Coffee review

Boutique coffee cups cool creative sheep horn coffee cups

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, It is this object that looks like a sheep's horn, and you can't imagine that it will be a coffee cup. Yes, because of its excellent sealing, you don't have to worry about walking and lying down with this mug full of coffee. Goat mug is a cool croissant coffee cup design posted by desnahemisfera on the popular crowdfunding site Kickstarter. The reason why the designer wanted to set up

It is this object that looks like a sheep's horn, and you can't imagine that it will be a coffee cup. Yes, because of its excellent sealing, you don't have to worry about walking and lying down with this mug full of coffee. Goat mug is a cool croissant coffee cup design posted by desnahemisfera on the popular crowdfunding site Kickstarter. The reason why designers want to design such a cowboy-like creative product is to know by accident that the first discoverer of this charming and tasteful thing of coffee is not a human being, but a goat. Therefore, it is out of respect for the discoverer that there is the birth of such a creative product. When you see this Goat mug, many people must think: although the coffee cup is really cool in terms of holding and styling, it seems to be in your hand all the time! In fact, designers have long considered this: all we have to do is turn the anti-hot cover over, and in an instant, it becomes a cup holder, properly ~