Coffee review

Coffee business must go through the process of how to open a coffee shop

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Generally speaking, opening a coffee shop will often go through the following process: the first is to prepare the funds for opening a coffee shop, which is up to you. Generally speaking, it takes about 500000 yuan to open a coffee shop with an area of 200 square meters. Secondly, the customer base is selected according to the characteristics of its core product. In most cases, the core product is not coffee itself, but an example.

Generally speaking, opening a coffee shop often goes through the following process:

The first is to prepare for the opening of the shop funds, this part of abundance and frugality, generally speaking, to open a coffee shop with an area of 200 square meters requires about 500000 yuan.

Secondly, select the customer base according to the characteristics of their own core products, in most cases, the core products are not coffee itself, but such as porcelain, carpets, handicrafts, special meals, special activities and other attractive and competitive products.

Third, choose the business location with reasonable rent according to the customer base. The key point is to consider whether the effective passenger flow is sufficient and whether the customer capture rate is high enough.

Fourth, apply to the Trade and Industry Bureau for pre-approval of the name of the coffee shop.

Fifth, in accordance with the requirements of the epidemic prevention station to design and decorate the coffee shop (water, electricity, capacity).

Sixth, after getting the health permit, go to the Industry and Commerce Bureau to get the business license; apply for tax registration.

Seventh, set aside half a year's rent and unforeseen expenses, promotion costs, which account for about 30% of the total investment.

These are the basic procedures for opening a coffee shop. However, the approval will vary from region to region and to different types of coffee shops. According to experience, site selection should avoid residential floor merchants as far as possible, try not to choose business premises with an area of less than 80 square meters, and choose places with sufficient water, power supply, ventilation and smoke exhaust as far as possible. It is because these factors will have a great impact on the application for a licence and the expansion of business in the future.

This is a copy of a store information given to me by an investor for my comments and reference. Most people think so. If you think so, I advise you not to open a store and waste money and time.

Open a Starbucks, KFC, McDonald's, Dior, Formosa Steak and other well-known brands will have many kinds of procedures, these procedures seem unnecessary, first; good service concept to accept brand awareness and brand intellectual property maintenance second; first, professional location experts select locations, issue professional analysis data, data results can be budgeted for a day's average flow, and will give up if they fail to achieve the predicted results. Will not invest blindly, and will not use business funds to do experiments. This is the charm of scientific data analysis, the promotion of the third advertisement, the marketing strategy in the early stage, the tone feeling of the overall door design and so on. How to increase the turnover of the coffee shop?

The volume of passengers and the per capita consumption of guests directly determine the level of turnover, so it is necessary to increase the turnover from two aspects: increasing the flow of customers in the coffee shop and increasing the per capita consumption of guests, strengthen the training of service personnel sales skills and establish an incentive mechanism.

two。 Coffee shop marketing activities have been carried out, but found that it is not very effective, how to carry out coffee shop marketing planning?

The purpose of coffee shop marketing planning is nothing more than to improve the popularity and popularity of coffee shops, and to promote coffee shop products and services. First of all, it depends on whether the activity is adapted to the local market. Is it attractive enough to consumers? Is there any value for money, etc. In the event at the same time whether the coffee shop to provide customer satisfaction with the products and services, if not, then twice the result, and can not achieve the desired results!

3. How can you win in the fierce competition with your peers?

Has a long-term stable characteristics and suitable management model, the courage to innovate, seek development in progress, so that competition has become a healthy competition, learn from each other, and innovate in reference.

4. Coffee shop location is not very ideal, whether in the operation to make up for, how to make up for?

Right. Need to focus on the business theme positioning, product features and service quality, and then cooperate with the appropriate marketing planning.

5. Coffee shop can not keep old customers, lack of repeat customers, how to improve?

Repeat customers are almost important supporters of the long-term stability of the coffee shop. In addition to the material enjoyment and the continuous updating of the products, what is more important is the added value when the guests spend in the coffee shop, which is mainly manifested in the understanding and respect for the guests' consumption habits and their concern for the guests. and standing on the side of the guests for the sake of the guests and so on.

6. How to shape the corporate culture of the coffee shop itself?

The most intuitive expression of corporate culture is the spiritual culture and cohesion of the enterprise. The shaping of corporate culture is not overnight, but needs to be accumulated and precipitated for a long time.

7. The coffee shop has a good business but is always unprofitable or not profitable. What is the problem and how to improve it?

Profit = turnover-expenditure

If the turnover is stable, we need to find a reason for the expenditure. Put an end to unreasonable expenditure and unnecessary waste, control operating costs is the correct solution.

8. How to reduce the operating cost of coffee shop?

First of all, it is necessary to understand that the operating cost of the coffee shop includes: raw material cost, personnel cost, water and electricity cost, industrial and commercial tax cost, etc., and effectively control the current cost of the coffee shop according to the normal standard.

9. There is a big problem in the management of the coffee shop, and the system is always unable to be implemented in place. I feel beset with difficulties, how to improve it?

Whether the system is perfect or not is the first question to be considered, and whether there are corresponding rewards and punishments. Are the executors of the system implemented in accordance with the requirements and are the enforcement efforts in place? And whether all personnel have clearly implemented the standards.

10. Coffee shop staff flow too frequently, which is bad for the operation of the coffee shop, but do not know how to improve?

The industry needs to determine the mobility of its non-ordinary enterprises, create a fair and just working platform, improve the internal management system of the coffee shop, shape the corporate culture, and retain the hearts of employees. At the same time, we also need to excavate and train talents and reserve human resources.