be imperfect flavor in the brewing process, excessive sour and bitter taste, so how to avoid these bad flavors? what caused this result. Then the next step is the lack of extraction and excessive extraction mentioned by everyone in Qianjie.

First of all, it is necessary to understand what is coffee extraction, extraction is by hot water through the coffee powder, dissolve and take out the substances in the coffee powder, through the extraction process, the hot water is transformed into a dark brown coffee body; the flavor and aroma will be presented in different contours with the growth background and extraction parameters of the coffee.

So what is the flavor of coffee represented by insufficient, over-extraction, and ideal extraction to help drinkers identify the extraction state of this cup of coffee?

Insufficient extraction of coffee Under Extracted

Definition: although hot water passes through the coffee powder, it dissolves too little and there are many substances left in the coffee powder, so that there is not enough coffee in the coffee body.

Flavor: the mouth is easy to feel sour taste, lack of sweetness, strange salty taste, and the aftertaste is too short and no aftertaste.

The sour taste of Sourness is more negative, and the taste of the tongue is usually strongly resisted at the first time, and sometimes there will be a sharp sense of over-stimulation and extreme acerbity. It is worth mentioning that this taste is different from sour Acidity, which can be said to be a flavor and is more positive in description. Acidity generally does not exclude physiological reactions, and sometimes it can bring out a refreshing and bright feeling.

Lack of sweetness, the sweetness of the coffee in the mouth, and the aftertaste of many other drinkers. However, the coffee with insufficient extraction is thin and easy to produce a sense of emptiness, mainly because there are too many substances in the coffee powder. After the first paragraph (fruity) extraction, there is no continuous sweet and bitter flavor, so that the extraction is insufficient, making the thorn sour taste more prominent.

Strange salty taste, sweet, sour, bitter and salty taste coexist in the coffee body. when the extraction is insufficient, only the sour taste is extracted, and the sweetness and bitterness have not yet been dissolved and explained, resulting in the existence of the imbalance of the four tastes. the single sour taste promotes the salty taste and makes the drinker feel salty!

Yuyun is too short, delicious food or delicious drinks, you can always feel the endless taste, coffee is the same, the ideal extracted coffee, the aftertaste can last for a long time, however, the insufficient extraction of coffee, lack of good flavor, and can not bring satisfaction and surprise, not to mention have another aftertaste.

Over-extraction of coffee Over Extracted

Definition: hot water passes through the coffee powder and dissolves too much matter, causing the soluble matter in the coffee body to be out of balance.

Flavor: it is easy to feel bitterness, dryness and emptiness without coffee soul.

Bitterness, the ideal extraction is a combination of sour, sweet and bitter, and because bitterness is the last flavor to be extracted, excessive extraction will aggravate the bitterness, resulting in too much bitterness and covering other flavors, at the same time, it will also cause problems such as excessive caffeine.

The sense of dryness, polyphenols are commonly found in plants, seeds and bark, and coffee itself also contains this substance. When coffee is over-extracted, it combines with the protein in saliva in the mouth, which will aggravate the sense of dryness. cause mouth and teeth to have uncomfortable feelings such as rustling and drying, and will last for a period of time.

The sense of emptiness and the ideal extracted flavor will immerse the drinker in the wonderful feeling brought by the coffee, while the over-extracted coffee lacks smooth and sweet flavor and is mainly bitter and dry, which can be said to cover and erase the perfect substance in the coffee, not to mention the unique soul of the coffee.

Ideal extraction of coffee Ideally Extracted

Definition: hot water passes through coffee powder and dissolves just the right substance, so that the coffee substance in the coffee body can be perfectly balanced.

Flavor: average fresh acidity, sweet nutty, and bitter chocolate taste, sweet and mature, clear and transparent, sour, sweet, bitter and salty balance, and lingering aftertaste!

Sweet and ripe, like fruit, it is rich in acid when eaten, and it will bring out ripe sweetness after chewing, so is coffee, which can get refreshing acid value and sweet mature flavor even if there is a little bitterness in the aftertaste.

Clear and transparent, when the coffee reaches the state of ideal extraction, the drinker can have extra energy to observe and feel the special flavor and advantages of the coffee, and imagine that the coffee is in a state of under-extraction or over-extraction. The drinker's senses have been overwhelmed by bad strong feelings, no matter how good the coffee itself is, it is difficult to show its wonderful taste!

Sweet, sour, bitter and salty balance, bright acidity, sweetness, strong bitterness, salty feeling affect each other's balance, four kinds of flavor coexist, meticulous, rich, and intoxicating, redefine the perfect balance of coffee drinking!

The aftertaste is long, and the ideal extraction does not need to be completely sensed by the extreme flavor. on the contrary, it is not only aftertaste, but also intoxicating!