Coffee review

How many items of hand-made coffee sieve powder how does the thickness of coffee powder affect the flavor of coffee

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, How to make delicious coffee, "mastering the size of the powder" is one of the keys. But remember, it is not for everyone to become a boutique coffee magic man, but to know how to choose the coffee utensils you are accustomed to and like, and then match them with fresh coffee beans, so that the hand-brewed coffee will taste better with us. Make coffee by hand, it's essence.

How to make delicious coffee, "mastering the size of the powder" is one of the keys. But remember, it is not for everyone to become a boutique coffee magic man, but to know how to choose the coffee utensils you are accustomed to and like, and then match them with fresh coffee beans, so that the hand-brewed coffee will taste better with us.

Hand-brewed coffee is the preferred brewing method for the flavor of high-quality coffee, which can fully realize the characteristics of the coffee producing area, but the thickness of the hand-brewed coffee will also affect whether the hand-brewed coffee can be fully reduced to the original coffee characteristics. If you take the small Fuji bean grinder as an example, the hand-brewed coffee powder is in the middle of the 3-4 scale, and fine sugar can be used as a reference.

This time, we recommend a necessary artifact for hand-brewed coffee lovers-Gamma coffee powder filter (kneeling). With it, no matter what coffee novice, coffee devil, coffee expert, no matter what flat knife, cone knife, flat cone knife and other bean grinders with strong teeth, Gamma coffee powder filter can help you screen out the fine powder that affects the flavor of coffee, so that the miscellaneous smell of coffee extraction is less, more perfect and tastier!

After grinding the beans, we will use the Gamma coffee powder filter, which is known as the artifact in the coffee set world. The Gamma filter can effectively sift through these fine powders to make the coffee powder uniform and balance the overall dissolution rate when brewing. Fine powder sift out, can remove the bitterness and miscellaneous taste of coffee, suitable for all kinds of manual brewers, specially tailored for you who love pure, ecological green laboratory highly recommended.