Coffee review

What coffee beans are recommended for siphon pots?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, When you go to a coffee shop, have you ever tried to order a cup of coffee and see the barista start to manipulate two glass bottles? does it seem to have carried out an experiment? Do you think this is a grandiose performance? If so, you are too superficial, because what is waiting for you is actually a thick, round siphon coffee. Rainbow

When you go to a coffee shop, have you ever tried to order a cup of coffee and see the barista start to manipulate two glass bottles? does it seem to have carried out an experiment? Do you think this is a grandiose performance? If so, you are too superficial, because what is waiting for you is actually a thick, round siphon coffee. Beans for siphon pots should choose freshly roasted raw coffee beans and store them in a sealed container to avoid direct sunlight. It is better to store them in a place with stable temperature and humidity. The smell of all kinds of food in the refrigerator or freezer is easy to mix with each other, so coffee beans should not be stored in the refrigerator or freezer.

Because the siphon pot is soaked in indirect heating for a long time, it is recommended to use lightly roasted or moderately roasted coffee beans, which can reflect the delicate level of coffee and the sweetness of the fruit.

Recommended for siphon pot coffee beans these are more common, Ethiopian Yega Shirley, Honduran Shirley, Guatemalan Flower God or Vivette Nanguo and Colombian coffee beans.