Coffee review

How long will it take for coffee beans to taste good? is the taste period of coffee the shelf life?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Aging is the process of releasing the gas (including carbon dioxide, miscellaneous flavor, etc.) in the roasted coffee beans slightly, waiting for the coffee oil to become even, and the aroma and sweetness to be full.

Aging is the process of releasing the gas (including carbon dioxide, miscellaneous flavor, etc.) in the roasted coffee beans slightly, waiting for the coffee oil to become even, and the aroma and sweetness to be full. Raising beans is actually quite simple, as long as you put the freshly roasted coffee beans in a bean bag with an one-way exhaust valve. If there is a large amount of coffee beans, some people will use sealed cans to put them.

How long does it take to raise beans?

Because the coffee will have a bitter taste when it is roasted, so fried beans can not be drunk immediately. The cultivation time of light-roasted coffee beans is about 2-3 weeks, while that of deep-roasted coffee beans is only 1 week. However, as the nature of each kind of coffee beans is different, the above cultivation time is only an approximate idea. You can pay attention to the baking date marked on the package before buying, and ask the baker's advice, you can taste the best flavor of coffee beans.


Appreciation period? ≠ retention period?

The shelf life of coffee beans can actually be as long as a year, but if you want to taste the best taste of coffee, it certainly depends on the appreciation period on the bag. as mentioned above, light-roasted coffee beans (Yega Chevy Coffee) are generally 2-3 weeks after baking, while deep-roasted coffee beans (Manning Coffee) are 1 week.