Coffee review

Coffee shop management talk about the cost and expenses of coffee shops

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, I want to know how much you want to make. The most important thing is to understand how much you want to earn, otherwise it is often a waste of time. Although the turnover is very high, it is earned for others to spend costs... The pre-cost of ingredients... All expenses minus costs gross profit... Money earned-cost net profit... Gross profit-expenses..

Before you want to do anything,

Know how much you have to pay before it's your own.

Run a store

The most important thing is to know how much is a draw.

Otherwise, it is often in vain.

However, it is very high.

But all of them are for others to spend.

Cost. Before the spending of food materials

Don't use it. All expenses are deducted from the cost

Gross profit. Cost-cost

Make a profit. Gross profit-net use. (cost-cost-usage)

The number of visitors. The total number of guests

The customer is a single customer. The number of passengers divided by the number of visitors

These are the basic concepts of statistics.

Then there will be a bit of a copy.

Question one. How much does it take to be flat every day?

It's very simple. You need to be able to pay for all your expenses and expenses.

If you say. Cost 2000, utility (water gas 1000, personnel expense 1000, rent 1000, other expenses 1000)

That is to say, there will be no payment until 6000 yuan.

Question two. If the total cost for a month is 10000 yuan (excluding cost)

The average guest list is 200 yuan.

The average cost per person is 100 yuan.

The average gross profit per person is 100 yuan (average customer list-average cost)

How many guests will it take to maintain peace in that month?

Profit = gross profit-use

When profit = 0 gross margin = use

Average gross margin 100 million X (number of visitors) = 100000 yuan spent

X = 1000 000 / average gross margin 100 million 1000

So.... The 1000th person per month is the same.

Before the 1000th person. It's for other people to spend.

After the 1000th. That's the real thing.

To tell the story of a sentence

1000 people * 200 (average customers) = 200000 million. Profit balance point

So "a little more"

I'll take it.

Reduce the cost. Steal raw materials and use inferior raw materials

Use "less". Cut people, reduce personnel costs, and cry with the housekeeper.

Increase the number of visitors. Girls wear bikinis and boys wear swimming baskets.

Increase the number of customers. 20% more service.

If you use the above method

But it's easy to get it. But it also fell fast.