Coffee review

The difference between hand-ground coffee and black coffee. Is black coffee black coffee?

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Want to enjoy a good cup of coffee at home, but do not want to spend too high cost, but also can taste multi-level coffee flavor, then you can simply make your own hand coffee, then facing the fresh coffee beans, you should consider the grinder. As a threshold to enter this field, the price and difficulty of hand bean grinder

Want to enjoy a good cup of coffee at home, but do not want to spend too high cost, but also can taste multi-level coffee flavor, then you can simply make your own hand coffee, then facing the fresh coffee beans, you should consider the grinder. As a threshold to enter this field, the price and difficulty of hand bean grinders are a very appropriate start.

Hand-ground coffee, brewing methods can be varied, you can choose different brewing utensils, you can hand brew, can press the pot, or siphon pot and so on, but the brewed coffee is a cup of pure black coffee, because black coffee does not add any external matter, of course, if you can not accept the bitterness of coffee, you can add milk, this is called white coffee. So hand-ground coffee is just a form of black coffee.

It is inconclusive to enjoy a cup of coffee. Because this road goes on, it will be very difficult to stop for a while. These equipment, equipment, and beans are all the key to determining the flavor of a black drink delivered to you, and you have to try and do it yourself. there must be fun of your own, and a cup of coffee made by yourself will be full of points.
