Coffee review

Early work on opening a cafe Color and sound design for a cafe

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Color is originally exciting, soothing role, coffee shops can use the principle of color, to create the effect of attracting customers. For example, there are some colors that contrast with the surrounding environment, or warmer and softer colors, which can arouse customers 'curiosity and even stimulate customers to linger in cafes. Color, when used properly, can accentuate the atmosphere. cases

Color is originally exhilarating and soothing, and cafes can use the principle of color to create the effect of attracting customers. For example, some colors that contrast with the surrounding environment, or warmer and softer colors, can arouse customers' curiosity and even stimulate them to linger in cafes.

The atmosphere can be highlighted by the proper use of colors. For example, a lively hue on a dim background can make people pay more attention to the coffee on display; you can also put cool or warm beverages on a mid-tone background, which will also have a good foil effect. If the color light is used, the color of the light matches well with the color of the coffee itself, which can fully show the characteristics of the coffee and attract the attention of customers.

Some cafes give people a cold feeling, while others give people a sense of hot, which is caused by the tone of color.

Only warm tones may not be the best, while only cold tones and metal tones are not appropriate. Warm color or cold color as the main color choice, although with personal hobbies can be different, but also can not ignore the relationship between the characteristics of the cafe and color.

For example, the color or pattern of coffee packaging itself is very eye-catching, and its background color is also eye-catching, it can not help but dazzle people. For example, the use of metallic colors throughout the cafe may also give people a chilly feeling. If there is another dazzling light, I am afraid it will be difficult for customers to stop for too long.

The color use of cafes should take into account the customer class, age, hobby tendency, coffee characteristics, attention rate and other issues, but the cold atmosphere is not as intriguing as the warm and warm atmosphere.

Proper sound will stimulate the attention of customers and attract their attention, so some cafes are not well positioned, and may be located in corners where it is not easy for customers to walk into. They can play some pop songs or other tapes to make stereos to guide customers.