Coffee review

Kenya Kirinyaga Kibrigwi Thunguri AA TOP washed beans is the best coffee in Kenya AA grade?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Kenya is a powerful country in the coffee industry in East Africa. Whether it is the coffee in the cup, or the way they grow and handle the coffee; it is first-class. It is first-class both in the cup and in the way they do trade. Kenyan coffee features Kenyan KirinyagaKibrigw in taste

Kenya is a powerful country in the coffee industry in East Africa. Whether it is the coffee in the cup, or the way they grow and handle the coffee; it is first-class. It is first-class both in the cup and in the way they do trade.

Kenya coffee is characterized by the flavor of Kenya Kirinyaga Kibrigwi Thunguri AA TOP washed beans, which can feel citrus and cranberry when shallow roasting and sipping, while the BlackBerry is sweet and deep roasted with cedar aroma.

The best Kenyan coffee is not simple Kenyan AA or AB coffee. They are specific auction items sold to the highest bidder, and fierce competition drives up prices. And the resources they put into research and development are unparalleled. Generally speaking, Kenya bean is a kind of coffee with bright flavor, which can brighten people's taste from front to back. The only one who doesn't like the acidity of coffee.


Acidity is one of the important scoring indicators when tasting coffee, often referred to as brightness or liveliness; it adds luster to the coffee you drink. Coffee with low acidity will look mediocre. Acidity may not sound attractive. However, the contribution of acidity to coffee flavor can not be underestimated: acetic acid, malic acid, citric acid, quinine, tartaric acid, phosphoric acid, etc.: the contribution of many acids to coffee flavor is the coexistence of multiple aromas and flavors. The impact on the overall impression of coffee is similar to judgments such as "balance" or "structure".

In addition to artificial planting management, good varieties of coffee beans are also the reason why Kenya beans are famous for a while. The coffee beans grown in Kenya are two delicious varieties, SL-28 and SL-34, and Ruiru-11, which is resistant to coffee disease but of poor quality.