Coffee review

Six alternatives to Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee Why Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee is so special

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee, also known as JMB Coffee, should be one of its kind. Coffee lovers on the Internet are talking about how unique and expensive this kind of coffee is. However, some coffee connoisseurs prefer to buy other options. So here on the front street coffee brought you some Jamaican blue mountain coffee.

Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee, also known as JMB Coffee, should be one of its kind. Coffee lovers on the Internet are talking about how unique and expensive this kind of coffee is. However, some coffee connoisseurs prefer to buy other options. So here in front street coffee brings you some alternatives to Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee.

Other alternatives similar to Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee are New Guinea Arona, Tana, Catimor Arabica, Hawaii Kona, Sumatran and Costa Rica.

Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee is a delicacy. People are willing to pay a lot for a pound of these coffee beans. Here, we have more information about this coffee, its history and its special features.


Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee: why is it so Special

As the name implies, JBM coffee is produced in the Blue Mountains of Jamaica. These mountains are the highest points on the island.

Some people claim that what makes this coffee so special is the place where it is grown. But it's just a simple expression of unfairness. In fact, what makes this coffee so special is the process behind its production.

Since Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee is a trademark, there is a complete labor force behind its production. The main goal of its production process is to provide high-quality products that meet consumer expectations.

After the coffee fruit is dried to 11.5% humidity, it will be picked by hand. In the process, several employees separated any defective beans from other beans.

Once the manual picking process is over, the beans are transported to handmade buckets, which helps to maintain the moisture level of the beans.

The labor force employed to produce this high-quality product gets fair wages in exchange for their jobs. In addition, local farmers and producers have received education in sustainable production.